HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-06-17; Arts Commission; MinutesMINUTES
Meeting of:
Time of Meeting:
Date of Meeting:
Place of Meeting:
12:00 noon
Oune 17, 1986
Council Conference Room
The regular meeting was called to order by Chairman Bear
at 12:01 p.m..
Present - Chairman Bear, Commissioners Bischoff, Brierley,
Frye, Meilach, Roston and Straub.
Absent - None.
Staff Members Present:
Mayor Casler
Connie Beardsley, Cultural Arts Program Manager
Cliff Lange, Director of Library
The Arts Commission approved the minutes of May 20, 1986
as presented.
Connie Beardsley, Cultural Arts Program Manager, reviewed
the changes that were incorporated Into the grant
guidelines as directed by the Commission at Its May 20th
A discussion ensued regarding the section in the
guidelines requiring a recipient to match funds. Several
Commissioners expressed the concern that this section
might be a turn off for struggling individual artists.
Further, these artists may have trouble raising funds.
Organizations may be willing to sponsor them, but not with
funds. The feeling was that the requirement should be
less difficult to meet and should either be reworded or
deleted altogether.
Ms. Beardsley gave various reasons why she had included
this section in the guidelines. She stressed it was
important for recipients to show community support, as it
is important for the applicants to realize that the City
is not just handing out money, but is working hand in hand
with the community. She continued explaining that the in-
kind services could count for the matching funds and the
match would not have to be cash. She gave several
examples of what could be considered an in-kind service.
She further explained that making an organization go
through this type of grant application would be a learning
process for them, since this application is similiar to
applications for State/Federal grants.
Oune 17, 1986 ARTS COMMISSION Page 2
Commissioner Roston suggested that the Commission could
indicate that it will assist individual artists in
expenses Incurred for a school lecture on art, etc.
-- something that will definitely show community
Commissioner Roston added that, based on her prior
experience, obtaining a grant through the State or Federal
offices is very difficult, and cautioned the Commission to
not place much hope in obtaining these types of grants.
The Commission will have to do the best it can with the
funds that are available. Commissioner Meilach pointed
out that the Commission should develop the best system it
can for awarding grants on a local level, without being
concern whether this system can be used as a training
process for individuals or organizations applying for
State or Federal grants in the future.
Commissioner Straub pointed out that the funds that the
Commission is working with is limited, and the Commission
will have to be selective in awarding grants. The fact
that an organization has matching funds may be a
determining factor, because this shows community support.
Community involvement is very important and should be one
of the primary areas which the Commission will need to
give attention to. She added that she felt that the City
Council will be more willing to fund an organization where
it has been shown that there is much community support.
A discussion ensued wherein various Commissioners
expressed that they agreed in concept with the Importance
of community Involvement, but were not certain that the
matching funds section would accomplish this purpose.
Based upon the concern that organizations and individuals
will have difficulty matching funds with cash, and because
the Commission does not want to discourage them, the
following suggestions were made: (1) eliminate the
matching funds section completely; (2) include it in the
"Criteria" section. Reword No. 12 to read: "The
organization's ability to provide matching funds or
resources". It was agreed that the word "individual"
would not need to be inserted due to the fact that an
individual would have to apply through an organization.
Ms. Beardsley suggested that the word "organization" be
replaced with the word "applicant"; this would eliminate
any confusion which could arise.
The Arts Commission approved the revised guidelines as
presented subject to the following changes: (1) Strike
out the "Matching Funds" section; and (2) Reword No. 12
under "Criteria" to read: "The applicant's ability to
provide matching funds and resources."
Cune 17, 1986 ARTS COMMISSION Page 3
Connie Beardsley, Cultural Arts Program Manager, gave the
following report:
1. Timetable for awarding funds set aside for this fiscal
Ms. Beardsley advised that based upon an informal ruling
from the City Manager's office, the Commission does not
have to get a formal approval from the City Council to
expend $10,000 or under (in aggregate) from the General
Fund set aside for Community Arts Support. However, if
the aggregate amount is over $10,000, then it will have to
go before the City Council.
The tentative timetable set up is as follows:
Duly 14 - meet with arts organizations, distribute
applications, review policies and
procedures, etc;
August 15 - application deadlines;
September 8 - Commission, or an appointed panel, meet and
make recommendations on the awarding of the
September 10 - Commission meeting to formally approve the
grant awards.
Ms. Beardsley distributed an evaluation sheet which the
Commissioners can use in evaluating and selecting
Upon a question raised whether the Commission, or the
appointed panel, could meet in closed session to select
the proposals which will receive grant awards, Mayor
Casler advised that she would speak to the City Attorney
relative to this question and report back to the
Commission whether this would violate the Brown Act or
2. Music at Magee - July 11
Ms. Beardsley named the four groups that will be
performing on Duly 11, 1986, and advised that the
Historical Society will be providing the food for sale.
She also described the publicity that is planned to
announce this event.
3. Symphony Pops - Labor Day
Ms. Beardsley advised that there is a possible site that
she is looking into. She is in the process of setting a
date wherein the Symphony Pops can see the site. She
added that $15,000 would have to be raised for this event,
and requested input from the Commission as to ideas, and
the names of individuals or businesses who could support
this event. Commissioner Frye offered his assistance in
calling potential sponsors. Possibilities suggested by
the Commissioners were: 0. Kholis, World Communication
Inc., Bank of America, Chrysler Corporation, Olympic
Resorts, Tip Tops. Further, the retail and travel
industries and the new hotels were suggested as potential
places to look for support.
Oune 17, 1986 ARTS COMMISSION Page
4. Presentation before the Commission -
Ms. Beardsley informed that Elizabeth Bergmann was
interested in making a presentation on "arts-in-education"
before the Commission at one of its meeting. She
distributed copies of San Diego Institute for Arts
Education Program to the Commission.
Commissioner Frye pointed out that most students at high
schools do not have the time to take a fine arts course.
The State requires only one fine arts course which is
covered by taking a foreign language class. Commissioners
BIschoff and Brierley pointed out that the arts course
could be taught concurrently through other academic
classes; further, it could be included at the elementary
Commissioner Meilach reported that the committee had
several meetings. The public work of art which the
committee members agreed upon was a sculpture In front of
the new Service Building. She informed that the committee
reviewed the portfolios of approximately 15 artists. She
named six artists who were invited to submit proposals and
pointed out that one of them had subsequently removed
himself from the list. The five artists which are left
have until Ouly 1, 1986 to turn in their proposals.
Ms. Beardsley advised that of the five remaining artists,
two have called expressing their concern with the amount
of funds available. The have indicated that $10,000 is
not enough, as it restricts the materials they can use.
Commissioner Roston pointed out that one of the problems
that the committee had was that there was no precedent to
Following a brief discussion, Chairman Bear suggested, and
the Commissioners concurred, to complete the process and
see where the Commission is in July. Chairman Bear
pointed out that the selection committee has done a
remarkedly good Job in such a short time.
Chairman Bear stated that because of the flexibility that
the Commission has to change guidelines as the need
arises, he questioned whether the Commission needed to
approve formal guidelines for the % for art at this point
in time. Referring to the pilot program established for
the Safety Center, he pointed out that the Commission has
and is learning a lot about the process involved in
setting aside a limited amount of funds for a specific
program. He felt that the Commission should complete this
project before reviewing and adopting general guidelines.
Dune 17, 1986 ARTS COMMISSION Page 5
Ms. Beardsley advised that the only important time
consideration involved would be to have guidelines
approved by December when she will submit an application
to the National Endowment of the Arts, as they will want
to see what guidelines the Commission is operating under.
She agreed that working through on a pilot program basis
is fine, and the Commission will know more as it goes
through the program for the Safety Center.
The Arts Commission tabled the adoption of the % for Art
Guidelines until the completion of the Safety Center
Ms. Beardsley distributed copies of the written attendance
list of the Individuals who attended the open forum held
June 11, 1986. She also distributed a priority list of
the requests that were made at the forum. It was noted
that the primary request was for an arts facility.
Commissioner Straub expressed her pleasure that so many
people would come and participate in this open forum. She
pointed out that many of the individuals were willing to
assist the Arts Commission on a voluntary basis. She
pointed out that the communication service (contained in
the list of priorities) could be entirely voluntary, and
stressed that an effort has to be made to take the
potential that is out in the community. She added that
something needs to be done fairly soon to sustain the
interest of the community.
In the discussion that ensued wherein various
Commissioners made suggestions as to the contents of a
letter to send to the individuals who participated in the
open forum, Ms. Beardsley read a draft letter for the
Commission's information. She added that a sentence could
be added requesting the individual to fill out a
questionnaire dealing with the volunteer aspect as
discussed today. It was the consensus of the Commission
that Ms. Beardsley send out this letter.
A general discussion ensued upon an inquiry by
Commissioner Roston as to what the City Hall building
would be used for if City staff moves out. Mayor Casler
pointed out that no decision has been made on this matter
since the report from the architect is not back yet. She
added that after the Police, Planning, Building and
Engineering Departments are moved, the extra space will be
used to expand existing departments, which are crowded
now. Commissioner Meilach referred to the paintings that
hang in the main hallway of City Hall and Inquired why it
was not publicized. Mr. Lange pointed out that they are
mentioned in the library calendar, and informed that these
painting are changed once a month. Commissioner Bischoff
pointed out that a more suitable space needs to be found
to display art exhibits.
Oune 17, 1986 ARTS COMMISSION Page 6
Commissioner Bischoff gave information regarding the San
Antonio and Ohai Arts Commissions to encourage the
Commissioners to expand its efforts to reach out to the
Chairman Bear inquired whether a newsletter/calendar of
the Carlsbad Arts Commission could be published and
distributed to let the people know that there is an Arts
Commission and to announce the upcoming events.
Commissioner Bischoff suggested that perhaps the calendar
could be done on a limited basis and distributed to public
places and made available to the public. Ms. Beardsley
added that perhaps a sponsor could be found for this
Following further discussion on the newsletter calendar
concept, It was agreed that Ms. Beardsley will prepare the
first issue to distribute to the various newspapers within
the next 60 days. It could then be expanded from there.
Ms. Beardsley announced the next meeting will be held 3uly
9, 1986 in the Library Conference Room at 3:30 p.m.
By proper motion, the Arts Commission Meeting of June 17,
1986, was adjourned at 1:22 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Manager of the Cultural Arts Program
Elizabeth Caraballo
Minutes Clerk