HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-07-09; Arts Commission; MinutesMINUTES
Meeting of:
Time of Meeting:
Date of Meeting:
Place of Meeting:
3:30 p.m.
Duly 9, 1986
Library Conference Room
The regular meeting was called to order by Chairman Bear
at 3:36 p.m.
Present - Chairman Bear, Commissioners Bischoff, Brierley,
Frye, and Straub.
Absent - Commissioners Meilach and Roston.
Staff Members Present:
Mayor Casler
Frank Mannen, Assistant City Manager
Connie Beardsley, Manager of the Cultural Arts
Geoff Armour, Assistant Library Director
The Arts Commission approved the minutes of Oune 17, 1986
as presented.
Commissioner Frye stated that the Selection Committee is
requesting the Commission to approve the proposal which
they are recommending as the public work of art for the
Safety Center. He gave the background in detail leading
up to the selection of the proposal submitted by Mr.
Hubbell. He related the architect's concerns and pointed
out that the artist is willing to address these problems
and make any necessary changes. He continued to describe
the piece of sculpture proposed by Mr. Hubbell which will
be placed outside in the plaza in front of the Safety
Center. Commissioner Frye pointed out that the Committee
members were evenly split as to two other proposals which
were also considered. Because the Committee Members could
not come to an agreement as to either of those two
proposals, the third proposal {Mr. Hubbell's) was selected
as a compromise. Mr. Hubbell has been asked to provide a
three-dimensional model of the sculture for the selection
committee's review. Mr. Hubbell Indicated that he would,
and has further indicated that he will be able to complete
the sculture by the deadline of October.
A brief discussion ensued among the Commissioners
regarding the minor problems with the proposal. Connie
Beardsley, Cultural Arts Program Manager, pointed out that
this is an ongoing process. There will be minor revisions
as they (City, Commission, and Artist) work it out.
They questioned whether the plaza was strong enough to
hold the weight of the sculpture. There is also a
potential problem with core-ten steel, whether it will
rust through and that it will rust and stain the concrete;
a separate drain at the location of the sculpture may be
needed. It was pointed out that the artists has made
certain suggestions to eliminate these problems.
Ouly 9, 1986 ARTS COMMISSION Page 2
In response to question, Commissioner Frye described the
art work of the other two artists which the Committee
members were split on. Ms. Beardsley advised that those
two models were in her office if the Commissioners wished
to see them.
The Arts Commission approved the art proposal submitted by
Mr. Hubbell as recommended by the Selection Committee to
be located in the Safety Center and to be funded through
the % for the Arts fund.
Ms. Beardsley commented, and the Commissioners agreed,
that the Selection Committee did a wonderful Job. They
worked hard and were sensitive to the public views. The
process worked well. Chairman Bear added that this
Committee has set the process in motion for the larger
processes that the Commission will face when It begins to
make recommendations for the 1% for the Arts.
Ms. Beardsley added that she has asked everyone on the
committee to Jot down their comments about how they felt
about the process and to make any recommendations for
changes in the process.
In a discussion that ensued wherein Ms. Beardsley
questioned the need to bring this matter before the City
Council, Frank Mannen, Assistant City Manager, advised
that if there is a purchase order to be made over $10,000,
it should go before the City Council for Its approval.
Chairman Bear stated that because this is a pilot program
and the first significant activity of the Commission, he
felt that it was a good idea to go before the City
Following further discussion, It was agreed that Ms.
Beardsley would speak to Mr. Hubbell to see when he could
complete the three-dimensional model of the proposed
sculpture to give the City Council an opportunity to view
It when the matter comes before them. Chairman Bear added
that the background leading up to the selection of this
project could also be provided the City Council, i.e., the
chronological events, and the criteria used in making the
selection. It was agreed that Commissioner Frye would
make the presentation to the City Council.
Ms. Beardsley was instructed to report back to the
Commission with the date that this matter will be on the
Council's agenda after she has had an opportunity to speak
to the artist to see when he will complete the three-
dimensional model of the project.
Ms. Beardsley stated that one of the newspapers has
requested to publish a photo of the art work selected for
the Safety Center. It was agreed they preferred no
picture until the unveiling at the Safety Center Itself.
Ms. Beardsley explained that she has been provided with
the Information and a nomination ballot for the Orchids
and Onions Awards for the best and worst projects,
sponsored by A.I.A. She Inquired whether the Commission
wished to submit a nomination. She stated that the time
deadline is 3uly 31, 1986.
Commissioner Frye pointed out that the Commission is
already involved in this type of process itself, and felt
that the Commission should wait until it has more
experience before participating in this program.
Ms. Beardsley pointed out that when the newsletters are
ready for distribution, this type of information could be
included in the newsletter as a matter of information,
giving the public an opportunity to participate.
Commissioner Brierley pointed out that he felt that the
onions awards accomplishes the direct opposite of what the
program attempts to accomplish, and felt that it was good
to point out the projects that are well done.
It was the general consensus of the Commission to not take
any action on this program, and to leave it open for any
individual who wants to participate on an individual
Chairman Bear pointed out as a matter of clarification to
the general public that the Community Arts Support Funds
is distinctly different from the 1% for the Arts.
Connie Beardsley, Cultural Arts Program Manager, stated
that she has been asked when the next granting period will
be and how much will be given out. A sheet was
distributed showing the proposed expenditures for the
funds set aside for fiscal year 1986-87 and the previously
approved expenditures for fiscal year 1985-86.
Ms. Beardsley pointed out that the proposed amount for
Information services could be partly freed by finding
sponsors for these services.
Commissioner Frye expressed his concern that no funds were
left for arts In education. Ms. Beardsley suggested that
$10,000 could be used for grants, and leave $5,000 for
that purpose if the Commission so desired.
Commissioner Brierley stated that he Is very Interested in
having something going on in the schools. He stated that
there is a definite interest there.
Commissioner Straub Inquired how the Commission would go
about promoting arts in the schools. Commissioner
Brierley stated that a set amount should be determined
first, then the schools could go about the mechanics of
implementing a program. He stated that there is a good
nucleus—a committee formed of concerned citizens and
artists who meet Informally. That committee could make
recommendations to the Commission and the schools.
Chairman Bear suggested that the Commission could Indicate
its intent, after gaining experience through the first
granting process In September, to implement other
projects, including the information services, not yet
funded. It would allow some flexibility to not encumber
all of the funds at the outset.
The Arts Commission approved another granting cycle In
February with no specific dollar amount set aside at this
Commissioner Bischoff felt that the funding of arts-in-
education programs should be broadened to include input
from individuals throughout the City outside of the
granting process.
Commissioner Straub raised questions regarding the time
and money Involved for the Arts-In-Educatlon Institute
program. Ms. Beardsley stated that the time is
volunteered on the part of the teachers. This program
will be incorporated in the academic school programs. She
explained the process In general and stated that the
program pays for the artist. The artists are trained how
to work in the school system.
1. Jazz Music at Magee
Connie Beardsley, Cultural Arts Program Manager, reported
that everything is going according to schedule. The dates
of this event are: Ouly 17, 18, 25 and August 1, 1986.
2. San Diego Pops Concert
Ms. Beardsley announced that the site has been accepted,
and now $15,000 has to be raised for this concert. The
tentative date is Labor Day. She stated that she has been
told that not more than 6,000 people should be
accommodated on the site (Sammis Property) because the
sound system will only reach that amount of people. She
suggested that 6,000 tickets be printed up and made
available to the public for free. The public would then
be required to present the tickets, and this would be one
way to ensure that no more than 6,000 people attend.
Ms. Beardsley advised that John Briggs of Sammis
Properties has offered to take care of parking and other
temporary problems which will arise. Although she has
been told that she could get approximately 10,000 people
to this event, the sound system will only cover 6,000.
July 9, 1986 ARTS COMMISSION Page 5
3. Grants
Ms. Beardsley advised that she held a meeting with various
arts organizations and artists to review the approved
grant guidelines. She stated that there was only one
problem presented to her. The Carlsbad Band pointed out
that in the guidelines an organization must be non-profit
or have applied to be non-profit to apply for a grant.
They are not non-profit nor In process of being. They
stated that they had contacted a lawyer who said that they
did not have to go through all that trouble to obtain a
grant. Ms. Beardsley pointed out that this requirement
protects the City, making sure that the organization is
legitimate. If the organization Is interested in
developing and becoming a more viable organization, it is
a process they should go through down the road.
Commissioner Bischoff stated that it Is a maturing process
for an organization to go through the process of becoming
a non-profit organization, and is a good requirement. An
organization will be very limited In what they will be
able to do until they are non-profit. This broadens the
It was the consensus of the Commission that the guidelines
would continue In its present form.
4. Public Art Discussion - Duly 23, 1986
A brief discussion ensued on a suggestion presented by Ms.
Beardsley to have Cable TV tape the whole discussion on
Duly 23, 1986. Ms. Beardsley explained what would be
involved, and pointed out that this would be a good tool
to educate the community.
Ms. Beardsley added that there is also a least expensive
way to go, and that would be to merely taperecord the
session, edit it, and publish it in written form.
The Commission recommended that Cabletelevlsion tape the
5. National Endowment for the Arts
Ms. Beardsley distributed copies of a document listing the
information she will need to submit a letter of intent to
the National Endowment for the Arts. She stated that they
will be selecting four sites in the country. She briefly
explained the process that may be followed In coming up
with a design recommendation on an overall concept and
informed that the design team will be working with the
entire area, recommending street furniture, medium strips,
etc., as part of the overall concept.
A brief discussion ensued regarding the design team and
its role. Ms. Beardsley stated that she believed that
this team would be working with the City, and that
eventually they will come up with something that will
include some type of public work of art in the area they
will be evaluating. Ms. Beardsley continued responding to
further questions for clarification on the process
The Arts Commission selected Commissioner Bear as the
Chairman of the Arts Commission for the remainder of the
Mayor Casler advised that she had spoken to the City
Attorney regarding the Commission's inquiry on reviewing
grant requests in closed sessions and was advised that the
Commission could not meet in closed session. A
subcommittee not consisting of a quorum (three or less
members), however, can meet in closed session.
Chairman Bear announced the next regular meeting of the
Arts Commission is set for August 13, 1986.
By proper motion, the Arts Commission Meeting of Ouly 9,
1986 was adjourned at 4:55 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Manager of the Cultural Arts Program
Elizabeth Caraballo
Minutes Clerk