HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-10-08; Arts Commission; MinutesMINUTES
Meeting of:
Time of Meeting:
Date of Meeting:
Place of Meeting:
3:30 p.m..
October 8, 1986
Library Conference Room
The regular meeting was called to order by Chairman Bear
at 3:44 p.m.
Present - Chairman Bear, Commissioners Brierley, Meilach,
and Roston.
Absent - Commissioners Bischoff, Frye, and Straub.
(Commissioner Frye arrived at 3:47 p.m.)
Staff Members Present:
Connie Beardsley, Manager of the Cultural Arts
Cliff Lange, Director of Library
Chris Salomone, Community Redevelopment Manager
Mayor Casler arrived at 4:25 p.m.
The Arts Commission approved the minutes of September 10,
1986 with the following amendment:
Page 3, 2nd paragraph, change the sentence starting "The
Commission will be distributing a newsletter..." to
further read "and the Boehm Gallery announcements can be
carried in that newsletter."
Commissioner Frye arrived at 3:47 p.m.
Chairman Bear introduced Mary Rice. Mary Rice, Arts
Education Coordinator, distributed copies of a letter
informing of the formulation of a committee on the arts in
education program. She requested input from the
Commissioners as far as potential members of that
committee is concerned.
Connie Beardsley, Cultural Arts Manager, informed that Ms.
Rice will be working closely with Cheryl Ernst in the
formation of this committee. Ms. Rice has elementary and
secondary teaching credentials which is important in
relating to the teachers. Although the program will not
be exclusively in the schools, the emphasis will be
Ms. Rice explained that the function of the committee is
to establish goals and objectives for this program. One
of the goals would be to involve many people throughout
the community as participants in the program. She will
work as a liason between artists and teachers offering an
important service to the community.
Commissioner Brierley was volunteered as a member of the
committee. He accepted the position.
October 8, 1986 ARTS COMMISSION Page 2
Commissioner Boston inquired whether a professional
director could be involved. Ms. Rice responded that a
list of people needs to be developed which can be drawn
from. Bringing professional artists into the schools and
community is an educational experience. It would show the
students that a particular field is really a viable
profession. Ms. Rice added that part of her job would be
to develop preparatory activities with the teachers for
the students prior to the particular professional artist
coming in, and to provide follow-up activities.
Ms. Beardsley informed that Ms. Rice was selected to fill
the position which was budgeted for a part-time staff
person on the Cultural Arts Program. The Commission
welcomed Ms. Rice on board.
A. Amphitheatre
Connie Beardsley, Cultural Arts Manager, reported that she
spoke to Michael Holzmiller, Planning Director, regarding
the Sammis Properties' project. This was in relation to
the Commission's direction to look into possible
facilities for a concert next year. Mr. Holzmiller
explained that the reason that both the City Council and
the Coastal Commission turned down the project was due to
the concerns they had regarding the negative environmental
and noise impacts with the project being next to the
lagoon. No study has been done evaluating those impacts.
However, Sammis has the option of coming before the
Council after conducting a study of the area, since the
basic problem that the Council had was the lack of
adequate information to determine the negative impacts of
the area.
Ms. Beardsley inquired whether the Commission wanted her
to speak to Don Briggs of Sammis advising him of the
Commission's interest in having the amphitheatre
developed, and having them conduct the necessary studies.
Commissioner Frye requested to know the other possible
alternatives before making a decision to go forward on
this project.
Ms. Beardsley informed that another site which had been
considered was Hosp Grove. However, the project was turned
down, and there appears to be no possibility of that going
forward at this time. Another site was Macario Canyon.
David Bradstreet, Parks and Recreation Director, informed
her that they had explored and rejected that site for the
present because of the noise pollution and the lack of
access routes. The access routes may not be accomplished
for another five to six years down the road.
Commissioner Meilach questioned the possibility of setting
up a portable amphitheatre in Stagecoach Park. Ms.
Beardsley stated that she would have to find out exactly
how much of the open space at the park is not already
Commissioner Roston pointed out that the park was of a
good size and in a good location.
October 8, 1986 ARTS COMMISSION Page 3
Chairman Bear referred back to the Sammis Properties'
project and pointed out that some of the leg work of the
amphitheatre had already been undertaken. He thought it
would be a good idea for the Commissioners to see what was
done and get a general scope of the proposed
B. Evelyn de la Rosa - residency
Ms. Beardsley distributed brochures on Ms. de la Rosa and
encouraged the Commissioners to post them in various
locations. She informed of a change in Ms. de la Rosa's
schedule and requested the Commission's input to fill in
an open slot on Thursday after 2 p.m.
Commissioner Meilach inquired whether the local television
was going to tape her. Commissioner Brierley pointed out
that the Cultural Arts Center has equipment and could tape
Ms. de la Rosa. Ms. Beardsley stated that she would
check into this.
Ms. Beardsley urged the Commissioners to come to see Ms.
de la Rosa's performance.
In a brief discussion regarding a possible reception for
Ms. de la Rosa, Commissioner Frye agreed to see whether he
could get permission to hold the reception on stage at the
close of Ms. de la Rosa's performance on October 17 at the
Cultural Arts Center. He also volunteered his home if
permission is not granted.
C. Loaned sculpture by Kenneth Capps
Ms. Beardsley informed that Mr. Capps is offering a
sculture to the Commission as a temporary exhibit. He can
no longer store the sculpture. The only costs involved
would be transporting and installing it. She distributed
slides and photos of the sculpture and stated that the
only logical place would be in a park. Commissioner
Meilach added that it could also be situated in an
industrial center. Ms. Beardsley informed that the City
Attorney has indicated that as long as there is a hold
harmless clause in the agreement, there would be no
Commissioner Frye expressed his concerns with accepting
the sculpture. He stated that the Commission should do
the choosing and not be reacting to somebody else's
deadline or problem just because of its availability.
Commissioner Meilach disagreed, and stated that she could
see having a piece of sculpture that is on loan to the
Commission as a beginning step to the Arts Program. It
would not require any kind of passage by anybody, and it
would be getting something on a site.
Commissioner Frye explained that the Commission wants to
come up with proposals that will work out and prove
themselves. He felt that the problem with the first
selection process the Commission went through was that the
committee members felt rushed because of the deadline.
Commissioner Roston added that it will be the Commission's
taste that will be on the line. Although the sculpture
would be on loan, the public will feel that it is theCommission's taste.
October 8, 1986 ARTS COMMISSION Page
Chairman Bear expressed his concern that the process that
the Commission is trying to put in motion to develop the
arts program would be diluted if it takes this kind of an
opportunity. This would present people with an
opportunity to say that the Commission does not need a
funded arts program because people are willing to give the
Commission works of art for display. He stressed that the
Commission does need the funds and a positive selection
Commissioner Meilach stated that she could see the
validity to the argument. However, she felt that the
offer should not be rejected, but tabled, until the
selection committee comes up with another public work of
art. It could be tabled until January and reevaluated at
that time. Ms. Beardsley pointed out that she did not
feel that the sculpture would be available at that time.
Commissioner Meilach stressed that she did not feel that
the first process was wrong. She felt that the problem
was that everyone was not clear as to who was making the
decisions regarding selection of public works of art.
Commissioner Frye stated that he felt that the problem was
also the deadline.
Ms. Beardsley reported that she spoke with Council Member
Pettine regarding the Commission's concerns. Council
Member Pettine urged that the Commission not be
discouraged. He affirmed that although he did deny the
previous proposal on the basis of the cost, he could see
the validity of the program. He also felt that the
following approaches that Ms. Beardsley mentioned were
good ideas: (1) competition - select three works of art
and let the community make comments on them; and (2) have
a functional piece, such as a playground sculpture. Ms.
Beardsley assured him that the Council will be informed
each step of the way as the Commission moves along on a
project to enable the Council Members to make comments.
Commissioner Roston referred to the approach regarding the
competition and stated that it is very difficult for a
whole group of people to agree. She stated that what the
Commission needs to establish is how much validity it has
as a Commission. She expressed her extreme displeasure if
the Commission has to wait for the Council's rubber stamp
of approval on everything. Chairman Bear concurred with
Commissioner Roston's feelings.
Ms. Beardsley stated that she pointed out to Council
Members Kulchin and Pettine the Commission's preference of
deciding the artistic merits of a particular piece after
the Council has given approval for the appropriation of
the funds for the piece. However, they were not willing
to do that.
October 8, 1986 ARTS COMMISSION Page 5
The next possibility she (Ms. Beardsley) mentioned was for
the Council to approve an early budget for three works of
art in various sites. The Commission would then appoint
a selection committee for the works of art. Ms.
Beardsley stated that Council Member Kulchin felt that
this possibility existed later down the road. But, she
was not comfortable to follow this process with the first
three or so pieces that the Commission will present.
Ms. Beardsley pointed out that both Council Members
Pettine and Kulchin did not feel that they would be
willing to let the Commission make the art selection
without it coming before the Council.
Commissioner Frye stated that there is the need for a
discussion with the City Council on this issue after the
November election. He added that he felt that the Council
would probably find that they do not want to be involved
in art selections.
Ms. Beardsley stated that in the interim, the Commission
should proceed with selecting sites and appointing
selection committees. She stated that she had several
proposals and introduced Chris Salomone, Community
Redevelopment Manager, to give an update on where he is as
far as the downtown redevelopment is concerned.
Chris Salomone, Community Redevelopment Manager, addressed
the Commission and with the aid of a map, described the
location and gave the scope of the project (the second
phase of redevelopment in the downtown area). He informed
that requests for proposals were sent out with a deadline
of October 15 for the selection of a design firm. The
firm will consist of engineers, landcapers, architects,
etc. He stated that the general feeling has been that
this is a great opportunity to do something very special
for Carlsbad so that Carlsbad will not look like other
cities who have done these projects. The features should
be unique and not just orders out of a catalog.
Mayor Casler arrived at 4:25 p.m.
Mr. Salomone answered various questions from the
Commissioners and stated that shortly after the requests
for proposals are in (October 15, 1986), they will
establish a review committee who will review the proposals
and select the design firm. At that time, they will go to
the City Council to ask for the funding.
Ms. Beardsley pointed out that the options for the
Commission are (1) select an artist to be involved with
the design firm on the overall design in terms of street
furniture, etc.; and (2) select a location for a public
work of art.
Commissioner Roston inquired whether there was any
particular theme that would be used in the redevelopment
of the downtown area. Mr. Salomone stated that the only
direction is for the features, etc., to be compatible with
the downtown area itself. It would probably be something
"villagy", and certainly not contemporary or modern.
Commissioner Roston suggested the possibility of a Spanish
theme. Commissioner Frye suggested that an open contest
be held for the selection of several themes to identify
each entrance to the City.
October 8, 1986 ARTS COMMISSION Page 6
Chairman Bear inquired how the artist who would become a
permanent member of the design team would be funded. Ms.
Beardsley stated that the Commission would have to select
several artists and present the proposal to them and
inquire how much they would charge. It would then go to
the Council for approval of an artist to work with the
design team and the allocation of the funds.
Commissioner Meilach inquired whether the artist would do
only consultant work. Ms. Beardsley stated that the
artist, in working with the team on the overall design
structure, may come up with his own ideas in the design of
the banners, benches, etc., or even recommend the theme.
Commissioner Meilach suggested that the person be someone
who knows many artists and different kinds of arts - an
artist agent; someone who does not have a vested interest
in creating the art, but has the talent. Chairman Bear
felt that that would be the type of person who would be
appropriate to serve as a member of a selection committee.
Commissioner Roston pointed out that an artist is not
actually needed unless the Commission is going to use
their work. Ms. Beardsley pointed out that it would be a
good idea to have someone involved with the design team
early on. They could identify the area, the potential,
and the possibilities for specific areas for art.
Chairman Bear suggested that a member of the Commission
participate with the design team.
In response to various concerns expressed by Chairman Bear
regarding the design team which will be selected by the
Redevelopment Department, Mr. Salomone stated that
artistic talent is part of the expertise that the design
team will bring to the job. He further stated that they
hope to submit the drawings to the City Council after the
first of the year.
In the lengthy discussion that ensued, Ms. Beardsley
stated that the Commission could check with the Council to
see whether they would approve a process, such as a
competition, without approving the actual art work.
Ms. Beardsley stressed that the public work of art in the
redevelopment area could be a major piece of art. She
informed that the Redevelopment Department is willing to
pay for the materials if the Commission pays for the
Commissioner Meilach suggested that the Commission do the
following: (1) set up a committee to deal with the new
sculpture with only one person from the Arts Commission
involved. That way there is a new committee to select a
new work of art; (2) go back to the initial service center
and reevaluate another piece of sculpture; and (3) get
back to the banners that were previously discussed. The
banners could be made a school project for the students.
The art students could come up with a design and the
actual creation of those banners could be done by the home
economics classes of the schools.
Commissioner Brierley stated that although he has no
problems with that and it would be great to have the
students involved, there are many agencies everyday
soliciting students to do things. Further, the teachers
would have to plan this into their schedules.
October 8, 1986 ARTS COMMISSION Page 7
Commissioner Roston pointed out that Leisure Village has
magnificant banners in the main reception room and pointed
out that there are places that specialize in flag work.
Commissioner Meilach reminded the Commissioners that she
already looked into that and it was found to be very
Mayor Casler offered to sew the flags once designed. Ms.
Beardley pointed out that there is money in the % for art
fund that could go towards this project if the Commission
so desired. The Commissioners expressed their
appreciation to Mayor Casler.
Ms. Beardsley informed that the reason she did not
recommend that the Commission go back and do another
sculpture at the service center was because the City is
considering moving the City Hall out on that property. If
they decide to do that, that will change the plaza area.
That would then be the best time for the Commission to
come in with a sculpture proposal.
Commissioners Meilach and Roston expressed their desire to
include the service center as one of the sites.
Commissioner Meilach expressed her displeasure that the
safety center was dedicated without a sculpture.
Commissioner Meilach suggested that the pieces that were
initially brought in for the service center be reevaluated
by another committee. Further, that the committee members
have the freedom to request that the artist go back and
design their proposal. Commissioner Roston suggested that
two more sculptors be asked to participate. Further, that
the amount of money to be spent on the service center
project be reevaluated. Commissioner Frye suggested that
future projects not be limited to the $10,000.
Commissioner Brierley left the meeting at 4-: 55 p.m.
Ms. Beardsley reminded the Commissioners that Stagecoach
Park is also a good site for a playground sculpture.
Following further discussion, Commissioner Meilach moved
that a selection committee associated with the
redevelopment area and one associated with the service
center be formed. Commissioner Frye added that guidelines
stating that there be no deadline or dollar limit to what
the committee comes up with should also be established.
Ms. Beardsley informed that the usual procedure is for a
selection committee to study what artists they want to
consider; talk to the artists; and invite them to look at
a whole area. They then select the site that interests
them and come up with a proposal. The committee then
invites the artists they are interested in to bring in
October 8, 1986 ARTS COMMISSION Page 8
Commissioner Meilach referred to the people who signed up
at the public open forum and suggested that the Commission
contact some of those individuals in the formation of the
various committees. She suggested that the committees
consist of five members or more of individuals with art
backgrounds, and that a deadline be set for the
establishment of these committees. Chairman Bear
suggested that Ms. Beardsley come back at the next meeting
with a list of possible members for these committees.
Commissioner Roston suggested Hugh Davies from La dolla
and the head of the Arts Department at Mira Costa College
as potential committee members. She also suggested that
the Commission could contact a design firm to accompany
the design firm selected by the Redelopment Department.
The Arts Commission approved (1) the establishment of a
selection committee to study the feasibility and placement
of a work of art in the new planning area for the downtown
area and to begin to select the site, the type of work,
and a potential list of sculptors; (2) the establishment
of a selection committee for the selection of a work of
art for the Service Center; (3) the commencement of an
open competition for a sculpture for Stagecoach Park; (4)
that no dollar limit or time deadline be set on what the
committees come up with; and (5) to direct Ms. Beardsley
to return at the next meeting with a potential list of
committee members (one Commission member will participate
on the committees).
Chairman Bear suggested, and the Commissioners concurred,
that (1) the subcommittee which will interact with the
redevelopment people will be loosely structured; they will
come back to the Arts Commission with suggestions on how
the Arts Commission can incorporate possible art in the
redevelopment area; and (2) the committees will be
reformulated in 30 days.
The Arts Commission directed Ms. Beardsley to come back
with a list of potential committee members to oversee the
competition for the public art at Stagecoach Park.
Chairman Bear announced that the next regular meeting of
the Arts Commission is set for November 12, 1986.
By proper motion, the regular meeting of October 8, 1986
was adjourned at 5:25 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Manager of the Cultural Arts Program
Elizabeth Caraballo
Minutes Clerk