HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-04-08; Arts Commission; MinutesMINUTES
Meeting of:
Time of Meeting:
Date of Meeting:
Place of Meeting:
3:30 p.m.
April 8, 1987
Safety and Service Center
Commissioner Frye called the meeting to order at 3:38 p.m.
Present - Commissioners Frye, Meilach, Roston and Straub.
Commissioner Bischoff arrived at 3:43 p.m.
Absent - Commissioners Bear and Brierley.
Staff Members Present:
Connie Beardsley, Manager, Cultural Arts Program
Cliff Lange, Library Director
Charles Grimm, Assistant Planning Director
Minutes of the meeting held March 11, 1987, were
approved as amended. In the Roll Call, Commissioner
Brierley should be removed from the absent column.
Charles Grimm, Assistant Planning Director, presented
slides showing possible potential sites for an
amphitheatre site and described the advantages and
disadvantages of those sites.
Mr. Grimm stated that the important features that were
taken into consideration for site selection were the
existing topography, proximity to arterial streets and
parking. The parking needs are obvious and it may be
desirable to share parking with another facility. Another
consideration would be the planned use for this facility,
both present and in the future. Another factor to be
considered would be the land use. The possibility of this
being in a residential area could create problems (noise,
traffic) in the future when the use of the facility
Items to be considered would have to be the hours of
operation, the types of uses and the number of people
involved in the use of that facility.
Of the sites recommended, some were close to the airport,
and that would have an impact on the use of the facility
due to the airplanes flying overhead. These were the
possible sites shown: 1) Sammis Property, which has a
master plan approved, will be a densely developed area and
limited as to the amount of space. There will be single-
family homes immediately adjacent to the site area, and
that could mean restricted use for a amphitheatre. Also,
the location of the lagoon nearby could require an EIR on
the grading and the use of the facility on the lagoon with
regard to the Impact on the habitat. 2) The valley east
of El Camino Real east toward Carrillo Rancho and near a
pond that forms the north portion of La Costa Golf Course.
Alga Norte Park will be in that area, but the location is
not definite. Carrillo Way will be coming through the
valley. In conjunction with the park, parking could be
shared and there could be other facilities in the area.
OLD BUSINESS: (continued)
3) Another site was shown, just north of the previous
site. This is in the master plan for La Costa and there
are no land uses for that area at the present time. This
site could share parking with possible future offices and
industrial buildings. The disadvantage of this site would
be it is farther north and closer to the Palomar Airport
flight pattern. In answer to query, Mr. Grimm stated they
had not investigated the landing patterns at this time.
4-) Another site shown was Macario Canyon, which is owned
by the City, and the parking could be shared. Eventually,
this will be a regional park. One disadvantage is the
SDG&E easements with powerlines. Mr. Grimm showed several
slides with that area. However, due to the muddy terrain,
they were unable to get close to the park area. The
airport would also be a disadvantage to some parts of the
canyon but many potential sites exist here.
5) Another site shown was Hosp Grove, off of Marron Road.
Wickham Way north of the old ampitheatre site. This area
was ruled out mainly because of the proximity of residential
development. There would not be a very large area available
and the residential developments are very close by.
6) Another site indicated was Lake Calavera. This area
could be a Cultural Art Center and other facilities at the
same time. This area is close to the three cities and
access would be by College Drive and Cannon Road. There
are no roads in the area at this time, and it would take a
major economic commitment to utilize this area. One of
the advantages is that its already owned by the City.
7) The next suggested site was the Hunt property. There
are no approvals at the present time on any of the proposed
projects on the Hunt property, but staff did look at the
site near the proposed hotel and golf course. There are a
number of potential sites within that area, and Poinsettia
would be the access from 1-5, with Alga Road the access
from El Camino Real. The disadvantages would be this is
several years off as far as development, and it would
possibly mean a redesign of the present HPI plans. This
also might be too close to a residential area.
In answer to Commission query regarding Carrillo Ranch,
Mr. Grimm stated they had no slides of that area because
they could not get in there due to the muddy terrain and
it should be added as a possibility.
In conclusion, Mr. Grimm stated staff would like to know
whether the Commission felt staff was on the right track
as far as site criteria, and this Commission may want to
discuss this item at future meetings.
The Commissioners discussed possibilities of the Calavera
Lake site and the Macario Canyon site. The Macario Canyon
site would be ideal, inasmuch as the City already owns the
land, and that area also should be developed before the
Calavera Lake area. The sites mentioned south of Palomar
Airport Road and east of El Camino Real were discussed
briefly, with staff indicating they would not be too far
behind the Hunt property, as far as the timing of the
development. Mr. Grimm stated staff would work with La
Costa Ranch Company on revising their master plan and
bring up the possibility of an amphitheatre.
OLD BUSINESS; (continued)
Commissioner Frye asked whether there were any projections
for the use of this type of facility—whether it will just
be occasional use.
Commissioner Bischoff stated the minimum capacity needed
would be 4,000 people. If you put on events of that size
in a residential area, there could be problems with the
neighbors. Commissioner Bischoff stated the advantage of
Macario Canyon would be the large size of the park, which
would then provide its own buffer, as far as disturbing
any neighbors. Mr. Grimm suggested a temporary
ampitheatre could be designed with grass slopes similar to
the Wild Animal Park.
Commissioner Straub stated other facilities should be
considered in the same area, to create a cultural arts
center type of complex. She added Carrillo Ranch is
designated a cultural center. Mr. Grimm stated he felt
that was a good idea and he would speak with Dave
Bradstreet regarding that. The City also owns that
Commissioner Bischoff stated he would like a tour to see
all of the suggested sites. Connie Beardsley stated she
would ask for a tour of the sites.
It was stated by the Commissioners that the surrounding
areas do not have any facilities of this type, and the
ones available need upgrading. If this type of facility
could be combined with other uses, it would probably
result in a higher use factor. It was felt it was
important to study the site and perhaps narrow the choices
down. The La Costa and HPI sites would need to be
determined before those projects were too far along.
The Commissioners stated they would like a chart with the
locations presented, with the advantages and disadvantages
of each proposed site. They would also like to see the
capacity available at each site.
Commissioner Bischoff reported Carlsbad was going to have
four regional parks, one in each of the four quadrants.
He stated they were in the process of getting the
dimensions, and need to know what the different dance
groups, theater groups, etc., would want as far as the
size bandshell needed. He showed a picture of a shell in
Seattle, which was not portable. Photographs were also
shown of fabric shells. Commissioner Bischoff gave
reading material to the Commissioners for their perusal.
Commissioner Bischoff stated if they had four permanent
shells, one at each park, the groups that gave concerts in
other places would have to supply their own shell.
Commissioner Bischoff will consult with Connie Beardsley
and report further on this item at the next meeting.
OLD BUSINESS; (continued)
POPS CONCERT REPORT - Connie Beardsley
Connie Beardsley reported one proposal had been received
and copies of this proposal were distributed to the
Commissioners. This proposal was from the San Diego
Chamber Orchestra. She stated she did not have a price
from the San Diego Symphony Musicians.
Connie Beardsley stated she had checked with the Glendale
Symphony, and the price was $27,000 for the concert
without any of the stage costs, sound, lighting, etc.
Ms. Beardsley stated there is no definite date for the
concert as yet and they are considering the Koll property
on the west side of Faraday. Also, the Sammis property
was considered, and she would check with the Police
Department as to whether that could be used. Also,
Stagecoach Park was considered, but there was not enough
parking available.
Ms. Beardsley stated she will continue to work on this
Commissioner Roston stated there had been a concert on the
golf course at La Costa.
OUTDOOR SCULPTURE PROPOSAL - Report on sites - Connie
Connie Beardsley gave the report on this item, stating she
had talked with Dave Bradstreet about the possibility of
using Stagecoach Park or Holiday Park in addition to Magee
Park. He and staff had both recommended not using Holiday
Park because of vandalism. Everything at this point is
pending the approval of the budget and nothing can be
determined until after the budget is approved.
Commissioner Frye stated the Commission does need to
convince the City Council that Carlsbad can be made more
interesting for tourists. He felt Magee Park would be
more available to tourists than Stagecoach Park.
Connie Beardsley stated the request for proposal will go
out after the budget has been approved.
CHILDREN'S THEATRE - grant proposal
3ohn Quartarone, Children's Youth Theatre, gave the report
on this item. The Commission had asked for information
regarding the children's theatre and the work they have
been doing. He gave the background of the theatre group,
presented a short video tape showing their production of
Pinnochio, and spoke about the grant proposal. He
distributed handouts to the Commissioners giving the
breakdown of the expenses of the next production which
would be Cinderella.
NEW BUSINESS; (continued)
Commissioner Frye asked about the funding, and Mr.
Quartarone answered there are volunteers and different
businesses in town supporting the theatre group.
In answer to query regarding costumes, Mr. Quartarone
stated they get the costumes through other places. Some
times there is a fee for costumes of $15 to $20. When
there is a charge for costumes, they let the children help
out in the production, or the parents, in order to not
deny any child the opportunity to be in the production.
Mr. Quartarone stated Parks and Recreation had budgeted
for this group previously. However, that budget will
expire in Duly of this year. They would like to use a
portion of the grant to defray the expenses for the
Cinderella production and in December use the remaining
funds for the second production.
The question was asked about City staff receiving any
funds, and the statement was made this could not be done
with grant money. Mr. Quartarone stated the grant would
pay for operating expenses. They put that amount in an
account with the Friends of the Library which is a non-
profit organization.
Mr. Quartarone was asked about the printed programs for
their production, and he stated they do print programs
each time. The suggestion was made to perhaps seek
advertising from local merchants to help defray the
expense of the program and to raise money for the
Connie Beardsley asked if they paid for the copyright for
the productions, and John Quartarone stated the plays they
have selected are totally rewritten, with their own music,
and a complete overhaul of the production itself. He
stated the children are Informed of the productions by the
newsletter from the Children's Department of the Library.
The suggestion was made that the Carlsbad Journal would
like to report this type of thing, and they might be
willing to assist In publicizing the productions.
No decision was made on releasing grant funds to Youth
Theatre. The Commission agreed to discuss the proposal
again at their next meeting.
ART IN PUBLIC PLACES - report on Redevelopment area
At this point, two Members of the Commission had to leave,
causing a loss of the quorum.
By proper motion, the Meeting of April 8, 1987 was
adjourned at 5:08 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Manager of the Cultural Arts Program
Harriett Babbitt
Minutes Clerk