HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-04-11; Arts Commission; MinutesMINUTES
Meeting of:
Time of Meeting:
Date of Meeting:
Place of Meeting:
11:00 a.m.
Apr I I 11, 1989
Safety and Service Center
Chairman Bear called the Meeting to order at 11:09 a.m.
Present - Chairman Bear, Commissioners Brferley,
Jersey, Meilach, Ladouceur and Straub.
Commissioner BIschoff arrived at 11:12 a.m.
Absent - None.
Staff Members Present: Connie Beards ley, Manager, Arts
Clifford Lange, Library Director
Chairman Bear welcomed the two new Commissioners,
Stanley Jersey and Sue Ladouceur.
Minutes of the Special Meeting held February 24, 1989,
were approved as presented.
Minutes of the Regular Meeting held March 9, 1989, were
approved as presented.
Chairman Bear read from Cert Ificates of Appreciation to
be given to Commissioners Frye and Roston for their
service as Arts Commissioners over the past three years
and asked all the Commissioners to sign them.
Connie Beards ley reported the Lloyd Hamrol piece Is
nearly complete. The sprinkler system Is to be put In
and the grass planted. The dedication has been delayed
until June 23, 1989, in order for the grass to be In
place. This is the night of the first jazz concert at
Stagecoach Park and the tentative plans are to have the
art dedication from 4:30 to 5:30 and then the concert.
This is the first of three concerts scheduled for
Stagecoach Park. If there Is a change in the
dedication date, Ms. Beardsley will let the
Commissioners know.
Brier ley
Me Ilach
MACARIO CANYON UPDATE - Mark Steyaert, Parks and
Recreation Department
Mark Steyaert reported on staff's revision of the
Macario Master Plan, stating this was felt to be
necessary due to the change In attitude away from
privatization for development of the park and the new
circulation elements such as Faraday Road and Cannon
Road. He added this was a conceptual land use plan
modifying the old plan.
Mr. Steyaert continued, stating that due to wetlands and
steep slopes, there is not as much usable land as
originally thought for development, with only
approximately 144 acres available. Staff felt there
could be trail systems In the other areas.
Mr. Steyaert Indicated on a wall map the area designated
for an amphitheatre and cultural arts center, with the
amphitheatre area containing approximately six acres,
which Is similar In size to the Sammis property
Batiquitos site. He concluded, stating there are no
plans for development of Macario Canyon until after
(a) Senior Center - for approval
Commissioner Mellach narrated a slide presentation on
behalf of the Arts Commission and the Carlsbad Arts
Associates which had been shown to different groups
during the 45-day waiting period for the Senior Center
Art selection.
Chairman Bear recapped the events surrounding the
selection of the art work for the Senior Center and
stated that the only remaining issue was to submit the
art work to Council. The resolution had been tabled due
to the controversy over this piece, and to give time for
a broader education of the citizenry of Carlsbad with
regard to the art work.
Connie Beards ley stated that staff's recommendation was
to have the piece go forward and recommend that Council
approve It as designed by Christine Oatman.
Ms. Beards ley suggested Council be offered an
alternative to have Christine Oatman work with the Arts
Commission to come up with another appropriate site in
Carlsbad and design a new piece for that new site.
Jackie Wrench, 3531 Charter Oak, Arts Associates Board
of Directors, reported their Board had met yesterday and
agreed the Arts Commission should send the resolution to
CounciI with the recommendation to approve the art work.
Ms. Wrench stated the Arts Associates had worked on the
slide presentation and had made arrangements to show it
to various groups. She said that with the model or
slides, over 400 people had been contacted, and this did
not include the people at the Library.
Ms. Wrench said that petitions received contained 118
signatures supporting the process—and she added that
support for the process was the point they had been
trying to make, and felt it had been fair and there was
an adequate representation. Over 500 people signed the
opinion ballot or a petition, and an additional 500
positive replies were gotten, with only 14 percent of
the total of 740 being negative.
In answer to Commission query as to whether the School
Board had seen this slide presentation, Ms. Wrench
stated she had been trying to get this on their agenda
as an Information item. Commissioner Brlerley
explained that someone should appear at the meeting
tomorrow and request this Item be placed on the next
agenda. He said that the letter that was sent
regarding the senior art work was done at the request
of one Board Member who made a three-minute report.
Ms. Wrench stated that the response from the slide
presentation was very positive and it was excellent
information about public art programs In general. She
said they also had an opportunity to clear up some of
the rumors about the art work and cleared up some of
the misunderstandings.
Ms. Wrench said that of the opinions given at the
Library, 52 percent of the people were over the age of
55. At the slide presentations, 68 percent of those
present were over 55.
Commissioner Straub made a motion to continue with the
original plan to send this art work to Council for
approval, based on the following criteria:
In reviewing the Minutes of the February 24, 1989,
meeting, when the Arts Commission met with the Senior
Commission, she found there was nothing new or of
substance from those who spoke in opposition to the art
work. One person who spoke in opposition said that the
Sub-Committee did not report back to the parent
committee regarding the art work. The process took 15
months and during that time the Senior Commission or
the original committee was approached nine times. (Of
those two committees, the Senior Commission sits on
both) If one member or two members, or some Commission
needed to be approached more than that, certainly It
would have been appropriate for them to ask for that
and let their needs be known. Ms. Straub said she felt
certain those requests would have been met at that
Commissioner Straub stated that one Issue that was
brought forth opposing the art work was the comment
that It reminded some people of their own demise. To
clarify that, she added that the work also reminds some
people of arriving at a self-realized state and other
people are reminded of a renewal of life. The way we
react personally is our own process and is not Inherent
in an inanimate object.
April 11, 1989 ARTS COMMISSION Page 4
Commissioner Straub said If the petition numbers are
the criteria, then clearly those In favor of the
process have a larger number of signatures. If what
the seniors want or do not want In the building Is the
only criteria, this needs to be ascertained beyond a
reasonable doubt and their response gathered In a non-
tension sort of atmosphere. The other criteria Is that
the Arts Commission did ask the Senior Commission to
meet together to attempt to Introduce a dialogue to
arrive at some kind of a compromise and the Senior
Commissioners stated flatly that no compromise was
aval lable.
Commissioner Straub stated that the Arts Associates had
done a marvelous job of supporting the art work and and
she did not see how the Arts Commission could not
support them In return.
Commissioner BIschoff commented that he wanted to
clarify one point. This building does not belong
only to the seniors. This building will be used jointly
by the School District and by the City of Carlsbad, and
will be an ongoing type of thing. He commented about
people who will be becoming seniors soon, who are also
paying for this center, and should have a voice In the
decisions. He felt this needed to be emphasized.
Commissioner Bischoff continued, stating the process
was correct and he supported the motion for those
reasons. As far as the alternative suggested by staff,
he stated he would not support Including that as a part
of the presentation. That should be presented as a
separate Item, as an alternative, only if the first
recommendation Is not accepted. That should be as a
backup and not as a choice to Council. Mr. Bischoff
reiterated that the process should be emphasized to
Council at this time. At a later time, Council should
determine what kind of position it would like to be In,
whether to make the decision or have that be a separate
process. At this time, it should be emphasized that
there should be no exception to the process as
established and agreed to by Council.
Commissioner Mellach concurred, stating she was not
comfortable with the recommended alternative, and
would like to go forward with the original
Commissioner Brierley stated that speaking as an
Individual, he felt the slide presentation dramatically
and strongly pointed out what this Commission has said
all along about the choice of public art. He said It
was Interesting that over the years the public art has
become more meaningful for future generations than
for those present In the beginning. He said the idea
that public art won't be criticized and won't be
unpopular Is not realistic.
Commissioner Jersey said that out of 39 entries, this
art work was chosen and that seeing It on the slides
today gives a great prospective for covering the 130
feet of floor space in that area in the Senior Center.
He felt It was a facinatlng piece of work and the slide
presentation was very well done and certainly helped to
show how the art work would appear.
April 11, 1989 ARTS COMMISSION Page 5
Commissioner Ladouceur stated she strongly supported the
process of choosing art for public places and felt It
was very Important that this Commission embrace this and
felt it would be a shame If the Commission backed off.
Arts Commission approved the selection of the Flight of
Butterflies by Christine Oatman and recommended Its
approval by City Council for Installation in the Senior
Commissioner Bischoff stated he felt the slide
presentation should be part of staff's presentation to
CouncI 1 .
Chairman Bear said the other presentations that are
scheduled to be made and the presentation to the School
Board should be made to continue the educational
process. He requested the Arts Associates continue
with their presentations and any Commissioners that
have the time, speak before as many groups as possible.
He also asked for the Arts Associates to get on the
School Board Agenda to show the slide presentation.
(b) Andrea Blum Request - for approval
Connie Beardsley asked that this Item be removed from
the Agenda at this time, as it had been resolved.
(c) Kiosk - for discussion
Connie Beardsley reported that an Agenda Bill had gone
to Council for $2,000 for the design of an Information
kiosk to be placed in front of the Library. This was
approved, and Ms. Beardsley will draft a request for
proposal to send to three qualified people for the
design for this kiosk. She suggested two Commissioners
work with her on this and then report back to the
Commission. Commissioners Jersey and Ladouceur
volunteered to work on this project.
Paul Weber described his proposed project entitled
"America" and distributed booklets to the Commissioners
describing his art sculpture. He proposed placing this
sculpture on Carlsbad Boulevard north of Palomar
Airport Road on State property. In answer to
Commission query, Mr. Weber stated he had not contacted
the State at this time.
Mr. Weber stated the sculpture would be 18 inches high,
35 feet long and 8 feet wide, and he would like to
display this for approximately two months, starting
July 4.
Connie Beardsley stated that she receives requests
similar to Mr. Weber's and the Commission needs to set
up a process for people who desire to make such a
Brier ley
Mei lach
Straub X
April 11, 1989 ARTS COMMISSION Page 6
Commission discussion determined the Individual
Commissioners feel this type of art work should be
encouraged and guidelines should be set up for reviewing
such requests.
Chairman Bear said a sub-committee of this Commission
was needed to study guidelines available and to make a
proposal for this Commission; also to assist Mr. Weber
in finding the roadblocks there in pursuing his request.
Commissioner Straub volunteered to serve on this sub-
After a discussion, the Commission decided to leave the
meeting time on the second Thursday of the month at
11:00 a.m.
By proper motion, the Meeting of April 11, 1989, was
adjourned at 12:46 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Arts Manager
Harriett Babbitt
Minutes Clerk