HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-11-01; Arts Commission; MinutesMINUTES
Meeting of:
Time of Meeting:
Date of Meeting:
Place of Meeting:
4:00 p.m.
November 1, 1990
City Council Conference Room
Vice-Chairperson Meilach called the Meeting to order at
4:04 p.m.
Present:Commissioners Meilach, Jersey, Ladouceur and
Schuling. Commissioner Bear arrived at 4:10 p.m.;
Commissioner Straub at 4:15 p.m., and Commissioner
Bischoff at 4:17 p.m.
Staff Members Present:
Connie Beardsley, Arts Manager
Clifford Lange, Library Director
The Minutes of the Meeting held September 6, 1990, were
approved as amended to include on page 2 that Commissioner
Ladouceur meant her suggestion to be just an idea for future
years. On Page 3, first paragraph, Commission Schuling
would like her feelings with regard to the choir girl to be
expressed more strongly.
Manager's Report
Connie Beardsley reported that Nan Robertson's kiosk and
Raul Guerrero artwork for the seawall are both on the
Council agenda for next Tuesday. These are items on the
Consent Calendar and are for Council to sign the contract
with Raul Guerrero and for the construction of the kiosk.
Mrs. Robertson will be doing the piece herself.
Ms. Beardsley stated she had bad news regarding the
overpass. Robert Irwin is no longer interested in this
project. The contract was especially complicated, with many
agencies involved, and took five months for the Attorney's
Office to revise. Mr. Irwin has just accepted a large
commission in Europe and said the contract took away
artist's rights.
Ms. Beardsley stated the Facilities Committee had one
meeting and she is working on staffing the Public Art and
Programming Task Force Committees.
Ms. Beardsley announced that the next artists-in-residence
will be Stuart Fox and Mary Rawcliffe, with a performance on
the night of December 7. He plays a number of early
Renaissance musical instruments and she is a vocalist.
Ms. Beardsley said there had been a special dance concert by
Betzi Roe today at noon at the Cultural Arts Center, and it
was an excellent concert. Her project in the schools was
funded by an Arts Office grant. She also called attention
to the brochure being circulated at this meeting for the
California Confederation of the Arts Meeting.
Chairman Bear arrived and assumed the Chair for the
remainder of the meeting.
Chairman'a Report
Chairman Bear reported on the correspondence with California
State University, San Marcos, with regard to the Arts
Festival, and added he would meet with them. Connie
Beardsley will write a follow-up letter to the University
regarding this festival.
Chairman Bear asked for comments on whether or not the
Commissioners were interested in meeting with the Arts
Associates in a social setting some time in December. The
consensus was that this was a good idea.
Facilities Committee
Commissioner Ladouceur reported that the committee has met
twice and are working on the criteria for guiding principles
and are prioritizing them. They are also reviewing the
survey in the Cultural Plan. The Committee discussed
whether or not more information was needed than the survey
gave and it was decided that the survey was comprehensive
and sufficient.
Arts Associates
Jackie Wrench reported that Minutes of their last meeting
had been sent to this Commission. Regarding Arts Education
in the schools, enough letters came in to the School Board
to cause them to re-consider and hold a second hearing and
then restore some of the cuts. The Associates are still
working on the art card project for the schools and meeting
with the Principals next week.
Ms. Wrench stated it was good news about the kiosk being
started, as they had delayed their membership drive to have
something positive, and the construction of the kiosk has
supplied that. She said that it was felt that the
priorities for a new cultural center would have to be
studied, since it is so difficult to plan any event for the
Cultural Arts Center.
Ms. Wrench stated the Associates have asked for a joint
meeting with the Friends of the Library to discuss the
possibility of having items for sale at the Library or
participating with the Friends.
Acquisitions Committee
Commissioner Straub reported that one of the committee
members was going to paint the choir girl, but it was not
understood that she expected to be compensated for that
work. At the present time, other alternatives are being
Connie Beardsley stated that Jim Hall had told her today
that he would be happy to place the statue at the Cultural
Arts Center.
November 1, 1990 ARTS COMMISSION Page 3
Cultural Plan Task Forces
Chairman Bear stated that there are three committees being
formed; and members are being recruited.
Cultural Plan. How to inform the Public - discussion
Chairman Bear asked the Commissioners to consider how to
publicize the Cultural Plan to let the public know that it
exists and that the Arts Commission is working toward
implementation at this time.
Connie Beardsley asked at what stage do you want to
publicize and she felt it was important to get the word out.
She asked how best to inform the public and in what way.
Commissioner Straub suggested taking a few items and
deciding which items should get the most attention.
Commissioner Schuling suggested a not-too-specific approach
with an awareness campaign as details become clear. She
felt that the public should be made aware the plan exists
and is being worked on.
Commissioner Ladouceur added that there were new people at
the workshops and she felt it would be good to get those
people back and present the work plan to them, and have
another public meeting.
Commissioner Bischoff stated that he felt they needed to do
the entire thing and make the citizens aware that it is a
proposal being molded and make the public aware they can go
to the Library and see a copy of the plan.
Commissioner Straub said they might pull out the goals of
the workshops that the public came up with and correlate
those goals to the ones addressed in a positive manner in
the plan.
Chairman Bear suggested that they could make the January
newsletter a special release on the implementation of the
Cultural Arts Plan.
Connie Beardsley said that if the Facilities Committee
recommends a. Cultural Arts Center, then they could get down
to specifics and ask the public what they want to see there.
Chairman Bear added that it might be helpful if the citizens
could be told what the community asked for and how the
Cultural Plan addresses those requests or needs and then
pass that to the Council.
Commissioner Ladouceur commented that the completion of the
kiosk would be helpful.
Consensus was to make the January Newsletter a special issue
focusing on the Cultural Plan and to call a public meeting
after the first of the year.
November 1, 1990 ARTS COMMISSION Page 4
NEW BUSINESS: (Continued)
Library Gallery Mission Statement - for approval
Connie Beardsley stated that the Gallery Committee
formulated this Mission Statement. Changes were suggested
to make the statement read as follows:
"The Carlsbad Municipal Gallery, located in the Carlsbad
City Library, is dedicated to featuring excellent quality
traveling, curated and/or juried exhibitions of arts and
culture for public enjoyment and education."
The Arts Commission approved the Library Gallery Mission
Statement, as amended.
Connie Beardsley distributed copies of the Gallery Budget,
and stated that the bulk of this budget would be for 1992.
By proper motion, the Meeting of November 1, 1990, was
adjourned at 4:58 p.m., to the Senior Center, 799 Pine
Street, for the Arts Commission/Arts Associates Workshop.
Respectfully submitted,
Manager, Arts Office
Harriett Babbitt
Minutes Clerk