HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-01-03; Arts Commission; MinutesMINUTES
Meeting of:
Time of Meeting:
Date of Meeting:
Place of Meeting:
4:00 p.m.
January 3, 1991
City Council Conference Room
Chairman Bear called the Meeting to order at
4:00 p.m.
Present: Commissioners Bear, Jersey, Ladouceur, Meilach and
Absent: Commissioners Bischoff and Schuling.
Staff Members Present: Connie Beardsley, Arts Manager
Cliff Lange, Library Director
The Minutes of the Meeting held December 6, 1990, were
approved as amended in the Arts Associates' report.
There were no requests to address the Commission on a non-
agenda item.
Chairman's Report
Chairman Bear stated that the Carlsbad Art Newsletter was
distributed and he wanted to compliment the office on a
super job. Connie Beardsley said the Newsletter was sent to
every household in Carlsbad and there was a copy in the
Chairman Bear announced that the Speakers Series starts
tomorrow night at the Cultural Arts Center. This will be "A
Closer Look at Opera Buffa: Cosi Fan Tutti."
Manager's Report
Connie Beardsley reported that Mr. McGraw was going to
create both a book and a sculpture for the new Library. The
book will be framed on the wall as part of the artwork and
also ten additions to the book will be given to the Arts
The sculpture will be similar in size to the piece he
brought to the December Arts Commission meeting. Ms.
Beardsley stated he could do several sculptures, but as they
will be in bronze and quite expensive, he wants to do a
limited edition of four. If the Commission wants only one
piece, he could do only one; but she asked the Commission to
consider whether or not it was important that the piece be
unique. The sculpture pieces would be four or five feet
tall and would relate to the book. If Mr. McGraw does more
than one, it could carry out the theme throughout the
January 3, 1991 ARTS COMMISSION Page 2
Connie Beardsley stated that if the Commission did not have
strong feelings about whether he has one sculpture or
whether he makes four and sells the other three elsewhere,
this can be decided at a later time. If he sells the pieces
outside, this will lower the cost to the City for each
piece, as the molds are the expensive part of the sculpture.
Chairman Bear stated he felt they should let the process
proceed and make a decision regarding this later.
Connie Beardsley stated she had a letter from the Cultural
Chairman of Futtsu, Japan, and he wants to bring the Futtsu
dancers here in November. They would pay their own costs,
but Carlsbad would be expected to provide a place for them
to perform and housing. She said if the dates coincided, it
could possibly tie in with the San Marcos Festival.
The Commission discussed this proposal, and how difficult it
would be to get people to attend. A suggestion was made to
contact the schools, as they do give extra credit for
attending some activities. Chairman Bear suggested Connie
Beardsley write them and say that a festival is being
planned in the near future and she would contact them at
that time.
Ms. Beardsley reported the kiosk should be complete by the
end of January or the beginning of February, and it is
planned to have an unveiling. However, no date has been set
at this time. The Arts Associates and the Library Board
will help plan this event.
Ms. Beardsley said that the Arts Commission and the Arts
Associates were to meet jointly on February 13, and she felt
that perhaps it was too soon for another joint meeting.
She asked the Commission to consider cancelling that meeting
and re-scheduling a meeting February 14 to review the art
work for the Library.
Discussion determined that the Commission would prefer to
cancel the February 7 regular meeting and meet at 3:30 p.m.,
on February 14, 1991, for the Arts Commission meeting, and
then attend the Library Board meeting at 6:00 p.m.
Ms. Beardsley announced the L. A. Brass would perform on
February 1, 1991, at 8:00 p.m., at the Cultural Arts Center.
Selection Committee - Public Art - Carlsbad Shore Protection
Commissioner Straub reported on a recent meeting and added
there is another meeting scheduled for tomorrow. She said
the Committee had favored Raul Guerrero's design. Connie
Beardsley commented that he had shown the design to this
Commission at their last meeting.
Cultural Facilities Task Force
Commissioner Ladouceur reported the Task Force is
considering the clients and their needs and the structure of
cultural facilities. The suggestion has been made to meet
with the School District to find out what their cultural
plan is for the future. The committee is still studying the
Cultural Plan itself and some of the statistics.
January 3, 1991 ARTS COMMISSION Page 3
Public Art Task Force
Commissioner Meilach reported on a December 3 meeting and
stated this Task Force is to come up with guidelines based
on the Cultural Plan and how to implement. They
developed 13 Goals. She read the Goals from the report
distributed to everyone present. Commissioner Meilach
referred to the Mission Statement and the Objectives, which
were also included in the report.
Commissioner Straub commented that she had a problem with
the second sentence in the Mission Statement, which states:
"The City wishes to expand the citizens' appreciation of
art, reflect the City's aspiration to improve the quality of
life, and enhance and identify Carlsbad as a unique
community." She said this is an arbitrary statement that
the City would do this whether or not the citizens had an
interest, and recommended wording such as: "The City wishes
to provide the opportunity for the citizens to expand their
appreciation of art, etc."
Arts Associates
Jackie Wrench reported they are moving along on the Holiday
Art Card project, and have a packet of information ready for
the people they want to approach. All the money from this
project will be received by the Arts Associates and will go
back to the schools. Projects can be applied for through
the Arts Office.
Ms. Wrench said the Arts Associates are trying to meet with
the Friends of the Library to discuss the policy on the shop
planned for the library.
Ms. Wrench asked the Arts Commission to put an item on their
Agenda with regard to comments made after the Pops Concert
with regard to the need for more food. She said the
Commission should establish a policy on the sale of food,
etc., at the Pops Concert.
Ms. Wrench stated that it was all right to cancel the
February 13 joint meeting. Chairman Bear said that the Arts
Associates Members should be invited to the February 14
Grants Panel Recommendations - for approval
Colleen Finnegan referred to the report on the Grant
Applications, copy of which was included in the packet.
She answered the questions of the Commissioners with regard
to the grants given and those denied. She also read the
reasons given by the panel members for lowering some of the
The Commissioners discussed Item #8, a request from Carlsbad
High School for a guest artist/choreographer to teach dance
and choreograph spring musical, in the amount of $1,000.
The consensus was that more information was needed about
this item.
January 3, 1991 ARTS COMMISSION Page 4
The Arts Commission requested Item #8 be investigated to be
certain it adheres to the guidelines and not overlap with
what has been done, and approved the Grant Applications as
submitted. The Commission will vote on Item #8 at the next
meeting after hearing a report.
Larwin Park
Public Art - Selection of Artist Christine Oatman - for
Commissioner Ladouceur gave the initial report,
stating the site had been visited by the Architect
and Christine Oatman, and Ms. Oatman was
Commissioner Jersey continued the report, stating
the road has to be put in and they must stay away
from the high tension wires.
Connie Beardsley added that the Parks and
Recreation Department will be designing Larwin
Park, and the Arts Commission had directed the
Committee to look for an appropriate project for
Christine, and funds are appropriated for Larwin
Park. This Commission is to approve Christine
Oakman working with the Landscape Architect, and
also to select two volunteers for the Public Art
Committee for Larwin Park.
The Arts Commission approved having Christine
Oapnan work with the Landscape Architect for Larwin
Park to develop a public art project.
Commissioners Ladouceur and Jersey volunteered to
serve on the Public Art Committee for Larwin Park.
By proper motion, the Meeting of January 3, 1991, was
adjourned at 5:20 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Manager, Arts Office
Harriett Babbitt
Minutes Clerk