HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-01-03; Arts Commission; MinutesMinutes of: ARTS COMMISSION
Time of Meeting: 4:00 p.m.
Date of Meeting: January 3, 1992
Place of Meeting: City Council Conference Room
Chairperson Meilach called the Meeting to order at 4:00 p.m.
Present: Commissioners Meilach, Batter, Ladouceur and Spencer. Commissioner
Wrench arrived at 4:04 p.m., and Commissioner Straub arrived at
4:08 p.m.
Absent: None.
Staff Members Present: Connie Beardsley, Arts Manager,
Cliff Lange, Library Director
On Motion by Commissioner Batter, the Minutes of the Regular Meeting held
December S, 1991, were approved as presented.
AYES; Meilach, Batter and Ladouceur
ABSTAIN; Spencer
Business Focus Luncheon
Chairperson Meilach reported that the Business Focus Luncheon is scheduled for
January 23, 1992, from 12 noon to 1:30 p.m., with Hughes Aircraft funding and
hosting the luncheon. Connie Beardsley and her staff are putting together a
list of people to invite to the luncheon, working with Dave Kulchin, who is
Director of Human Resources at Hughes Aircraft. She urged the Commissioners
to put this date on their calendars.
Chairperson's Report
Chairperson Meilach distributed copies of the article which appeared in the
Blade Tribune and requested the Commissioners to peruse the article and then
make comments. She said one of the problems brought out is that when beer
trucks unload there is not sufficient space for them to turn around.
Commissioner Batter stated that she had visited-the Sculpture Park area
yesterday and talked with some of the workmen and two couples that walked by.
The comments were that they felt the park was ugly and that the railings were
too ,high, obstructing the view.
Commissioner Batter stated that she had concerns about the safety of the two
reflecting pools.
Chairperson Meilach stated she had visited the area today and the aesthetics
of the park had been considered by several committees and the fencing has been
lowered from the original design. She felt that until the park is completely
finished, you can't tell how it will look.
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Connie Beardsley said that she had met two times with the Risk Manager and the
depth of the pools has been changed from the original 24 inches to make them
more shallow. The lower pools have been moved back from the steps for safety
and the westward pools are being studied at this time due to concerns about
Chairperson Meilach stated that the project should be looked at as an entity
and not as individual parts. She felt there was a feeling in the park area of
being protected from the outside and preserving the ocean view in a special
Commissioner Batter added that she had asked the people she talked with there
to reserve their opinions until the park was finished.
Commissioner Wrench concurred that the project should be completed before the
general public makes comments.
It was stated that the Arts Commission reviewed this project three times at
public meetings; the Merchants Association reviewed it twice and the Housing
and Redevelopment Advisory Committee. There was ample opportunity to discuss
any concerns.
Symposium Report
Commissioner Straub reported that she had met with the City Manager and
Assistant City Manager and they were very positive about the symposium. She
felt it was the right idea at the right time. The next step is for
Commissioner Straub to write up a report for the City Manager to present to
the Council. As far as funding, the Departments involved have indicated they
can have staff members do the work.
Sister City Public Art
Commissioner Straub stated that four sites have been selected; the parking lot
at Carlsbad Village Drive and Roosevelt, the park area planned at the corner
of Monroe and Marron, Maxton Brown extension on Carlsbad Boulevard on the west
side of the street, and Carlsbad Boulevard and Palomar Airport Road.
The Committee would like a theme for the art, embracing the goals of the
Sister Cities and something symbolic of the three Cities.
Connie Beardsley added an agenda bill has been drafted, but there is no date
for it to go before Council at this time.
Arts Associates
Connie Beardsley reported the first program of the Arts Associates will be
January 8th. There will be a complete report on the Christmas card sales next
Manager'a Report
Connie Beardsley said the Historic Preservation Commission had suggested that
perhaps this Commission would like to co-sponsor a Founders' Day event in
June. This will be the 40th anniversary of the establishment of Carlsbad as a
Ms. Beardsley stated she had suggested that this event be tied in with some
other activity due to time restraints.
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Commissioner Ladouceur stated that the third grade classes are studying
Carlsbad history and she thought that could be tied in with this project, as
the children are very interested in the history of the City.
The consensus of the Commission'was that they favored working with the
Historic Preservation Commission on a Founders' Day event.
Ms. Beardsley announced that the Business Focus Luncheon invitations will be
in the mail shortly.
Ms. Beardsley said the Facilities agenda bill is in her office to make some
minor changes. She said that due to the fiscal status of the City, she was
concerned about bringing this forward to Council at this time.
Following discussion, the consensus of the Commission was to ask the Arts
Office to proceed with the agenda bill as soon as possible.
Carrillo Ranch Planning Study Committee
Commissioner Wrench stated he had represented this Commission twice at
meetings of this Committee, once on a walk-around of the property and the
other at a regular meeting. He said the main issue is the use the property
should be put to and he felt this Commission will want input on that subject.
He will report on this further at the next meeting.
Grants Allocations
Chairperson Meilach referred to the funded programs listed in the report
contained in the packet, and said that last year the amount of grants was
$20,000, and this year it was only $15,000. She said the panel was in
agreement on the choices for funding, and would have liked to fund some of the
others. However, in some cases the project required so much more money than
was available, that it would have been impossible to complete the project.
ACTION; On motion by Commissioner Wrench, the Arts Commission approved
the Grants Allocations as presented.
AYES; Meilach, Batter, Ladouceur, Spencer, Straub and Wrench
Recognition of Volunteers
Connie Beardsley stated this item was placed on the agenda at Commissioner
Meilach's request to discuss ways the Commission might recognize volunteers.
The Commission discussed different items, including tickets to performances
and/or mugs or other items of recognition. Connie Beardsley said it is not
always convenient to give tickets to performances, as it depended on the
popularity and date of the event. The Commissioners felt that anyone who
served on a task force or panel, should be given a mug at the conclusion of
that session. Commissioner Straub suggested a group photograph for each group
as they complete their session.
Arts Element of the General Plan
Dennis Turner, Principal Planner, Planning Department, discussed the revision
of the General Plan which is now in process. He distributed copies of the
General Plan Update Process and explained the State requires seven elements.
Cities have the option to add others, with Carlsbad having four that are not
required, one of which is the Arts Element.
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Mr. Turner stated that the present Arts Element is not implementable.
Elements are designed to be policy statements and programs on how to handle
land in the City. Generalized wish lists are not policy and that is what is
contained in the present Arts Element. He said the Arts Element needs to
suggest things it should or would do.
Mr. Turner said that the Planning Department wanted to make certain this
Commission understood that it could submit comments or suggestions to the
Council about the adequacy of this Element and to suggest that it needs work
and the areas where that is needed. He said that the Planning Department
would work with Commissioners in preparing such a request, and then Council
could appoint a committee or ask staff to make an additional study. He
stressed that the time to give input is now, and suggested a letter be sent
from this Commission within the next two weeks to get it into the report.
In response to query from Ms. Beardsley regarding how the Cultural Plan fit
into this, Mr. Turner said the Commission should tell them. He added that if
the Commission wants a facility, they need to designate a location. The •
Commissioners felt that the task force work would certainly contain what
changes need to be made.
Mr. Turner said the letter could state that the existing Arts Element seems to
be weak in specifics. He said there are no real objectives in the present
Element, and any letter should state that this Commission would like to see
that Element revised to better implement the land use portion of the Arts
Plan. Once Council has authorized a further study of the Element, the
Planning Department would work with this Commission.
The Commissioners expressed concern that this Commission had been left out of
the process until the last moment.
Connie Beardsley suggested that each Commissioner make written comments and
bring them to her office by January 7. Commissioner Wrench agreed to draft a
letter. The date set for a meeting is January 13, 1992, at 3:30 p.m., at the
Arts Office, to review the letter.
There was no one present to address the Commission on a non-agenda item.
By proper motion, the Regular Meeting of January 3, 1992, was adjourned at
5:47 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Arts Manager
Harriett Babbitt
Minutes Clerk