HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-08-06; Arts Commission; MinutesMINUTES
DATE OF MEETING: August 6, 1992
TIME OF MEETING: 4:00 p.m.
PLACE OF MEETING: City Council Chambers
Chairperson Ladouceur called the Meeting to order at 4:03 p.m.
Present: Commissioners Ladouceur, Batter, Portera, Straub and Wood. Commissioner
Wrench arrived at 4:33 p.m.
Absent: Commissioner Spencer.
The Minutes of the July Meeting were continued to the next meeting.
Chairperson's Report
Chairperson Ladouceur reported that the goodbye/thank you celebration for Jackie Wrench was very
Chairperson Ladouceur asked whether any of the Commissioners had made plans for the box supper
on August 28, and reminded the Commissioners that August 24 is the deadline for reservations.
Chairperson Ladouceur thanked everyone for a successful workshop. She said that the suggestion
had been made to make a celebration out of the planting for the Split Pavilion.
The Arts Commission, by consensus, agreed to try to make an occasion of the planting at the Split
Manager's Report
Connie Beardsley reported that the grant application which the Commission approved at the last
meeting did not get submitted. The City felt that it was not appropriate, since it is very indefinite as to
when the library will be built. She stated that there will be a meeting of the arts organizations on
August 17, 1992, to discuss issues shared by those groups. The meeting will be at 5:00 p.m., and
held at the Arts Office.
Commissioner Wood inquired about there being no time limit after the artist is selected until the
project is started, and Connie Beardsley stated there is no time limit, but the artist and the City can
mutually agree to break the contract if the project is not completed or is postponed for a long time
Augusts, 1992 ARTS COMMISSION Page 2
Arts Associates
Norm Dolnick reported that the Associates are planning to have four speakers for the "Art is Life Plus"
Speakers series, and will announce the series and speakers in December and January. He said the
Associates are asking everyone to sponsor ten boxes at the upcoming box supper. If 250 boxes are
sold, the Associates will net $2,000. The T shirts are selling well, and he urged the Commissioners to
come to the jazz concert.
Arts Element - for approval
Connie Beardsley reported that the Planning Department had restructured the Arts Element to fit the
other elements. Dennis Turner is the Planner who is overseeing the General Plan. She said that in
the Arts Commission Workshop the Commission agreed to work on its Vision Statement. Does the
goal in the Arts Element fit as a Vision Statement?
Chairperson Ladouceur stated that the goal statement needs to be worked on further, and perhaps
compare it with the Mission Statement in the workshop. The Commission asked the Subcommittee to
report back at the September meeting.
There were no requests to address the Commission on a non-agenda item.
Old Timers Picnic - Ophie Escobedo - for discussion/approval
Ophie Escobedo addressed the Commission, stating she owns a market in the barrio, and since there
will be no Fiesta this year, the people involved in that felt that they would like to have an Old Timers
Picnic. The Historical Society is the sponsor and Connie Beardsley was approached to have this
Commission's assistance as a co-partner. The affair is just in the planning stages, and it would be
held at the Magee Park, on Sunday, September 27. Ms. Escobedo said that there would be tours of
the Magee House and Alt Karlsbad, dancing, and perhaps music by the Golden Tones. The time of
the picnic would be from 12:00 noon to 5:00 p.m.
Connie Beardsley said there is no money in the budget, but the Commissioners could lend their help.
The consensus of the Commission was to help in any way they could. Commissioner Wood
volunteered to help with the planning for this affair.
Housing & Redevelopment Department - Debbie Fountain - Update on Possibilities of Facilities and
Artists' Housing in the Village Area
Debbie Fountain referred to the Housing Element where the reuse of buildings in the downtown area
is discussed. There is no Ordinance at the present time, and mixed uses are always encouraged in
the downtown area. She said work is being done on a Master Plan for the Redevelopment Area to
establish a vision of what it should look like in 15 years. There is no proposal at this time, and any
project would have to be by private development due to budget constraints.
August 6, 1992 ARTS COMMISSION Page 3
In reply to query as to how Housing and Redevelopment might want to work with this Commission,
Ms. Fountain answered that they would like ideas on how to bring artists and studios as live/work
space into the Master Plan.
Ms. Fountain stated that the theater is privately owned, and there is a proposal to open the theater for
movies--but not theater productions. In the hope of getting public input, there is a plan to have a
survey at the theater to find out what people want there.
In reply to a question about other facilities downtown, Ms. Fountain said the Master Plan includes
plans for a cultural activities center downtown. The Advisory Committee wants to use some existing
facility for this, and they are looking at the Wonder Bread building, as well as other buildings.
Ms. Fountain said that the Master Plan Advisory Committee meets the first and fourth Mondays at 6:00
p.m., and she invited the Commissioners to attend those meetings here at the Council Chambers.
In reply to a question about the buildings near the proposed transit station, Ms. Fountain stated those
are all owned by the North County Transit District, and the City will not take over any buildings.
1993 Pops Concert - Develop Fundraising Plan - for discussion
Connie Beardsley stated that to hold a 1993 Pops Concert a substantial amount of money would need
to be raised, and any such project should be started fairly soon. She asked the Commission how
they wished to approach this. She said that two lots east of Paseo Del Norte have been looked at, as
they are large lots and would do for either the concert or parking.
Commissioner Batter stated that when she contacted companies with regard to the 1992 concert,
many said they would donate products in lieu of money, and she suggested that perhaps an auction
or some event with prizes donated might be possible.
Connie Beardsley suggested that when asking for money from companies, it would be better to have
someone approach them who knows the appropriate person.
Commissioner Batter said that we need lead time, and most companies could not donate on short
Connie Beardsley said the Arts Associates do fundraising, and perhaps they could help. A
suggestion was made to mail a letter out using the Chamber of Commerce mailing list. It was
suggested that a controlled access site be sought in order to charge for the concert. There could be
special seating for a higher price, and a suggestion was made to ask about the Siaga site.
The Commission asked Ms. Beardsley to look into sites for the Concert.
Workshop Review - for discussion
The consensus of the Commission was to appoint a Committee to work on the suggestions that came
out of the workshop. Chairperson Ladouceur and Commissioners Batter and Straub volunteered to
serve on this Committee.
August 6, 1992 ARTS COMMISSION Page 4
By proper motion, the Regular Meeting of August 6, 1992, was adjourned at 5:25 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Arts Manager
Harriett Babbitt
Minutes Clerk
A. Background and Intent
The Arts Element of the General Plan recognizes that an aesthetic environment is an essential
characteristic of a community which values its quality of life and wishes to be seen by its citizens,
neighbors and visitors as an attractive and desirable place, addressing the needs of the human
spirit. Factors which are important to the achievement of an aesthetic environment for the City
of Carlsbad include the ready availability within the City of visual and performing arts and an
esteem for aesthetics in all of the City's land forms, landscaping and architecture.
B. State Law
While the Arts Element is not one of the seven mandated elements, Section 65303 of the
California Government Code (Planning and Zoning Law) indicates that the General Plan may
include any other elements which the community feels relate to the physical development of the
C. Relationship to Other General Plan Elements
By recognizing the importance of encouraging an artistic environment, the Arts Element supports
one of the overriding goals of the Land Use Element which is to have a balanced community
where a full range of physical, social and economic opportunities exist for the residents of the
community. The Arts Element also correlates with the Historic Preservation Element which
recognizes the aesthetic value of historic buildings and the Scenic Roadways Element which
promotes visual quality along certain designated, highly-travelled roads. Finally, the Arts Element
relates to the Parks and Recreation Element in that all new parks include a public art component
and address community needs for arts programming.
A. Goal: A city strongly reflecting the :arts in its public spaces with land and facilities
permanently dedicated to performing and visual arts, together with an abundant
range of on-going and special arts programs involving as many regular and
visiting members of the community as possible, as active participants, audiences,
and patrons.
B. Objectives:
B.1 One or more permanent facilities for exhibition, performance, rehearsal, discussion, or
teaching of visual and performing arts and cultural endeavors.
B.2 Works of art in public places.
B.3 A city of residents and visitors practicing/participating in and attending/observing artistic
and cultural activities.
Planning Version (Revision 1) July 30, 1992
Arts Element to the General Plan
B.4 City land forms, landscaping and architecture developed, modified, and improved with a
consideration of aesthetic issues (in addition to engineering, safety, cost, and other
C. Policies:
C.1 The City will designate a site (or sites) for the eventual development of a permanent
facility (or facilities) for exhibition, performance, rehearsal, discussion or teaching of visual
and performing arts and cultural endeavors.
C.2 The City will proceed to build or cooperate with private foundations, improvement
districts, other governmental agencies or citizen groups to build a permanent facility or
facilities for the creation, exhibition, discussion or teaching of visual and performing arts
and cultural endeavors.
C.3 The City will provide, whenever possible, interim spaces within other facilities to offer arts
C.4 The City will provide, when possible, for the siting, selection, installation and maintenance
of works of art within or upon public facilities and land.
C.5 The City will encourage private businesses to install permanent and temporary works of
art in their public places.
C.6 The City will promote cooperative arrangements with other public or private agencies
which facilities the temporary or permanent display of works of * art for display within or
upon public or private facilities and land. *.(wor<} !!fihe" deleted)
C.7 The City will encourage individuals and organizations that provide experiences in the arts
for citizens.
C.8 The City will provide direction and support for continued development and presentation
of a variety of arts in the City.
C.9 The City will generate a wide range of programs that develop the skills of the participants
at all levels of creative expression.
*<X10 The City will develop the coppept of "contracting| for cultural services with local art
organizations and individual artists, (deleted)
C.10 The City will encourage residents to take advantage of the arts programming offered by
agencies and institutions in the community.
C.11 The City will provide financial assistance whenever feasible to groups or individuals who
provide public arts programming to the residents.
2 Planning Version (Revision 1) July 30, 1992
Arts Element to the General Plan
C.12 The City will help promote school and community cooperation in the programming of
artistic and cultural events and opportunities.
C.13 The City will encourage cooperation and communication In areas of mutual benefit and
corresponding programs between the City and locai, regional, state, and federal
government agencies.
C.14 The City will include a consideration of aesthetics in reviewing the design of public and
private development proposals.
C.15 In contracting for professional services to assist with the planning and construction of its
public works, the City will actively seek and give preference to firms experienced in
integrating aesthetics with functional design who will include an artist on the design team.
Planning Version (Revision 1) July 30, 1992