HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-09-03; Arts Commission; MinutesMINUTES
DATE OF MEETING: September 3, 1992
TIME OF MEETING: 4:00 p.m.
PLACE OF MEETING: City Council Conference Room
Chairperson Ladouceur called the Meeting to order at 4:00 p.m.
Present: Commissioners Ladouceur, Batter, Portera and Wood. Commissioner Wrench
arrived at 4:03 p.m., and Commissioner Spencer arrived at 4:09 p.m.
Absent: Commissioner Straub.
On motion by Commissioner Wood, the Minutes of the July 2, 1992, meeting were approved
as presented.
AYES: Ladouceur, Batter, Portera and Wood
On motion by Commissioner Portera, the Minutes of the August 6, 1992, meeting were
approved as presented.
AYES: Ladouceur, Batter, Portera and Wood
Chairperson's Report
Chairperson Laclouceur thanked everyone for the successful fundraiser. She stated that the planting
at the Sculpture went well, and she hoped that by people becoming involved, that they will view the
area with more pride.
Commissioner Batter inquired about the spray painting that has been done there, and Commissioner
Wood stated that it will be removed.
Commissioner Wood commented that the people who were working on the landscape at Sculpture
Park still wanted the bars removed.
Chairperson Ladouceur announced various events of interest planned by the San Diego Museum of
Art. She also referenced a new gallery at the Village Faire Shopping Center and added that they have
some wonderful things there.
Septembers, 1992 ARTS COMMISSION Page 2
Chairperson's Report (Continued)
Chairperson Ladouceur stated she had a telephone call from Tim Lyons (and the other
Commissioners also had calls from him) with an update on the plans for the Carlsbad Theatre. There
will be a meeting October 26, 1992, at 5:15 p.m., at the Arts Office, for arts organizations' staff, and
Chairperson Ladouceur stated this is an important group to meet with to exchange ideas.
Manager's Report
Connie Beardsley reported that there will be a Publicity Workshop on Thursday, September 17, 1992,
from 3 - 5 p.m., at the Carlsbad Public Safety and Service Center, and will be coordinated by Brigid
Ms. Beardsley said the opening for the Carlsbad Theatre is September 19, 1992.
Ms. Beardsley stated the Wonder Bread Building is for sale, and although the City cannot purchase it
at this time, if a non-profit organization was interested, she has the name of the contact person.
Ms. Beardsley stated she will not be here for the December meeting, and asked the Commission's
pleasure as to the date for that meeting. The consensus of the Commission was to hold the
December meeting to the second Thursday, December 10, at 4:00 p.m.
Commissioner Wood made reference to the selection process, and Ms. Beardsley stated that the
concern was when the City hires an artist and then the project is delayed, there should be a way to
re-look at the project to determine whether things have changed since the contract was signed.
Perhaps the City would choose to cancel the contract. The thought was that perhaps a time period
should be written into the contract.
Commission discussion determined there were different opinions as to whether or not this was a good
idea. Ms. Beardsley stated she would call other programs to see whether any have such a clause in
their contracts, and she will report back to the Commission.
Arts Associates
Norm Dolnick reported that the box supper was a big success, with 250 boxes sold. There was a net
gain of approximately $2,200. The Gallery Subcommittee will study the feasibility of a gift shop, and
have interviewed 200 people to get feelings about what people would like to have in such a shop.
They will interview 100 more to get an idea of the marketing potential. Over one thousand dollars has
been made from the sale of T shirts, and Mr. Dolnick said there are just a few left.
Arts Element - for approval
Connie Beardsley reported that the Arts Element will go to the Planning Department and the Planning
Commission and then be sent with the other Elements to the City Council for approval. She
requested this Commission be informed should there be any significant changes. The Planning
Department staff agreed.
Septembers, 1992 ARTS COMMISSION Page 3
OLD BUSINESS: (Continued)
ACTION. On motion by Commissioner Wood, the Arts Commission approved the Arts
AYES: Ladouceur, Batter, Portera, Spencer, Wood and Wrench
1993 Pops Concert/Fundraising
Connie Beardsley reported that she had inspected the lots discussed for the concert and had sent a
memo to City staff (such as the Police Department and Traffic Engineer) to comment on the sites.
Their response indicated the first choice was the old Sammis property; second was Car Country, and
third was the Carlsbad Research Center. She said she has called the Siaga (Sammis) Properties, but
has had no response. She has spoken with Chris Calkins, and he has no problem as far as the Car
Country lot owned by Ecke, but she has not heard from the other owners. The race track area was
suggested, but Ms. Beardsley stated she thought the access would be a problem there. She
suggested a Committee be formed to come up with a fundraising plan and report back to the
Commissioners Wrench, Batter and Spencer volunteered to serve on the 1993 Pops Concert
Fundraising Committee.
There were no requests to address the Commission on a non-agenda item.
Workshop Review Committee Tasks - for approval
The proposal to have Commissioners attend other Commission meetings was discussed.
Commissioner Wood stated he would attend the Parks and Recreation Commission meetings. Connie
Beardsley stated that if the Commissioners were to try to attend all the meetings of the Commissions
they felt might have topics that would involve cooperation with this Commission, it could take a lot of
time. The agendas and minutes of those meetings are available for the Commissioners to peruse.
She felt if there was an agenda item of interest, then it might be well to have a Commissioner attend a
meeting. Commissioner Wrench stated he would continue to attend the Carrillo Ranch Committee
meetings. He suggested that if the Commissioners attend other Commission meetings, they might
ask those Commissions to include an agenda item for this Commission to show its slide presentation.
Chairperson Ladouceur stated she would try to monitor the Housing and Redevelopment Committee.
Commissioner Batter stated she felt it was necessary to determine what this Commission wants to
market and the vision for the next two years.
The Commission, by consensus, decided to have a follow-up workshop some time after the first of the
year. Connie Beardsley is to check with Alan Kumamoto to determine when he would be available for
a workshop.
The Commission discussed how to get a publication into each household in the City in the most
inexpensive way. Connie Beardsley stated it was time to look at the newsletter with that idea in mind,
and Commissioner Batter and she will discuss this.
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NEW BUSINESS: (Continued)
Connie Beardsley announced there will be another breakfast on Thursday, September 29, 1992, at
7:30 a.m., at the Olympic Resort.
By proper motion, the Regular Meeting of September 3, 1992, was adjourned at 5:13 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Arts Manager
Harriett Babbitt
Minutes Clerk
Meeting: August 25, 1992, Carlsbad Arts Office, 2955 Elmwood
Present: L. Batter, S. Ladouceur, P. Straub
1. Identify audience
A. Community
Senior Center
Homeowners Associations
Village Merchants/Mall
B. Government Officials (City)
Council, Staff
School Board
C. Corporate-Business Park
Fieldstone - Cheryl Bradstreet
D. Advocacy Groups
Arts Associates, Friends Groups
Patrons of the Arts, PATH, Youth Theater, etc.
E. Schools, PTA
F. Chamber of Commerce/Visitors Bureau
2. Implement Vision of Better Communication
A. Symposium
B. Video
* C. Slide Show
1 - Education
School Board
PTA Combined Board
2 - Commissions
Housing & Redevelopment
Historic Preservation
Parks & Recreation
Sister City
Workshop Review Committee
Page 2
3 - Merchants - Redevelopment - Chamber of Commerce
4 - Senior Center
D. Artmobile
E. Newsletter
Redo Current Newsletter
Different Format - Once-A-Month
Mail to all citizens of Carlsbad
Market the arts, Cost - Laurie look into?
F. Column - Blade, Journal, Union
G. Arts Open House
H. Commissions
Assign a City Commission to each Arts Commissioner
Attend monthly meetings
Presentation and/or slide show - How can we work with them?
How can we spend our $ effectively
in accordance with their goals?
Show our agenda
I. Business Focus
Luncheon/Slide Show
Corporate Advocacy - support and monies
3. Immediate Action
A. Take notes to the next Commission meeting for its input and approval
B. Patra - Outline what we need to say to the individual commissions
Also input to verbal part of slide show, work with Donna
C. Sue - Talk to Connie and Dona about the slide show
D. Sue - Get dates of PTA Combined Board meetings
E. Laurie - Work on follow-up workshop with Alan Kumamoto
Recommendations on detailed write-up, the next step, 2-5 year plan