HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-02-06; Arts Commission; MinutesARTS COMMISSION WORKSHOP MINUTES February 6, 1993
Present: Laurie Batter, Sue Ladouceur, Michael Portera, Patra Straub, Gary
Wrench, Arthur Wood
Absent: David Spencer
Staff: Connie Beardsley, Cliff Lange
Facilitator: Alan Kumamoto
The meeting was called to order at 9:05 am.
Public Comment
John Jones spoke regarding Streetscape. He commented that he did not want the proposed
brick work and streetlights and did not want the new transit. Commissioner Straub asked if he
had a vision for what he would like to see. He stated his vision for the Village is to leave it as it
is. Mr. Jones was advised by Arts Commission members to contact the Redevelopment
agency and City Engineer's office for further information and to voice his concerns.
Facilitator Alan Kumamoto opened the workshop with a review of the July workshop in which
the Commission discussed its mission statement, its role and its relationship to other groups.
He reviewed the five year vision discussed in July.
Alan asked if there were new issues and/or constraints since the last workshop which) needed
to be discussed. The budget was listed as the major constraint. Both the reduced city budget
and the fact that in a recession all organizations are fundraising and competing for the same
private dollars. Resources were discussed and the Arts Associates were listed as a major
resource for volunteers, for educational support and for fundraising support. Another issue
raised was understanding the residents' needs and how to best accomplish that.
The Commissioner's role was further discussed and refined. Communicator was listed as the
most important. Educator- with the idea that the Commission is a focal point from which to
define art in the broader sense. Champion - to help champion special programs. Facilitator-
between the community and the City Council.
In discussing ways to champion programs, the commissioners felt the grants program was one
of the most important programs and one of the least recognized. They recommended that the
grants awards be announced at a City Council meeting for better visability.
The Commission decided to focus on the period through the next fiscal year for a workplan
(through June 1994).
Since Communication was identified as the most important role of the Arts Commission, the
group further refined what it meant and discussed ways to improve it. Meet with other groups,
community needs assesment and an information campaign were discussed. Providing
information on the importance of arts education was also discussed as a priority. Bringing in
professionals to give information is one method. "In your face" communication was
considered the best way of communicating. One-on-one or in small groups is the most
effective. Quadrant meetings are a way of getting the information to a broader group of
residents. Sue Ladouceur mentioned that she felt the programs speak for themselves and sell
themselves. Laurie Batter suggested a flow chart/organizational chart which showed the
vision, who is benefitting and who is providing services and how. A joint workshop with
redevelopment to discuss common interests was suggested. Ways to communicate the
Arts Commission Workshop Minutes
February 6, 1993
Commission's vision were listed:
• workshops with other commissions who share common interests
• collaboration/alliances with other groups
• promoting commercial developments that support arts, artists, and aesthetics.
It was noted that winter/fall were the times where fewer activities were happening.
In discussing programming, it was mentioned that the artist-in-residence program should be
out before the public. The breakfasts should reacha broader range people, and there is not
enough communication between the Arts Commission and the Arts Associates. The business
focus group was mentioned as a good example of working with another group. A festival in
which the City closed off downtown such as Street Faire in San Diego was mentioned as a
good idea.
The Commission divided into two groups to develop the workplan. One discussed
communication and the other programming.
Gary Wrench reported that the goal was to make everyone aware of the benefits of the arts -
the present activities and support new activities. Additionally, the goal is to collect feedback
from the citizens.
The outcome will be expanded participation, expanded funding support from all sources and
expanded alliances with boards, commissions and private groups.
The method is to:
• participate in quadrant meetings
• Take 5 or other Cable TV opportunities
• Speakers Bureau
• build on existing audiences/venues
• involvement of the Arts Associates
• one-on-one communication with other commissioners and leaders
• group presentation for other commissions/leaders
• chair to chair" issue definition session (informal)
• attendance by Arts Commission at all arts events city sponsored or not
• advocacy for arts education
Michael Portera reported that the goal was to use the existing programs (Jazz, pops, visiting
artists, grants, sister cities) to improve relationship with City Council and the community.
These programs make the arts visible. The programs address the community needs and
provide a product they want.
The method is to:
• use the jazz concerts to educate the public about the Arts Commission and to fund
raise. (For the pops [jazz?]) A popcan was suggested. (A soda pop can to be used
for raising funds.)
• for visiting artists substitute public performances for smaller and more frequent ones
when appropriate.
Arthur Wood -
Arts Commission Workshop Minutes
February 6, 1993
• have the grant awards presented at City Council
• become more involved with Sister City
• involve other interest groups at the breakfasts / specific groups
• have more communication with the Arts Associates
• communicate and provide joint support and goals
• have a workshop jointly with the Arts Associates
• form a permanent subcommittee for fundraising
Alan then asked the Arts Commission to look at the action items and decide what each
commissioner was willing to work on. The following commitments were made:
PatraStraub - Will take responsibility for publicizing and fundraising at the jazz
concerts with the exception of the "cans"
Will plan bus trips in cooperation with the Arts Associates if they wish.
She will handle logistics, venues, artists, buses and destinations
Will talk with the Mayor regarding possible presentation(s) at
quadrant meeting(s).
Will talk with Planning Commissioners and/or attend meetings when
arts issues overlap with planning issues.
Will take responsibility for writing the script and help with the visuals
for the presentation to community groups, (she cannot start until the
end of March).
Will serve on the fundraising committee
Will work on updating the script for presentations
Will serve on the speakers bureau and will train presenters
Will serve on the Carillo Ranch sub-committee
Will serve on the fundraising committee
Will design the "pop cans"
Will work with the Mira Costa college community, artists and arts
Will serve on the fundraising committee
Will serve as Chair of the Arts Education Task Force
Will work on better communication with the Arts Associates
Will communicate with City Council
Connie Beardsley- Will send a monthly calendar to the Arts Commission highlighting
the events they should attend
Will talk to grantees about providing tickets for the Arts
Will work with the speakers bureau to schedule presentations and to
develop the presentation
Laurie Batter -
Gary Wrench -
Michael Portera
Sue Ladouceur -
Arts Commission Workshop Minutes
February 6, 1993
Each Commissioner agreed to give one presentation per quarter (7 presentations per quarter
or 28 per year).
The Commission thanked Alan Kumamoto for an excellent workshop.
The meeting was adjourned at 1:00 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Connie Beardsley /|
Arts Manaer \-/Arts Manager