HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-11-04; Arts Commission; MinutesMINUTES
DATE OF MEETING: November 4, 1993 (Regular Meeting)
TIME OF MEETING: 4:00 p.m.
PLACE OF MEETING: City Council Conference Room
Chairperson Ladouceur called the Meeting to order at 4:00 p.m.
Present: Commissioners Ladouceur, Plainer, Portera, Spencer, Willis and Wood.
Absent: Commissioner Batter.
On motion by Commissioner Portera, the Minutes of the October 7,1993, Meeting were approved
as presented.
AYES: Ladouceur, Plainer, Portera and Wood
ABSTAIN: Spencer and Willis
Chairperson's Report
Chairperson Ladouceur inlroduced George Willis, ihe new Commissioner, and welcomed him to the
Ms. Ladouceur reported thai ihe Arts Educalion report has nol been completed and has nol gone lo
Council al ihis lime. Ms. Beardsley will gel copies of ihe differenl lask force reports for ihe
Ms. Ladouceur recommended lhai the Commissioners think about possibly holding another workshop.
Commissioner Wood siaied that there were a lot of suggestions made at the last workshop, but no follow-
through. He felt ihere should be some aclion laken on previous suggestions before holding another
Ms. Ladouceur recommended lhai ihe Commissioners read several articles lhal appeared in RADIUS, and
Ms. Beardsley will supply copies of Ihe articles lo Ihe Commissioners.
November 4, 1994 ARTS COMMISSION Page 2
Chairperson's Report (Continued)
Ms. Ladouceur stated that the Transit Center that will be built in the Village area will have art included in
the plans and there needs to be a Commissioner on that selection committee. She asked that one of the
artists volunteer to serve on that committee. Ms. Beardsley.added that N.C.T.D. will include a member
from Redevelopment, Merchants Association, Historic Preservation Commission, a member of the Arts
Commissioner Plainer volunteered to represent the Arts Commission on this committee.
Ms. Ladouceur listed the arts events and shows that are going on or will be opening in the area. There
will be a reception on November 20, 1993, 5:30 to 8:30 p.m., at Gallery Vista.
Manager's Report
Commissioner Wood stated that he was aware of two developers with recently approved developments
who would be receptive to putting art work at the entrances of their developments and he felt they should
be approached.
Connie Beardsley reported that she had asked the Planning Department to discuss with developers
whether or not they wanted art work included at the entrance to their developments. She stressed that
this is strictly voluntary on the part of the developers.
Ms. Beardsley said she had suggested that developers be allowed 10 or 15 percent credit on their
landscaping requirements to place public art instead. However, the Planning Department was not
receptive to the idea.
ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Wood, the Arts Commission directed staff to
approach the two developers (Commissioner Wood will supply the names) to
have them provide some kind of public art at the entrances to their
developments, or somewhere in the development.
AYES: Ladouceur, Plainer, Portera, Spencer, Willis and Wood
Ms. Beardsley gave changes in the Arts Calendar for the Commissioners to note and said that there will
be a part-time employee starting on Monday as Public Art Coordinator. The Arts Education Task Force
will meet on the 15th, and each school will appoint a Cultural Chair from the PTA's to participate in that
meeting. So far, all but four schools have called in with an appointment.
The Chamber of Commerce will bring an oboeist to the high school for the Outreach Program on Monday,
November 8th, at 9:30 a.m.
Ms. Beardsley said there is nothing further to report on the Children's Festival. The Big Bang Committee
is not interested in sponsoring the program at this time.
Ms. Beardsley attended two conferences, the Local Art Agencies and the League of California Cities. Both
conferences emphasized the recession and the problems it brings. One area that was emphasized was
the need to use the arts in partnership working with the social services agencies.
November^ 1993 ARTS COMMISSION Page 3
Arts Associates
Ann L'Heureux reported the Arts Associates now has 412 members. The artwork purchased by the
Associates will be installed on Saturday, November 20, with the time to be decided later. Ms. L'Heureux
stated that there will be a reception on December 2 for these art pieces. The invitations are at the printers
at this time.
Ms. L'Heureux said that the Arts Associates is moving forward with the gallery fund raising production of
Love Letters in March or April. They are concentrating on group ticket sales at $10, with a single ticket
selling for $12.
Ms. L'Heureux told the Commissioners to save December 16 for a party to be held at her home for the
Commission and staff and their significant others. She said that invitations will be sent later.
Pops Concert Evaluation (continued from the October meeting)
Chairperson Ladouceur, Commissioner Wood and Connie Beardsley had called some of the original
donors for the Pops Concert and the general consensus was that most of them were willing to commit
toward another concert next year.
Commissioner Wood commented that the City Departments had donated their time this year and they
would not do that again-which would mean that perhaps another $15,000 would need to be raised to
finance the concert.
Ms. Beardsley said that Commissioner Batter, who is not present, had discussed this issue with her and
had indicated her preference for an end of summer event, and had no preference whether it would be
the Pops Concert or another event.
Commissioner Spencer stated he had read the Minutes of the October meeting and with the increased
costs anticipated, he felt it might not be viable to have the Pops Concert.
Commissioner Portera stated that the Pops Concert was a lot of work for everyone.
Commissioner Plainer stated she was out of town at that time, but was aware that it was a lot of work.
Commissioner Willis said the Big Bang Committee is looking for events to sponsor, and he said he would
hate to see the Pops Concert stopped at this time.
Chairperson Ladouceur commented that she wondered whether the donors would agree to have the
money they pledge used for something else, rather than the Pops Concert.
ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Wood, the Arts Commission recommended that all
plans for the Pops Concert in 1994 be canceled.
AYES: Ladouceur, Plainer, Portera, Spencer, Willis and Wood
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OLD BUSINESS. (Continued)
ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Wood, the Arts Commission recommended that the
Friday night concerts be continued; that these concerts be held in the
neighborhood parks; with no admission charge for the concerts, and that any
monies raised from past patrons, outside sources, etc., be used for expanding
the already scheduled concerts, with a special concert on the Labor Day
AYES: Ladouceur, Plainer, Portera, Spencer, Willis and Wood
No one wished to address the Commission on a non-agenda item.
Carlsbad Street Dance - Discussion/Approval
Carmen Cedola presented a Preliminary Proposal for Music Scene '94, which would be presented by the
Boys and Girls Club of Carlsbad and the Carlsbad Arts Office. A copy of this Proposal is attached to the
Minutes. Mr. Cedola asked the Commission to help in joint grant writing and to work together on this joint
ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Wood, the Arts Commission approved the concept
of a Music Scene '94, to be co-sponsored by the Boys and Girls Club of Carlsbad
and the Carlsbad Arts Office.
AYES: Ladouceur, Plainer, Portera, Spencer, Willis and Wood
Phoenix Public Art Trip - Discussion
Connie Beardsley asked the Commissioners to comment on whether they would be interested in a field
trip to Phoenix. She said that Phoenix has an extensive public art collection and she felt a trip there
would be beneficial to the Commission. The consensus of the Commission was to have Ms. Beardsley
investigate the possibility of a one-day or overnight trip and the costs involved.
By proper motion, the Regular Meeting of November 4, 1993, was adjourned at 5:22 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Arts Manager
Harriett Babbitt
Minutes Clerk