HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-09-01; Arts Commission; MinutesMINUTES
DATE OF MEETING: September 1,1994 (Regular Meeting)
TIME OF MEETING: 4:30 p.m.
PLACE OF MEETING: City Council Conference Room
Chairperson Ladouceur called the Meeting to order at 4:32 p.m.
Present: Commissioners Ladouceur, Batter, Platner, Willis and Wood. Commissioner
Pynes arrived at 4:38 p.m., and Commissioner Spencer arrived at 4:55 p.m.
Absent: None.
On motion by Commissioner Wood, the Minutes of the Regular Meeting held August 4,1994, were
approved as amended.
AYES: Batter, Platner, Willis and Wood
ABSTAIN: Ladouceur
Chairperson's Report
Chairperson Ladouceur thanked the Commissioners for their help at the jazz concerts and also the Arts
Associates for their help. She said she wanted to give a special thanks to the Arts Office, because she
feels they don't get enough thanks. The jazz concerts went so smoothly and the Arts Office makes that
happen so that everyone can enjoy the concerts.
Chairperson Ladouceur reported that the Arts Education Advisory Committee is working with the School
District Task Force to develop an arts framework for the schools. The state has mandated this and these
groups are trying to put that into action. The arts education program is going to be expanded, although
not as far as everyone wants, to include a band and strings program at the elementary level. Ms.
Ladouceur said there will also be an expansion of drama and the San Diego Institute for Arts Education
program, and Richard Keeley will be the Coordinator for CUSD. She said she wanted to extend another
thanks to Connie Beardsley for her work with this group.
Commissioner Wood stated that there still is no representative from Buena vista School on the Arts
Education Advisory Committee, and he will contact them again the middle of September.
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Chairperson's Report (Continued)
Chairperson Ladouceur invited the Commissioners to attend the Arts Education Advisory Committee
meetings, with the next meeting to be September 8 at 3:30 p.m. in the Arts Office Conference Room.
Connie Beardsley stated that the School Board meeting will be September 14. She said the Sister City
Fund Raiser for the eleven Czech Republic artists will be September 10, from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at the
Gallery Vista. The artists have set their prices for the art work and Gallery Vista will take 25 percent on the
top of the price. The show at Gallery Vista opens today.
Chairperson Ladouceur announced the Salute to America '94 will be September 4, 1994, from 3 p.m. to
8:00 p.m., at Stagecoach Park. There will be a Thank You" party for the contributors at La Costa on
September 21, from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. This will be in the Orchid Room and Terrace, and
Commissioner Wood advised the Commissioners to park their own cars, as the valet service is $6 plus tip.
Manager's Report
Connie Beardsley reported that everyone is working to bring the Salute to America plans together. She
said a lot of able-bodied people will be needed to put up and take down the stage.
Ms. Beardsley stated that the work on the Batiquitos Lagoon Enhancement is about to begin, and we have
been offered a wonderful opportunity to work with the Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation on a mural. They
want the schools to participate in this mural, and there will be ten 4' x 8' sheets of plywood put up. These
will stay there for three years, and Ms. Beardsley stated that since they are to be there such a long time,
they should be coordinated pieces and not just random painting. Richard Keeley will work with the artists
and the children to coordinate one nice mural. The mural will be attached to a chainlink fence and will
not be permanent.
Ms. Beardsley extended congratulations to Commissioner Plainer upon winning awards at the Carlsbad
Art League Show at the Village Faire.
Commissioner Wood stated that for the party at La Costa, an RSVP is necessary 48 hours beforehand.
There were no requests to address the Commission on a non-agenda item.
Martha Heavenston Artwork - for discussion
Connie Beardsley gave an update on the present status of the Martha Heavenston Artwork, which was to
be placed in Maxton Brown Park. The last word received from Ms. Heavenston was that she does not
want to do the art work, and the artist will send a formal letter requesting a termination of the contract by
mutual agreement.
The consensus of the Commission was that the City Council needs to know how artists feel about doing
any public art work for or in the City of Carlsbad due to the bad publicity from the press.
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Martha Heavenston Artwork (continued)
The Commissioners discussed public art and the need to have the public involved. The Commissioners
felt the Commission needs to help develop an understanding of public art. Different ideas were
expressed, including having developers put money aside for art on their own property. Another suggestion
was to go with lower-budget projects with local artists. The public has to be educated into wanting areas
to be enhanced with art work of some type.
Connie Beardsley stated she has not heard many comments on the Temporary Exhibits.
Commissioner Wood left the meeting at 5:30 p.m.
Connie Beardsley stated the Commission should have more discussion on how they wish to proceed with
the promotion of public art.
By proper motion, the Regular Meeting of September 1, 1994, was adjourned at 5:40 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Arts Manager
Harriett Babbitt
Minutes Clerk