HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-01-05; Arts Commission; MinutesMINUTES
DATE OF MEETING: January 5, 1995 (Regular Meeting)
TIME OF MEETING: 4:30 p.m.
PLACE OF MEETING: City Council Conference Room
Chairperson Batter called the Meeting to order at 4:30 p.m.
Present: Commissioners Batter, Ladouceur, Plainer, Spencer and Wood. Commissioner
Pynes arrived at 4:42 p.m.
Absent: Commissioner Willis.
On motion by Commissioner Wood, the Minutes of the Regular Meeting held December 1, 1994,
were approved as amended.
AYES: Batter, Ladouceur, Plainer, Spencer and Wood
Chairperson's Report
Chairperson Batter reported that the fund-raising luncheon that was tentatively planned for December 14,
was canceled. The time before the Holiday Season is such a busy time for everyone, that it was felt that
attendance would not justify the work to host the luncheon. Most of the people contacted about attending
the luncheon told the committee members to let them know what they needed to do, and this will be
followed up by the committee members.
Chairperson Batter called attention to the flyer for the Theatre of Yugen, Friday, January 20, 1995, 8:00
p.m., at the Carlsbad Cultural Arts Center, and asked the Commissioners to take copies of the flyer to
Connie Beardsley stated that the Sister City Committee is sponsoring a program for student ambassadors
to Futtsu, Japan, and Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic, and the students Will be selling refreshments at the
Theatre of Yugen performance.
Chairperson Batter stated that Commissioner Platner's art work is part of an exhibition in Poway, with a
reception to be held Sunday, January 8, from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m., at the Poway Performing Arts Center.
January 5, 1995 ARTS COMMISSION Page 2
Manager's Report
Connie Beardsley reported that her office has been working on an Arts Education Grant, to the National
Endowment for the Arts, and that has taken a great deal of their time. She said that only ten grants will
be given for the entire Country. Even if it is not awarded to the Arts Office, she feels that a beneficial
partnership has been formed with all those who worked on the grant, and that Sue Bentley is going to
take this plan out for additional fund-raising.
Ms. Beardsley said the first artists' meeting will take place at the Art House on Roosevelt on February 6,
and will be an informal meeting just to sit and talk. This meeting is being advertised through the arts
organizations and individual invitations will be sent out to let as many people as possible know about the
meeting. She said that each Commissioner will be sent a packet of ten invitations to distribute.
Ms. Beardsley stated that the first public meeting on public art has been tentatively scheduled for
February 9, 1995. There were conflicts with this date, and Ms. Beardsley stated she will check further on
an acceptable date.
Fund-raising Report
Commissioner Wood stated that since this is the tenth year anniversary, he wondered whether the attempt
should be made to join with other north county cities to have the pops concert held at perhaps Vista, and
sell advertisements for the program. He added that the North County Concert Association is not doing
well, and if the program they have planned in February is not sold out, they will not be able to plan a
concert season next year, and perhaps some of their money and resources could ,go toward the pops
concert: Mr. Wood said that in order to keep the pops concert alive, he was willing to consider joining
with Oceanside, Vista or Escondido.
Chairperson Batter stated she had envisioned five or six sponsors every year for the same event;
particularly, the pops concert.
Commissioner Ladouceur stated she had attended a workshop some time ago that was based on group
fund-raising for the arts, and the thought seems to be "coat-tailing" other organizations. However, she
said she thought you have to be careful about who it is and what organizations you are joining.
Commissioner Wood stated he was talking only about the pops concert and nothing else.
Chairperson Batter stated that the pops concert has been a Carlsbad event and if you take it out of the
community and have other organizations involved, it would no longer be a Carlsbad event-but would be
connected with the city where it was held. She expressed concern about physically moving the concert.
Commissioner Spencer stated he was opposed to moving it, as the pops concert is a community event.
If the community can't support it, then something else should be planned. He said he would favor
Oceanside rather than Vista, to keep the concert on the coast.
Commissioner Ladouceur also stated that she would hate to have the concert moved out of the City, and
Commissioner Plainer concurred.
Chairperson Batter stated she felt that a location in this community could be found for the concert and
suggested the industrial park. Ms. Beardsley said the Police Department favors Stagecoach Park rather
than a site in the industrial park.
January 5, 1995 ARTS COMMISSION Page 3
Arts Associates Report
Connie Chartier stated the Arts Associates are planning to help set up the Sculpture Garden in the Arts
Office backyard. The landscaping has been examined to determine what needs to be pulled out and what
can remain, and the next step is to get approval and the landscaping plan from the landscaping company,
who, hopefully, will volunteer their services. After that, the Associates would like to present this plan to
this Commission, with all the details of what is needed to make this an area where there could be
sculpture on a rotating basis, and also some permanent artwork. The Garden would be open to the
public with docents available.
In reply to Commission query, Ms. Chartier stated the entrance would be on Laguna Street and would
require a new fence and a removal of some of the things now in the backyard. She stated that this
garden would be very convenient-just across the street from the Library.
Commissioner Ladouceur stated that this would be an educational environment for children, since tours
to the Library could include a visit to the Sculpture Garden. She said that the schools had wanted the
students to tour the temporary exhibitions, but they were too far apart to make it feasible.
Ms. Chartier stated that the Associates will plan a fund-raiser to support this idea. The consensus of the
Commission was that this was an excellent idea.
Ms. Chartier reported that February will be the Arts Associates membership month, with the slogan "We
,Love the Arts". There will be newspaper coverage, and a special insert in the February newsletter.
There were no requests to address the Commission on a non-agenda item.
Artwork by Benbow Bullock
Connie Beardsley stated this item had been presented to the Commission at their December meeting, and
the decision to be made today is whether to accept the artwork. Commissioner Ladouceur recommended
the Commission look at the acquisition policy and follow it. Ms. Beardsley said a copy of the policy had
been included with the agenda packet. She suggested that the Arts Commission act as the Acquisitions
Committee, as this artwork has been on view for six months, with time for public comment, and the
decision could be made by the Commission. Ms. Beardsley asked the Commissioners whether they
wished to make the decision regarding the artwork or whether they wished to set up an Acquisitions
In reply to query as to whether this Commission could legally make the decision, Ms. Beardsley stated
that the Commission could make their own policies on how they develop a recommendation to City
Council. If the Commission wishes to revise, change, alter temporarily or permanently, the guidelines they
have set up, they can do this within the Commission. However, if it is a controversial issue, the
Commission should be concerned about changing something mid-stream. A consistent process is
January 5, 1995 ARTS COMMISSION Page 4
OLD BUSINESS: (Continued)
Ms. Beardsley said that the motion to be made should be to a) accept the artwork without the
recommendation of an Acquisitions Committee, or to by-pass an acquisition committee, or b) to appoint
an Acquisitions Committee to make the recommendation.
Commissioners Wood, Plainer and Spencer stated they wanted the Commission to decide on whether
to accept the piece. Commissioner Ladouceur stated she felt the Commission should follow through with
the policy, because if the policy is not followed, the Commission will get called on it. She said the quality
of the art is the prime reason for accepting any art for Carlsbad, and a committee will be needed
eventually. She recommended having an ongoing committee for this reason. Commissioner Ladouceur
asked that the possibility of purchasing the Capps piece be considered, as that would be a nice piece
for the City to own. The consensus of the Commission was to look into the purchase of the Capps piece
and appoint a committee to study that. Commissioner Ladouceur reiterated her desire to follow the policy.
Chairperson Batter stated she, too, was uncomfortable about not following the policy, because like
Commissioner Ladouceur, she still felt the "sting" from the controversy regarding Split Pavilion, and at that
time, the Commission was able to say that the policy had been followed specifically. Although the cost
is small on this piece, it is still public money and it is the Commission's responsibility to get input on
public acquisition that involves public money. That is why the acquisition committee was made up of such
an assortment of people. That is why she feels a committee needs to be in place to advise this
Commission and be able to say they took input from the community and the appropriate department in
the City where the artwork might be placed.
In reply to Commission query, staff indicated that the artist is anxious to have a decision as to whether
or not the City is going to accept this artwork. The Schwab Office has agreed to let the artwork remain
there until a decision is reached; however, Commissioner Pynes suggested that this permission should
be in writing.
Chairperson Batter stated that the Commission should take a look at the policy and make a decision
within the next two meetings whether to keep the policy as it is or change it. If an Acquisitions Committee
is needed, that should be put in place. She requested this be placed on the agenda next month.
ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Pynes, the Arts Commission voted to act as the
Acquisitions Committee regarding the Benbow Bullock Artwork.
AYES: Plainer, Pynes, Spencer and Wood
NOES: Batter and Ladouceur
The Commissioners discussed the problem of a location for this artwork and the consensus of ihe
Commission was lhal ihe piece needs lo be in an urban selling, with an appropriate background.
Commissioner Pynes listed potenlial sites; including Ihe Sculpture Garden, Safety Center, Calavera Park,
Kelly Park, Laguna Riviera Park and the Community Development Services building on Las Palmas. The
consensus was thai it should not be close to a playground or area where children could get lo ihe piece,
as this is nol suilable for active touching or climbing. Ms. Beardsley said thai she would have lo gel
permission lo place it on Cily property, olher lhan in ihe Sculplure Garden. However, ihe art piece should
nol be moved from one spol, once il is placed ihere. The artisl felt that it was nol placed correclly where
il is, and lhal is why il will cosl $2,000 to repair it and install it properly.
January 5, 1995 ARTS COMMISSION Page 5
OLD BUSINESS: (Continued)
ACTION: On amended motion by Commission Wood, the Arts Commission accepted the
artwork presented by Benbow Bullock, on the proviso that an acceptable location
for the piece is found within 30 days.
AYES: Batter, Ladouceur, Plainer, Pynes, Spencer and Wood
1995 Arts Office Community Arts Grants Allocations
Connie Beardsley presented the recommendations of the panel, explaining that the panel decided to fund
$9,240.00, rather than the entire $13,000 available. This would leave a balance that could be used to
solicit other projects in the community that are important toward implementing the 1994/5 goals and
The grants were as follows:
Starmakers Open Access Theatre $1,000.00
Carlsbad High School Drama 1,000.00
San Diego Institute for Arts Education -0-
Patrons of the Arts Foundation/
Carlsbad Youth Theatre 2,500.00
Carlsbad Children's Museum 1,900.00
Carlsbad Strings Education Assn. 1,940.00
Pat Hansen (Ind. Artist) 900.00
Total $9,240.00
ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Ladouceur, the Arts Commission accepted the
recommendations of the panel for the Arts Office 1 995 Community Grants.
AYES: Batter, Ladouceur, Plainer, Pynes, Spencer and Wood
By proper motion, the Regular Meeting of January 5, 1995, was adjourned at 6:09 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Arts Manager
Harriett Babbitt
Minutes Clerk