HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-02-02; Arts Commission; MinutesMINUTES
DATE OF MEETING: February 2, 1995 (Regular Meeting)
TIME OF MEETING: 4:30 p.m.
PLACE OF MEETING: City Council Conference Room
Chairperson Batter called the Meeting to order at 4:30 p.m.
Present: Commissioners Batter, Ladouceur, Plainer, Pynes, Spencer, Willis and Wood.
Absent: None.
On motion by Commissioner Wood, the Minutes of the Regular Meeting held January 5, 1995,
were approved as amended.
AYES: Batter, Ladouceur, Plainer, Pynes, Spencer and Wood
Chairperson's Report
Chairperson Baiter reported thai she had lalked wilh Dick Roberts regarding Ihe Pops Concert, and he
has stated he will support Ihe concert, and will help gel five or six olher people lo support Ihe concert.
Ms. Bailer will iry to get the dollar amounts when they are available. She has been given the names of
some other companies in the area that might be willing to contribule lo the Pops and they will be
conlacled. Commissioner Wood also slaled he had some addilional names of companies lo be conlacled
about contributing toward Ihe Pops Concert.
Arts Education Report
Commissioner Pynes reported she had been approached by a friend on the Historical Preservalion
Commission, who wants to do an art conlesl for Ihe ihird graders, in conjunction with Historical
Preservation Week in March. She is working with her friend on this project, and they have talked with the
third grade teachers lo solicil history of Carlsbad enlries from Ihe sludents. The entries will be judged
by the Junior Women's Club or some similar organization. The Library and some of the banks will show
the art work. Ms. Pynes asked whether the Commission wanls lo co-sponsor and is ihere access lo
graphics and priming for flyers. Ms. Beardsley said Ihe Arts Office could probably do Ihe priming
necessary, as Ihe Graphics posilion in Ihe Cily is in Iransilion al Ihis lime.
February 2, 1995 ARTS COMMISSION Page 2
Arts Education Report (Continued)
Commissioner Pynes continued, inquiring whether there were funds available for prizes, and Ms.
Beardsley stated there is no money available. The suggestion was made to get merchants to donate gift
certificates as prizes. Ms. Pynes said she will write up suggestions for the contest and would welcome
any recommendations the Commissioners might have.
The consensus of the Commission was to co-sponsor the art contest.
Commissioner Plainer gave a brief report on the art exhibition in Poway, and stated it was well-attended.
Commissioner Wood stated that the Rampal concert has been canceled.
Manager's Report
Connie Beardsley reported that she met with the Mexican/American Association last night, to discuss
joining their Mother's Day Celebration with the Arts Festejando a las Madrecitas. Their celebration is held
on Sunday, and the Arts celebration is on Saturday. The Association seems to think that Sunday is a
better day to hold the celebration, and if they will co-sponsor, it would be held on May 14. Ms. Beardsley
is waiting to hear from them at this time. She added that she is looking for a Chairperson for that event.
Ms. Beardsley reported that the Arts Office is working on the artists-in-residence grants, and they will be
submitted next week. She called attention to the flyer for the workshop on public art to be held on
Thursday, February 23, 1995, at 7:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers. She asked the Commissioners to
invite anyone who would enjoy coming to the meeting to discuss public art in Carlsbad. The meeting will
show what art is in Carlsbad and San Diego County and ask for public input; whether it is the flower
fields, the beach, or just what makes Carlsbad special. Then, when an artist is hired to do work for the
City, this information will be available to show what the public would like to see expressed in art work.
Chairperson Batter suggested that some of the Commissioners go to Council meeting, probably on
February 21, to talk about the workshop during the Public Comment period.
Ms. Beardsley called attention to a draft letter supporting the National Endowment for the Arts, for the
Commissioners to sign. The Oceanside Arts Commission will also sign the letter.
Arts Associates Report
Connie Chattier reported that the Associates' fund for the insurance for the rotating exhibition was
increased to $1,200. She stated that the sculpture garden is progressing-they are cleaning the area and
removing unwanted shrubs. A Landscape Architect will come and visually advise them how to do this.
She said that tonight is the membership drive at the Prudential Realty Agency, with ten people
telephoning for two hours to increase the membership. They are hoping to increase the membership from
600 to 1,000. The Art Cart is being produced, and will be made by a different manufacturer. Ms. Chartier
told of a windfall that Connie Beardsley received from an import company in La Jolla that was going out
of business. As soon as the company closed its doors, they invited her to come in and take what was
left over. Ms. Chartier stated there are some wonderful pieces and they are at the Arts Office at the
present time. Ann L'Heureux thinks that she has found a storage place for this inventory at the Graham
February 2, 1995 ARTS COMMISSION Page 3
Site Selection for Benbow Bullock's Artwork - for approval
Connie Beardsley stated that this item will have to go before the City Council for approval. She will write
an agenda bill giving this Commission's recommendation to the Council with the location chosen,
including an alternative. Ms. Beardsley had snapshots of the different locations in front of the Community
Development Building at 2075 Las Palmas Drive, and she stated that the artist will be here next Monday
and would work with them for the best spot. The suggestion was made that the sculpture looks good
where it is, and Ms. Beardsley stated that it is not City property.
Chairperson Batter stated it is an issue of maintenance and liability.
Ms. Beardsley said that Calavera Hills Park is another possibility at the entrance to the Recreation Center.
She expressed concern about children possibly climbing on the sculpture at the Park.
Commissioner Platner suggested leaving the sculpture where it is and have the artist give it as a gift
without strings. Ms. Beardsley stated that the Commission has agreed to accept the sculpture. Another
suggestion was made to place it at the corner by the Arts Office, which would indicate that the Arts Office
was located there. The comment was made that it was too large for that area.
Commissioner Wood stated that developers are being encouraged to include art in their developments,
so the Community Development Building would be a good choice.
ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Ladouceur, the Arts Commission recommended to
the City Council approval of the placement of the Benbow Bullock Artwork in front
of the Community Development Building at 2075 La Palmas Drive. The artist,
working with staff, will decide on the best position for the art work on that site.
AYES: Batter, Ladouceur, Pynes, Spencer, Willis and Wood
NOES: Platner
ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Platner, the Arts Commission recommended as an
alternative site for the Benbow bullock Artwork, the corner yard by the Arts Office.
AYES: Batter, Platner, Pynes, Willis and Wood
NOES: Ladouceur and Spencer
There were no requests to address the Commission on a non-agenda item.
February 2, 1995 ARTS COMMISSION Page 4
Review Public Art Process - for discussion/approval
Chairperson Batter stated she had not had time to review this item and did not feel it should be taken up
at this time.
Connie Beardsley stated that this would be a discussion on whether or not the Arts Commission felt that
the Public Art Committee, Acquisitions Committee and Temporary Art Committee should all exist as
separate committees, or whether this should be changed and perhaps just one committee be appointed.
She stated that the Arts Commission had felt that they did not want to do all the duties and that was why
these committees were formed.
Commissioner Ladouceur left the meeting at 5:34 p.m.
Connie Beardsley stated that there are other items that need to be reviewed, but she had thought the
Commission could start at the beginning and do this piece by piece. She stated she could present an
outline of how to do this at the next meeting.
ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Wood, the Arts Commission tabled this item until the
March 1995 meeting.
AYES: Batter, Plainer, Pynes, Spencer, Willis and Wood
Consider Purchase of Kenneth Capps Art Work "ARC" located on Pio Pico by the City Hall parking lot.
Connie Beardsley reported that this art work has been there six months and will be there another six
months. She contacted Mr. Capps, and his price is $28,000 for the piece. Ms. Beardsley stated she had
talked with Chris Calkins of Carltas Company about purchasing an art piece to donate to the City, but this
was some time ago.
ACTION: . On motion by Commissioner Wood, the Arts Commission recommended this item
be tabled indefinitely.
AYES: Batter, Plainer, Pynes, Spencer, Willis and Wood
By proper motion, the Regular Meeting of February 2, 1995, was adjourned at 5:18 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Arts Manager
Harriett Babbitt
Minutes Clerk