HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-05-04; Arts Commission; MinutesMINUTES
DATE OF MEETING: May 4, 1995 (Regular Meeting)
TIME OF MEETING: 4:30 p.m.
PLACE OF MEETING: City Council Conference Room
Chairperson Batter called the Meeting to order at 4:30 p.m.
Present: Commissioners Batter, Plainer, Spencer, Willis and Wood.
Absent: Commissioners Ladouceur and Pynes.
On motion by Commissioner Wood, the Minutes of the February 2, 1995, Meeting were approved
as presented.
AYES: Batter, Plainer, Spencer, Willis and Wood
On motion by Commissioner Wood, the Minutes of the April 6, 1995, Meeting were approved as
AYES: Batter, Plainer, Spencer, Willis and Wood
Chairperson's Report
Chairperson Batter reminded Ihe Commissioners lhal Ihey should gel Ihe lickels for the Gallery Vista
drawing lo the Gallery or Connie Beardsley by the 19lh. The checks should be made oul lo Gallery Visla.
The Opening will be on May 13 from 5:30 p.m. lo 8:30 pm., wilh 20 percenl of purchases made from May
13 Ihrough May 20 being donaled loward Ihe Pops Concert
Chairperson Batter stated the Feslejando will be on May 14 at Holiday Park. She reminded the
Commissioners thai tonighl is Ihe last performance of the Taiko Drummers.
Manager's Report
Connie Beardsley reported that the Arts Office has been very busy with Ihe Taiko Drummers performing
and Ihe Japanese delegalion also in lown. The Office is also gearing up for Ihe jazz concerts. Also, Ihe
Arls Associales are working on Ihe Sculplure Garden, wilh Ihe Kiwanis Club lo slarl cleaning Ihe back yard
nexl week. Goals and objeclives are being established for Ihe Garden to determine what is to happen
there. She said any ideas for Ihe Garden are welcome and asked Ihe Commissioners lo Ihink about whal
Ihey would like for the Garden-whelher Ihis is lo be an exlension of the temporary exhibilion wilh work
of local artists to come and go, a permanent collection, or some of both.
May 4, 1995 ARTS COMMISSION Page 2
Manager's Report: (Continued)
Ms. Beardsley continued, stating that some of the trees in the back yard will be removed, but some will
be used to make divisions in the yard and to form different areas. She said that she will place this item
on the agenda for the next meeting for the Commissioners to discuss their ideas.
Chairperson Batter suggested that the Commissioners go to the Arts Office before the next meeting to look
at the back yard area where the Sculpture Garden will be placed.
Fund-Raising Report
Commissioner Wood reported that he is still selling ads for the program and last week started a flyer in
the newsletter and has about $700 from that. He said there is approximately $5,000 net profit at this time,
plus what is received from the sponsorships. Mr. Wood said he sent out 30 or 40 letters to individuals
asking for $25 spots in the program. He said the back and front covers of the program will be in color,
with stories and pictures to be included in the program.
Chairperson Batter said that donations from the corporate side have been a little disappointing at this time,
with some companies changing top management and others just not in a position to give a donation at
this time.
Commissioner Wood said he feels that the community is going to have to support the Pops Concert, and
if they want the concert, they will have to pay-either with donations or at the gate.
Arts Associates Report
Connie Chartier reported that the Art Cart made its debut on May 1 at the Library. She said that the cart
breaks down to load into cars. The cart made $250 from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. They have obtained
insurance for the liability, with the biggest problem being to supply manpower for the cart. She said the
Associates are hoping to make a lot of money for the gallery. She said that next month the cart will be
at the Branch Library, but they cannot compete with the other merchants there. The opening at the Library
gave them a good idea of what to expect.
Ms. Chartier invited the Commissioners to the Arts Associates Annual Meeting, May 17, 7:00 p.m., at the
Senior Center.
Ms. Beardsley requested that the Review of Public Art Manual Agenda Item be taken up at this time, and
the Commission concurred.
Review of Public Art Manual
Connie Beardsley stated that Commissioner Wood, Naomi Nussbaum and she had worked on the revision
of the Public Art Manual, and had not made many changes. The Public Art Committee is the primary
change. She went through the different sections, explaining the changes that were made to the wording.
ACTION: By consensus, the Commission agreed to change the wording "Public Art" to "Art
in Public Places" throughout the entire document.
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Review of Public Art Manual (Continued)
On page 5, under the item Visual Arts Committee, the wording was changed to eliminate the verbs at the
beginning of each item. Item #4 was changed to read: Artists if problems arise.
On page 6, under the item Arts Office, Item #1a was changed to read Visual Art Committee instead of
Public Art Committee.
Ms. Beardsley explained that the Visual Arts Committee would be a standing committee rather than having
separate committees for each project, and this Committee would advise the Commission on all visual arts
matters. She said that the makeup of the Committee will be determined at a later date, but it is important
that it be a group of people who deal with these matters on a regular basis and who understand the
issues. Also, they will not have to be instructed each time, and should have a knowledge of realistic costs
and prices of art works. Ms. Beardsley said the Committee will report to the Arts Commission, and any
Commissioners can sit in and be a part of the Committee, but the Commissioner appointed to the
Committee will act as the Chair and be the liaison to report back to the Commission.
Ms. Beardsley explained the minor changes made in the Exclusions section and Project Parameters. She
explained the changes in the Mission Statement, and the Commission included the Mission Statement in
the change in wording from "Public Art Program" to "Art in Public Places".
ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Plainer, the Arts Commission approved the Art in
Public Places Program Manual as amended.
AYES: Batter, Plainer, Spencer, Willis and Wood
Temporary Art Exhibition Policy For Purchasing Arlwork
Ms. Beardsley referred lo Ihe Temporary Arl Exhibilion Seleclion Process, a copy of which was attached
lo Ihe packet.
ACTION: On motion by Commissioner Wood, Ihe Arts Commission adopled Ihe Temporary
Arl Exhibilion Seleclion Process, as presented.
AYES: Batter, Plainer, Spencer, Willis and Wood
Geoff Armour, Presidenl of the Historical Sociely, was present to discuss the vendors at the jazz concerts.
Chairperson Batter slated lhal Cappuccino in Ihe Park donates 20 percenl of their sales and also Ihe Arts
Associates donates funds raised from Ihe sale of T-shirls. The suggeslion had been made that the
Hislorical Society could also donate 20 percent from their food sales.
Mr. Armour stated he took this suggeslion back lo Ihe Board of Ihe Historical Sociely and Ihe Members
were nol enlhusiaslic aboul the concept He said that the Society is a non-profil organizalion, and aclually
a part of Ihe expanded family of the arts family. They work closely wilh Ihe Library, the Arts Office and Ihe
Sister Cily Committee. Also, Ihis is a very small group-wilh 99 members-and their only source of income
is from the dues of $15 a year and the sale of food al Ihe jazz concerts. The Sociely nels belween $1,500
and $1,800 over the nine concerts, and if they had to give back $350, this would probably hurt Ihe Sociely
more than it would help the concerts. Mr. Armour said he was present to ask the Commission's
understanding and consideralion. Ms. Beardsley slated Ihis item will be on Ihe June Agenda.
May 4, 1995 ARTS COMMISSION Page 4
Ms. Beardsley announced that the June Agenda would include approval of the Visual Arts Committee, the
vendors at the jazz concerts, and the Sculpture Garden.
By proper motion, the Regular Meeting of May 4, 1995, was adjourned at 5:52 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Arts Manager
Harriett Babbitt
Minutes Clerk