HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-11-02; Arts Commission; MinutesMINUTES
DATE OF MEETING: November 2, 1995
PLACE OF MEETING: City Council Conference Room
Chairperson Batter called the Meeting to order at 4:05 p.m.
Present: Commissioners Batter, Wood, Ladouceur and Platner. Commissioner Pynes arrived at 4:30
p.m. Commissioner Willis arrived at 4:52 p.m.
Chairperson Batter made a correction to the Minutes of October 12, 1995. On motion by Commissioner
Wood, the Minutes of October 12, 1995 were approved as corrected.
AYES: Batter, Wood, Ladouceur, Platner
Chairperson's Report
Visiting artist C.J. Jones will be performing at various locations in December. The public performance will be
held December 8, 7:30 p.m. at Valley Jr. High School. The lawn bowling request at Magee Park was turned down
by the Parks and Recreation Commission. The David Bruce Gallery is opening at the Village Faire on
Wednesday, November 9 from 5-9 p.m. Chairperson Batter announced she will be not be at the December
Manager's Report
Connie Beardsley provided an update on the 1-5 Corridor project. The three finalists are working on their design
concepts. They will be presenting them at the December meeting which will begin at 4:00 p.m. Staff applied for a
grant from Cablevision to televise the presentations. One of the finalists has been sending representatives to
community groups to gather input. Construction of the seawall was funded by the State and should begin after
the first of the year. Raul Guerrero is the artist hired to design the pattern in the concrete. Mrs. Beardsley will
keep the Commission informed on the progress of this project. The "YES to Art" mural was completed by
students under the direction of artist Roberto Salas on the east side of one of the buildings at La Palma
Continuation School. Mr. Salas suggested that postcards be made of the mural. This year's first issue of Artsbrag
is being developed. Arts Office staff and Planning staff have been working on a plan to have public art placed in
private development. Credit will be given to developers who put in public art pieces against the
landscape/hardscape requirements. The flyers providing detailed information will be placed in City of Carlsbad
developer packets after all approvals have been gained. Mrs. Ladouceur asked if the Arts Office could be utilized
as a resource for the developers. Mrs. Beardsley stated the Commission would be responsible for approving the
eligibility of public art pieces for the developers, but not the aesthetic of the artwork The flyer detailing this
information will be passed on .to the Commissioners. Mrs. Ladouceur asked if the Arts Office could obtain slides
of the developers' art pieces. Mrs. Beardsley stated she would be able to get them and assist the developers with
publicity on the artworks. Chairperson Batter asked if this program would be fighting against another incentive-
type program i.e. xeriscape for credit. Mrs. Beardsley said that this would not happen, that this was part of the
reason for doing this program. Two Pacific Coast Concert Band concerts were announced - A Young Person's
concert on November 9 and the Holiday Concert at Cultural Arts Center on December 9 at 7:30 p.m. Both
concerts are sponsored by the Arts Office.
Arts Commission Minutes - November 2, 1995 2
Fund-Raising Report
Commissioner Arthur Wood reported that fund-raising was started in October with letters sent out to those
companies who stated they needed to be contacted in advance. Almost 100% of those companies who
participated in last year's program will do so again. Chairperson Batter will contact Americair and will also
contact Smith and Nephew Donjoy.
Arts Associates Report
Carol Landis reported the Associates did very well on the Mexican art sale held in October. The "Art of the
Picnic" cookbook is moving along and is scheduled to be printed. The price should be around $6.00 plus tax. The
Associates hope to include an order form in the December newsletter. The holiday party will be held on
December 14th at the L'Heureux's.
Commissioner Wood mentioned that he had recently spoken with the manager of .the Plaza Paseo Real shopping
center in La Costa who mentioned that the owners had seen the Kristi and Diane sculptures and expressed
concerns about their condition. The sculptures belong to the Arts Associates. Connie Chartier is looking into
this situation.
Discussion of Arts Commissioners' Goals for 1996
Chairperson Batter opened discussion by asking Commissioners what they considered to be the main area of
ability to each could contribute to the Commission and what goals each would like to see accomplished.
Commissioner Susan Pynes
Commissioner Pynes stated that she was interested in arts education. She said she felt the Historical
Preservation Month Drawing contest held last year was a good project to continue with. She would like to see
more sculpture (public art) placed throughout the City. She stated that the Office was working with the
Community/School Arts Education Advisory Committee. This is a program she is very interested in.
Commissioner Ladouceur ^
Commissioner Ladouceur reminded everyone she would be going off the Commission in March. She stated she
didn't see any program/project ending - they seem to get bigger. She is personally interested in arts education.
We're seeing a beginning of art in the schools and hope that it was some of what the Arts Commission/Office
was doing that helped foster a climate that allowed school administration to bring art back into the schools.
She felt the Commission/Office needed to get out more in the community and do more public relations. Mrs.
Ladouceur felt that because the City Council was not aware of what the Arts Commission/Office was doing half
of the time that people in the city also did not know what we were doing but she wasn't sure how to get more
She felt many of the Arts Office's programs are very good. She stated that the first two temporary art
exhibitions held were curated shows and those were the strongest. She feels very strongly that it is "quality" that
teaches and quality is important when selecting public art
Mrs. Ladouceur would like to continue with the arts education group. And, would also like to help with public
art. Mrs. Ladouceur also stated she would hope that someday Carlsbad would obtain an artwork of local artist
Kenneth Capps.
Commission Ruth Plainer
Commissioner Platner said she would like to see quality, impressive public art works, and excellent settings as
part of the Commission/Office needs to be considered. Where the artworks are shown really matter. She
thinks our public art is not visible enough - it doesn't "hit you in the eye" the way it should. She would like to see
larger, better pieces.
Arts Commission Minutes - November 2, 1995
Mrs. Platner felt establishing a building fund was an important goal. The public will see visual art differently if it is
in a central location. She doesn't see a facility as large as Escondido. The facility could serve arts education,
studios to teach the visual and performing arts, again bringing in funds. She feels it will give focus to what we are
doing. She feels the concerts are wonderful, but when they're done they're gone and the money is gone. She felt
that perhaps we could be inventive like the people in Oceanside in remodeling an old building.
Chairperson Batter stated that a cultural facility has been talked about for years. She continued that maybe the
focus was lost on obtaining facility because the Commission felt it could not do anything about it. But, perhaps
this may not be true - that with a lot of work, focus and a plan it is obtainable. I Mrs. Platner requested the
Commissioners keep their eyes'and imagination open on a building.
Commissioner Arthur Wood
Commissioner Wood stated that in today's political climate there is no funding for the arts. If anything such as a
building or quality art is going to happen it's going to have to come from the artists. Mr. Wood used the City of
Oceanside as an example where the artists lobbied the City Council for a building and were given one.
Mrs. Platner reiterated the importance of starting a building fund. Chairperson Batter stated that both can be
accomplished at the same time. Mrs. Ladouceur said the artists gatherings held once a month have been a good
Commissioner George Willis
Commissioner Willis stated that the Village Merchants were approached by the City several years ago to
establish a wish list. From that, a five, three and two year plan was established. Some of the items on that list
have been accomplished, i.e., the blufftop walkway. Until the Commission establishes a wish list and reviews it,
nothing will happen. He also felt that pooling the interest of citizens and organizations who might want other
things such as tennis courts could be beneficial in obtaining an art complex.
Commissioner Pynes stated she would like to see Carrillo Ranch as a "working ranch". She stated it could be
contain pottery studios as well as agricultural facilities. The Commission discussed this and all agreed that this
was a good idea. Mrs. Ladouceur reminded the Commission about the sculpture garden being planned at the Arts
Office, and this was a beginning of permanent display space. Mrs. Beardsley stated that the Cultural Plan contains
many recommendations. It is a base from which to work. Staff is reviewing this as they begin to develop their
strategic plan and will bring it before the Commission in the near future.
Chairperson Laurie Batter
Chairperson Batter would like to see a focus on a place for the arts in Carlsbad. She stated her vision for
Carlsbad Arts is tp have more visibility. She is personally willing to undertake this task next year. She would like
to see the Commission explore the establishment of a Speakers Bureau. She would like to see the Arts Office
get more information to the business parks. Mrs. Batter felt utilizing the Chamber's Business Journal publication
as a means of visibility to the business community was important and should be further explored.
Mrs. Beardsley suggested that the Commission hold a workshop and discuss these items further. Commissioner
Willis stated he would like staff to let the Commission know what goals and objectives have already been
accomplished, and what is remaining. Ms. Batter requested this information in January. Chairperson Batter
stated she was tired of talking about these projects (cultural facility, Speakers Bureau) and not doing anything
about them. Staff will send to the Commission copies of the Cultural Facilities Task Force, Programming Task
Force and Arts Education Task Force report/recommendations. Mrs. Beardsley suggested Commissioners
review these reports/recommendations, and note recommended changes. Commissioner Ladouceur stated that
in the Cultural Plan's discussion of a facility, one of the conclusions was that the user groups needed to be strong.
For years the budget for the grants for our local groups have been consistently cut. The more this funding is cut,
the less help we can be in strengthening our arts organizations. Chairperson Batter would like to see the
Commissioners prioritize what each wants to do from this meeting's minutes.
Arts Commission Minutes - November 2, 1995 4
Mrs. Beardsley reminded the Commission that the Arts Office direction comes from the goals and objectives
established by City Council. The Commission's role is to advise the Arts Office on these goals and objectives.
Another copy of the 1995 goals and objectives will be provided to the Commission.
Sculpture Location for Mother Earth/Father Sky
Connie Beardsley stated staff is recommending the sculpture be placed in Hosp Grove. The exact location has
yet to be determined. If the Commission approves the Hosp Grove site, this recommendation will then need to
go before the Parks and Recreation Commission for its approval. There are several acceptable locations in this
park for the sculpture to be placed. The main concern is where to place the sculpture so that will not be so
accessible to vandalism. Commissioner Wood asked how high the sculpture would be mounted. Mrs. Beardsley
answered that height was dependent upon the location chosen. Commissioner Pynes asked why the sculpture
needed to be removed from its present site. Mrs. Beardsley explained that this was City Council's direction - the
sculpture was not to be placed in the Redevelopment area.
On motion by Commission Wood, the Mother Earth/Father Sky sculpture be moved to Hosp Grove and this
recommendation be brought before the Parks and Recreation Commission for its approval.
AYES: Wood, Pynes, Willis, Platner, Batter, Ladouceur
Appointment of an Arts Commission Representative to the 1996 Community Arts Grants Panel
Mrs. Beardsley stated that a Commissioner needed to be appointed to serve on this panel, which will meet on
Wednesday, November 29 at 9:00 a.m. in the Council Conference Room. Chairperson Batter asked for a
volunteer. Commissioner Pynes volunteered to serve.
Mrs. Beardsley announced that because the 1-5 Corridor presentations will be videotaped by Cablevision at the
December meeting, the Commission meeting will start at 4:00 p.m. She gave the Commission a brief outline of
the process and what is expected to happen during the December meeting.
By proper motion, the Meeting of November 2, 1995 adjourned at 5:55 p.m.
Respectfully submitted:
Manager, Arts Office
Sherry Freisinger