HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-03-07; Arts Commission; MinutesMINUTES
DATE OF MEETING: March 7, 1996 (Regular Meeting)
TIME OF MEETING: 4:30 p.m.
PLACE OF MEETING: City Council Conference Room
Vice-Chairperson Wood called the Meeting to order at 4:35 p.m.
Present: Commissioners Wood, Ladouceur, Plainer, Pynes and Willis.
Absent: Commissioner Batter.
Vice-Chairperson Wood welcomed Council Members Kulchin and Hall to the meeting.
Commissioner Ladouceur was presented a Certificate of Appreciation from the City Council and
Commissioner Ladouceur stated she had challenged Council and Commissioners to keep on with the
vision of bringing back the Cultural Plan. She said there is a need to re-commit to the Arts.
On motion by Commissioner Pynes, the Minutes of the Regular Meeting held February 8, 1996,
were approved as presented.
AYES: Wood, Ladouceur, Pynes and Willis
ABSTAIN: Plainer
Arts Education Grant - for discussion
Connie Beardsley staled lhal this grant will go to the California Arts Council, and is a joint application with
Ihe Carlsbad Unified School Dislricl. She said that only one school district will be chosen at the starl. The
granl proposal is not complete.
Ms. Beardsley stated thai arls educalion in Ihis School Dislricl is nol very slrong when compared lo other
dislricls. She said lhal planning is lo be done during Ihe firsl year of Ihe grant. Funds may be requested
for a second and third year. The amount is $20,000 and musl be malched. Carlsbad Unified School
Dislricl will malch lhal amount The planning during lhal firsl year is lo develop a long-range plan for an
arls educalion program in Ihe schools. She said lhal because Ihe Cily is Ihe one applying for Ihe grant,
we are inleresled in knowing whal Ihe schools are going to get and what part Ihe community will play in
Ihe program; also, how arlisls will participate and whal Iheir role will be. Ms. Beardsley said lhal the
slrongesl program would be lo have art specialisls al all levels. Because Carlsbad cannol afford lo do
lhal, il may train the elementary school teachers and supplemenl lhal wilh some arls specialisls and arts
organizalions who can bring in art forms.
March 7, 1996 ARTS COMMISSION Page 2
Arts Education Grant (Continued)
Ms. Beardsley said there would be pilot programs at Jefferson, Pine and Kelly Schools. She said that part
of the long-range plan is for all grades. There is pressure for band, and the children are getting little
preparation in the elementary and junior high levels, and as a result cannot read music at the high school
level. A two-week teacher-training summer workshop was suggested, but the teachers do not want to give
up that kind of time. Ms. Beardsley said that Sue Bentley is willing to give some training time to the arts.
In reply to query as to what happens if Carlsbad does not get the grant, Ms. Beardsley stated that it is
hoped that there will be a long-range plan anyway, and the local District is aware of the need for a plan.
She said the application is due April 16.
Ms. Beardsley said there is a Steering Committee, which was set up by the guidelines of the State. It was
suggested they work with the Advisory Committee and other groups, so the people will feel they are
participating. The Steering Committee will meet regularly and look at the needs assessment and decide
what needs to be done in the grades K through 12. Ms. Beardsley said that Commissioner Pynes is the
representative from this Commission.
There were no requests to address the Commission.
Chairperson's Report
There was no report.
Manager's Report
Connie Beardsley reported that the Arts Office had been working with the flower fields on what they
thought would be a joint one-day festival. The suggestion was made that perhaps this type of program
should be included in the long-range plan.
Ms. Beardsley stated that the summer camp will be four weeks in July (after the 4th), and will be for the
second and third grades the first two weeks and the fourth and fifth grades the second two weeks. She
said they are trying to have the teachers offer courses in various art forms and let the parents sign their
children up for the courses they want.
Fund-Raisinq Report
Commissioner Wood reported that the fund-raising is doing fairly well; for instance, the Arts Associates
doubled the size of their ad in the program and now have a full-page ad. He said that the program will
contain 28 pages and will list more activities.
Commissioner Wood reported that the Carrillo Ranch Committee will meet March 21 to proceed with plans
for the Ranch.
March 7, 1996 ARTS COMMISSION Page 3
Connie Beardsley stated that she wanted to reiterate what Commissioner Wood has done as far as the
fund-raising. She stated he deserves a lot of praise and hopefully he will continue with this work next year.
Arts Associates Report
Mig Chaney reported that the Artists' Reception will be held on March 28, at the San Dieguito Bank from
5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. She stated that the Annual Meeting of the Associates will be held May 16, 1996,
at the Senior Center. Ms. Chaney stated that the T-shirt for this year is great-with the shirt being black
with a mass of color on it. She said the price has been changed to $18 for the long-sleeved shirt. Ms.
Chaney said the Associates are developing a comprehensive mission statement to cover all aspects of
fund-raising. She said the membership drive was very successful.
Vice-Chairperson Wood thanked Sue Ladouceur for all her work during her time on the Commission.
By proper motion, the Regular Meeting of March 7, 1996, was adjourned at 5:25 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Arts Manager
Harriett Babbitt
Minutes Clerk