HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997-06-04; Arts Commission; MinutesMINUTES
Arts Commission Meeting
June 4, 1997 • 4:00 p.m.
City Council Conference Room
Meeting Called To Order at 4:00 p.m.
Present: Commissioners Wood, Batter, Pynes, Dolnick, Lignante, Chartier, Willis
Chair Wood introduced newly appointed Arts Commissioner Bunny Dolnick.
Seawall Reception
The Commission discussed holding a reception for artist Raul Guerrero. Mr. Guerrero is
not available to attend the reception until September. Commissioner Dolnick asked who
would be invited to attend the reception. Arts Manager Connie Beardsley replied that the
Arts Associates, local artists and community members involved in the seawall project would
be invited. The artist will also invite his own friends and associates. Chair Wood asked
where the reception would be held. Commissioner Willis suggested using the parking lot at
SDG&E and Commissioner Chartier suggested holding the reception on the beach. Mrs.
Beardsley responded that this item was on the agenda for the Commission to decide whether
a reception should be held and Arts Office staff will be responsible for the logistics and
The Commission requested Mrs. Beardsley report back to it with further details at a later
Approval of Proposed Library Artwork by artists Jan Sanchez and Ellen Ziegler
Mrs. Beardsley outlined the process that artwork has been through up to this meeting for
Commissioners. She stated that while the artwork was on display in both libraries, very few
public comments were received. Of those: 12 comments were positive; 2 comments were
concerning funding; I comment was negative, and 2 were undetermined. Mrs. Beardsley
reminded that Commission that people feel personally attached to the library and will take
more notice of the artwork once it is in place. Commissioner Dolnick asked if the artwork
on display allowed for more interaction with the public. Mrs. Beardsley responded that the
proposed artwork was displayed in visible areas in each Library but there was no staff available
to the public during the display. The work was presented previously to the Library Building
Committee and was approved in May by the Library Board of Trustees.
The Commission discussed both proposed artworks with Mrs. Beardsley. Commissioner
Pynes likes the fountain and the trellis designs, but has concerns with how the copper will
patina. Mrs. Beardsley responded that the artist will start the patina process before the
artwork is installed. She also reported the trellis and window screens will coordinate with
the roof of the Library's gallery which will also be copper.
Arts Commission Minutes -June 4, 1997
It was moved and seconded that the proposed artwork by artist Jan Sanchez for the South
Carlsbad Library be approved and forwarded to City Council recommending approval.
AYES: Commissioners Wood, Lignante, Dolnick, Batter, Pynes, Willis,
Commissioner Chartier stated he liked the concept of the fountain and the large stone
structure. Commissioner Lignante asked if the liability issue had been discussed. Mrs.
Beardsley responded that Ms. Ziegler's artwork design had been approved the City's Risk
Manager. Commissioner Batter stated she approved the fountain design concept.
It was moved and seconded that the proposed artwork by artist Ellen Ziegler for the South
Carlsbad Library be approved and forwarded to City Council recommending approval.
AYES: Commissioners Wood, Lignante, Dolnick, Batter, Pynes, Willis,
Village Faire Gallery
Chair Wood presented a brief background on this event. He stated that the Gallery will hold
its reception on July 12 and the drawing will be held on July 19. Twenty percent of the
proceeds on all artwork sold between July 12 and 19th will be donated to the Carlsbad Arts
Office. The artwork and items to be raffled off will be on display at the Gallery on Monday,
June 9. Mr. Wood will let Commissioners know what items will be raffled off next week.
Chair's Report
Chair Wood reported he attended the seawall dedication held on May 28. He also reported
that the media center at Hope Elementary School is full of children's artwork. Chair Wood
asked Commissioner Chartier to update the Commission on the progress of the
Commissioners' workshop tasks at the July meeting.
Manager's Report
Mrs. Beardsley reported the City's budget goes before City Council on June 24 for approval.
She further reported that she is working on getting a Lego architecture exhibit of gateways
that is made out of Legos designed by various architects to be displayed in Carlsbad. She is
talking to Lego about sponsoring the exhibit.
1-5 Committee Report
Commissioner Batter reported that KTU&A will be making its presentation of the master
plan concept to the Committee on June 16 at the Senior Center. She further stated she
attended the artists' gathering held June 3 and said that attendance was low and perhaps this
was not the place for this type of venue as it was noisy and the volume of business was
distracting, making it difficult to hear the speaker.
The meeting adjourned at 5:28 p.m.
Arts Commission Minutes - June 4, 1997