HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997-11-06; Arts Commission; Minutesy MINUTES
Arts Commission Meeting
Novembers, 1997 * 4:30 p.m.
City Council Conference Room
Meeting Called To Order at 4:30 p.m.
Present: Commissioners Wood, Willis, Kacher/Dolnick, Chartier and Lignante.
Commissioner Pynes arrived at 4:45 p.m.; Commissioner Batter arrived at 5:24
On Motion by Commissioner Willis, the Minutes of October 2, 1997 Meeting were approved.
AYES: Wood, Chartier, Willis, Kacher/Dolnick, Lignante
Discussion of Seward Johnson's Sculptures Temporarily Located in the Aviara Development
At Commissioner Pynes request, Connie Beardsley contacted Aviara to discuss J.
Seward Johnson's sculptures now on display. She stated that Aviara is requesting a six
month extension of the sculpture show. If the extension is not granted, the exhibition will
be taken down in January. If the Arts Commission is interested in purchasing one of the
sculptures, the Commission should begin checking into this now. Aviara stated the Aviara
Homeowners Association is interested in purchasing a piece. Mrs. Beardsley invited an
Aviara representative to attend a future Arts Commission meeting. The cost of each
sculpture is between $25,000 and $50,000. The Aviara Homeowners Association would be
meeting to discuss the purchase soon. Mrs. Beardsley further explained if the Aviara
Homeowners Association was interested in the City's participation of purchasing a
sculpture, it would have to be placed in a visible public location. Chair Wood clarified that
Commission Pynes was actually interested in getting one of Johnson's sculptures donated
to the City. Commissioner Willis stated the Commission should wait to hear from the
Aviara Homeowners Association at its January meeting before taking any action.
Commissioner Lignante asked where the sculpture would be placed. Mrs. Beardsley
replied the sculpture would probably be placed near the Aviara development.
Commissioner Chartier stated he felt the cost of the sculptures was too high and that
temporary art could be picked for purchasing instead. Commissioner Kacher/Dolnick
agreed with Commission Chartier about the price of the Johnson sculptures. Mrs.
Beardsley stated that if the Commission is not interested in purchasing one of the Johnson
sculptures, the representative from Aviara need not attend the Commission meeting. Chair
Wood stated he would like to see the City purchase a piece of the Johnson sculptures if it
was at a reasonable price. Commission Willis replied that the costs of the Johnson bronze
sculptures was in the mid-range price. Commission Chartier asked that a motion be made
whether to support purchasing a sculpture. Commissioner Lignante stated he felt the City
Council should approved purchasing the piece. Commissioner Chartier motioned to
continue the investigation on the Seward Johnson sculptures.
AYES: Wood, Kacher/Dolnick, Willis, Lignante, Pynes, Chartier.
Facilities Report
Commissioner Willis stated the Committee met to discuss the facilities report. The issues
discussed were also covered during the recently held workshop. Mrs. Beardsley informed the
Commission that Commissioner Batter made additional comments and changes to the report.
Commissioner Willis stated that the report should clarify the year. He also explained that the
theatre on State Street is available for rent for meetings. The area behind the stage, however, is
still not available for use. Commissioner Willis also stated the City made an offer for the Bauer
Lumber building, which will be rented out at 70 cents per square foot per month. It's being
purchased by the City to upgrade the north end of Carlsbad. Further discussion ensued on the
changes made to the existing report. Commissioner Chartier stated the report did not specifically
detail dance, artists studios, etc. Mrs. Beardsley stated the report does cover a multipurpose
cultural facility, and the committee identified just some of the needs that go into a cultural facility to
get started. Commissioner Pynes asked if the report was concise enough. Commissioner
Chartier asked what justification was made to indicate a cultural facility was needed. Mrs.
Beardsley replied that the Wolf Organization made recommendations to the Arts Commission in its
1990 report and a committee was formed to work on a validate those recommendations. Chair
Wood asked about the amphitheatre and the possibility of holding the jazz concerts in "one
location". Mrs. Beardsley replied that the intent of the Committee was that an amphitheatre was
needed and it was unclear whether the jazz concerts would be moved from being held in
neighborhood parks. Commissioner Willis stated that other organizations like one central location
for the ease of logistics. He also said that trade shows do bring in large revenues.
Commissioner Kacher/Dolnick stated she felt the City Council would approve a cultural facility in
the Redevelopment area. Chair Wood asked Commissioner Willis if the amphitheatre is in the
plan for Veterans Memorial Park. Mrs. Beardsley said an amphitheatre has been mentioned for
that park. Commissioner Chartier asked what the next step in the process was. Mrs. Beardsley
stated she wanted to be sure the Commission understood what it was recommending. The focus
is a community arts center with a theatre that includes art class space and dance space.
Commissioner Chartier stated the report read to him that it was about theatres. He further stated
he felt each item recommended needs to be more descriptive to balance out the report. He
recommends expanding items 4, 5, 6 and 7. Commissioner Kacher/Dolnick stated a theatre has
more uses than just "plays". Commissioner Batter stated the Committee wanted to someone to
"polish" the report. Commissioner Willis stated he wanted to add a museum to the cultural center
and motioned under Recommendation II (II.2) to add a museum. Commissioner Batter stated the
Committee recommendations were based on the Wolf survey held in 1990. Commissioner
Lignante stated he felt a museum would signal the need for more funding. The motion failed. The
Commission agreed to take further action on the Facilities Report at its next meeting.
Commissioner Chartier agreed to further expand items 1-7 on page 3 of the report with emphasis
being more on a cultural center and not on theatre.
Chair's Report
Chair Wood thanked Commissioners for attending the various events and functions recently held
over the past month. He attended the Senior Commission meeting and stated the seniors were
very pleased with the Karlovy Vary concert held at the Senior Center the last week of October. On
October 14, the last Carrillo Ranch Steering Committee was held and a presentation of the Carrillo
Ranch Master Plan will be presented to the Arts Commission at its December meeting.
Manager's Report
Mrs. Beardsley informed the Commission that the Arts Office and Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation
are providing a creative arts and nature camp for three days on December 29, 30 and 31. Liz
Paegel and Linda Kallas will be hired as instructors. Buena Vista elementary school parents
requested a music teacher from the CUSD Board. The Arts Office will be holding a workshop on
advocacy for Buena Vista parents and other arts education-involved parents on "How to Get Your
Message Heard" on November 17. A skateboard artist has been hired to work with the kids on
designing the park. 67 artists applied for the golf course art project.
The meeting of January 1,1998 was moved to January 8,1998.
The meeting adjourned at 5:50 p.m.