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Arts Commission Meeting
March 16, 1998 • 4:30 p.m.
City Council Chambers
Meeting Was Called To Order at 4:30 p.m.
Present: Commissioners Wood, Kacher-Dolnick, Lignante,
Commissioner Pynes arrived at 4:40 p.m.
Absent: Commissioners Willis, Batter
Due to a lack of quorum, Chair Wood requested that Item No. Ill, Review of 1999 Budget be
New Business
Review of 1999 Budget
Mrs. Beardsley reported that only minor changes were made between the 1998 and 1999
budget. The budget coincides with the 1998-99 Goals and Objectives. The Arts Office has
been informed that it has been recommended to receive a $5,000 grant from the Community
Development Block Grant Funds for the Yes to Art Program. This must be approved by City
Council. The Creative Arts Camp program is the same as last year with projections for more
students. Band Camp, a two or four-week music camp has been added. This item was
Commissioner Pynes arrived at 4:40 p.m.
Chair Wood called the Meeting To Order.
Approval of the Minutes -Januarys. 1998
Commissioner Pynes stated she had concerns regarding the 1-5 Corridor Presentation
portion of the Minutes. She said it was important to note the priority of landscaping placed
before the arts element of the 1-5 Corridor Design Concept Plans was not what the
Committee decided and requested that the following statement be added to the January 8,
1998 Minutes: "The 1-5 Corridor Committee discussed at length the priorities of the Plan. It
was decided by the 1-5 Corridor Committee that landscaping and art were both priorities."
On motion by Commissioner Lignante, the Minutes of January 8, 1998 were approved as
presented and corrected.
AYES: Commissioners Wood, Pynes, Lignante, Kacher-Dolnick
Approval of Minutes - February 5, 1998
Commissioner Lignante requested that it be added to the Gallery Committee Appointment
section of the Minutes, that he volunteered to serve on that committee.
On motion by Commissioner Lignante, the Minutes of February 5, 1998 were approved as
presented and corrected.
Arts Commission Minutes - March 12, 1998
AYES: Commissioners Wood, Pynes, Lignante, Kacher-Dolnick
Election of Chair
Commissioner Lignante stated that Chair Wood should be re-elected for the coming year and
nominated him for Chair. Commissioner Pynes said she had concerns about electing a Chair
without the full Commission present. Chair Wood replied that the Commission was already
overdue in electing a Chair. With no further nominations, Commissioner Wood was re-
elected Chair of the Arts Commission. Chair Wood stated that the position of Vice Chair is
also elected at the same time as the Chair. Commissioner Chartier was nominated by
Commissioner Pynes but requested he be given the opportunity to accept or decline because
he was not in attendance. With no further nominations, Commissioner Chartier was re-
elected as Vice Chair subject to his acceptance at a future meeting.
Continuation of Budget Presentation
Mrs. Beardsley stated that the Sister City budget request had not changed. She further
informed the Commission that the new item of the Arts Office budget was funding for the
start up of the new Gallery. She hopes to hire a full-time staff person for this program six
months before the Gallery is scheduled to open. She asked that the Commissioqfall be able to
articulate the same vision which they approved for the Gallery program, which includes juried
exhibitions, travelling exhibitions and curated shows.
Gallery Report
Commissioner Lignante reported to the Commission that he was tasked with fundraising for
the Gallery and obtaining information on a Speakers Bureau. He spoke with the advertising
Agency that is assisting the Kids Are Worth A Million organization since it's assistance for this
organization were "pro bono." He was informed that the agency could not assist us "pro
bono" but was provided with other helpful information. Mr. Lignante further reported that he
contacted the San Diego Museum of Art and asked for a listing of the lecturers. He is also
working on sending a letter to Helen Copley of the Copley Foundation for funding assistance.
Mrs. Beardsley said that the Gallery Committee would be meeting in the near future.
Commissioner Kacher-Dolnick reported that she is looking into docent programs as was
Commissioner Chartier arrived at 5:05. He was informed of his nomination and re-election
to the position of Vice Chair. Commissioner Chartier accepted.
Update on Sculpture Garden
Mrs. Beardsley explained the California Arts Council grant funding for the Garden. She
informed the Commission that construction has begun on the Arts Office to meet ADA
requirements which need to be finished before actual work on the Garden can begin. She
stated a wrought iron fence without the gates has been ordered. This type of fencing is used
for visibility. She asked the Commission if it would prefer staff spend funds on a permanent
hand-forged, artist-designed gate or order a standard gate at a lesser cost and spend the
majority of that funding on the Garden. Commissioner Kacher-Dolnick replied that she did
not feel an ornate gate would detract from the sculpture in the Garden. Mrs. Beardsley stated
Arts Commission Minutes - March 12, 1998
there are no specific funds for an artist-designed gate, but funds could be applied for the gate
from the California Arts Council grant. She further stated that the Garden could house the
Temporary Sculpture Exhibition. It is possible to place permanent pieces in the Garden, but
space is limited and it would not take much to fill the yard. • She also stated that it has not
been determined how large the sculptures could be because of the limited space and some
pieces would need to be brought in by crane. Staff will be reviewing the Temporary Art
program as progress on the Garden continues. Commissioner Pynes stated she would prefer
a non-permanent gate to the Garden in case the Arts Office and Sculpture Garden moved in
the future. Commissioner Kacher-Dolnick stated she felt a gate was important.
Commissioner Charter asked if there was a long-term plan for the Arts Office. Mrs.
Beardsley replied that there is no plan to move the Arts Office except to use the property for
the expansion of the Library. Commissioner Chartier said the Sculpture Garden should have
class and thought it was a great idea to put an artist-designed gate in. Commissioner Lignante
agreed. Chair Wood stated that 53 linear feet of wrought iron fencing would let anyone see
through to the Garden and liked the idea of an artist-designed gate. Commissioner Chartier
stated that it may get the Arts Office attention to have a contest for the gate design. Mrs.
Beardsley asked the Commission to review the goals and objectives of the Garden and
recommend changes if any. She stated that under Operations, the Garden will be open during
business hours instead of six days a week. She said that is was possible for the new Gallery
Director to curate a show in the Garden from time to time. Staff will explore this item
further and report back to the Commission with recommendations. Mrs. Beardsley stated
that a sign for the Garden/Arts Office was needed. She further informed the Commission
that the timeline of the project could change. She is currently working with the Parks
Superintendent. Commissioner Chartier asked if the Arts Office's neighbors knew about this
project. Mrs. Beardsley replied no, but she would do so.
Chair's Report
Chair Wood thanked Mrs. Beardsley for the opportunity for Commissioners to attend the
CALAA conference in San Diego last week. He mentioned the upcoming May 14 joint Arts
Commission Golf Course Steering Committee. On mention of this project, Commissioner
Chartier stated he was concerned that at the last few groundbreaking/dedication Capital
Improvement Project ceremonies involving the Arts Office, the artist(s) were not recognized
or in some cases not invited to the event. Chair Wood reminded the Commission about the
annual Boards and Commissions Training.
Manager's Report
Mrs. Beardsley stated she was giving a presentation in Long Beach on arts partnerships. She
made a presentation earlier in the week to the Carlsbad Women's Club. Several Arts
Commissioners asked to be notified when Mrs. Beardsley is speaking locally again.
Arts Education Report
Commissioner Pynes stated the Arts Education Steering Committee would be meeting next
week to continue its work on the Long Range Plan. Commissioner Pynes stated she would
like to review the information from the CALAA conference. Commissioner Kacher-Dolnick
asked that this item be reviewed by the whole Commission. Chair Wood stated he would
have this item placed on a future agenda.
Arts Commission Minutes - March 12, 1998
Arts Associates Report
President Jan Merrill announced that her term was coming to an end and Barbara Nolder will
become the next president. She informed the Commission the Associates' jazz ad was
finished for the program. The membership drive held in February was successful. The
Associates are holding their annual meeting/1 Oth year celebration at the La Costa Resort and
Spa in April and will honor those people involved for the past ten years. Ms. Merrill said it is
her goal to present the City with another check supporting the arts at this event and hopes the
Mayor and City Council members can attend. She stated she has been meeting the with
Friends of the Library and City staff about and endowment fund for the Gallery.
The meeting adjourned at 6:00 p.m.
Arts Commission Minutes - March 12, 1998