HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-01-06; Arts Commission; MinutesMINUTES
Arts Commission Meeting
January 6,2000 • 4:00 p.m.
City Council Chambers
The Meeting Was Called To Order at 4:00 p.m.
Present: Commissioners Wood, O'Meara, Lignante, Chattier, Shaw, Pynes, Willis
Approval of Temporary Display of Two Sculpture by Niki de Sainte Phalle
Mrs. Beardsley explained the background and work of artist Niki de Sainte Phalle and the two
pieces available to the city - a sculpture of Miles Davis and a sculpture of Louis Armstrong.
Each piece is about 10 ft. tall. She stated the work is available for a period of three months to
one year on loan. The City will be responsible for installation costs. Commissioner Shaw
asked if the sculptures were meant to be installed together. Commissioner Pynes asked if the
sculptures were available for purchase. Discussion ensued on the costs associated with
installation, insurance coverage and placement.
On motion by Commissioner Pynes, the Arts Commission endorsed the lease of the two
Niki de Sainte Phalle sculptures with the option to purchase (if available).
Ayes: Unanimous
On motion by Commissioner Pynes, the Arts Manager is authorized to work with the artist
or her representative(s) to determine the location/placement of the sculptures and report
back to the Commission at its next meeting.
Report on Carrillo Ranch by Alan and Joan Kindle
This item has been deferred to a future meeting.
Presentation of New Initiative Guidelines
Mrs. Beardsley presented the initiative guidelines (attached) to the Commission. She
informed the Commission it needed to decide whether or not it wanted to act as the jury to
review applications or appoint a peer review panel. Commissioner Shaw stated a peer panel
was a good idea to generate more community support and to add additional expertise. She
also asked that the fiscal receiver of the grant application be added for those applicants that
were not 503(c) organizations. Commissioner Lignante asked how the peer panel would be
appointed. Mrs. Beardsley replied that the panel would be set up in the same manner as the
Arts Office does for the Community Arts Grants. Commissioner O'Meara asked if members
of the Arts Associates have served on peer panels. Mrs. Beardsley replied that Arts
Associates members have been asked in the past to serve. He further asked how the Arts
Office would inform the public about the grant. Mrs. Beardsley replied that it would be
announced in the Carlsbad Arts News, Chamber of Commerce newsletter, phone calls to
Arts Commission Minutes - January 6, 2000
local organizations and press releases. Mrs. Beardsley further stated that emphasis will be
On motion by Commissioner Shaw, the Arts Commission approved appointing a peer review
panel to review grant applications for this grant initiative.
AYES: Unanimous
Chair's Report
Chair Wood reported that the Public Art Blufftop Walkway Committee met on January 5. He
further reminded the Commission of the new Gallery exhibition.
Manager's Report
Mrs. Beardsley reported student tours are being scheduled for the Cutting Edges exhibit now
on display at the Gallery. Staff is working on the glass exhibition and Sculpture Garden.
Public Art Blufftop Walkway Report
Commissioner Willis reported the committee addressed placing artwork on portions of all
the benches. The Committee would also like the City to look into removing the new
benches and replacing them with benches that match the existing ones. The committee is also
looking into placing artwork on the wall next to the fish restaurant.
Arts Education Report
Mrs. Beardsley reported that Encinitas is hiring the San Diego Institute for Arts Education for
staff and teacher training on arts education. She further reported that Encinitas has its music
program in place.
The meeting adjourned at 5:54 p.m.
Arts Commission Minutes - January 6, 2000
NEW INITIATIVES 2000 GRANT: "Lagoon Arts Projects"
S5.000 Available to Celebrate Unique Environmental Heritage
through the Arts
Application Deadline - March 24,2000
Program Objectives
The Carlsbad Arts Office is seeking proposals which celebrate the city's lagoons through
the arts from organizations in the City of Carlsbad. Envisioned by the Carlsbad Arts
Commission, the New Initiatives Grant Program is a way to encourage Carlsbad
organizations to create community events, objects or activities which express Carlsbad's
unique character.
Arts Manager Connie Beardsley states "The purpose of New Initiatives is to discover new
ideas, new ways of celebrating, new forms of community expression. Carlsbad is full of
imaginative, energetic people who appreciate living here. We want to hear from them."
All proposals using the arts as the primary means of activity will be considered.
Examples of possible projects include performances, exhibits, the creation of works for
public presentation or permanent display, and special events.
2000 Theme: Carlsbad's Lagoons
Carlsbad is the only community in the state to contain within its borders three coastal
lagoons, Batiquitos, Agua Hedionda and Buena Vista, each with its own character,
history and use. New Initiatives 2000 grants provide funding for programs which use the
arts to increase community awareness or identification with the lagoons, or which
promote citizen participation in the arts through the experience of the lagoons. As
expressed by the Carlsbad Arts Commission, "These three lagoons are a very important
part of daily life here. They provide open space, wildlife sanctuary, water recreation,
water-based agriculture and gorgeous vistas that define our boundaries, turn us toward the
open sea and create images distinctive to Carlsbad alone. The arts are humanity's tools
for reflection, expression and communal contexts. They can help us share with each
other our thoughts and feelings about our lagoons and about our lives here."
Grant Amounts and Criteria
The total amount available for funding is $5,000. From this amount, the Arts Office will
fund up to two proposals. The grant does not require matching funds; however,
applicants may provide additional income sources, such as money from the applicant
organization itself, sponsors, earned income, etc. to meet the budget needs of proposals of
greater scope.
Who Is Eligible to Apply?
Applicants must be Carlsbad-based:
• Incorporated not-for-profit organizations or chapters of organizations;
• Community groups which regularly conduct activities within Carlsbad
• Coalitions of individuals and/or organizations and groups formed to propose
and carry out the New Initiatives Lagoon Proposal
Potential applicants (individuals or organization representatives) must contact the Arts
Office (760) 434-2920. No proposal will be accepted without an initial consultation,
which will include requirements for applying, type of project, and budget planning.
What Are the Criteria for Selection?
In general, individual proposals will be evaluated on the merits of the project itself, the
grantee's capability to implement the project and how the project will serve the goals of
the Initiative. Specific criteria for selection of projects) include:
• Excellence and integrity of artistic concept and content;
• Potential for the project to promote meaningful exposure to th.e arts by a large
segment of Carlsbad residents;
• Well-conceived plans for the involvement of artists and community
members/volunteers to achieve project goals;
• Quality of planning, appropriateness, and feasibility of the project workplan/timeline
and budget;
• Qualifications and track record of personnel to carry out the project.
Application Format
All applications must be presented in 12-point type on the provided Application Form,
and must include:
Applicant Information - Organization(s); Representative Name & Title for each organization; Address,
Telephone/Fax/Email for each organization; Authorizing Signature
Description of proposed New Initiative Project - (Description should address Criteria above)
Budget - All Expenses and Income Sources
Workplan/Tlmeline - Start-to-Finish calendar of preparations, meetings, promotions, activities,
completion and evaluation
January 21 Announcement of New Initiatives Grant
March 24 Deadline for Submission of Proposals
April 3 Panel or Commission Review of Proposals
April 7 Announcement of Funded Proposal(s)
April 27: Funds Available
May - December: Project takes place, to be completed by end of 2000