HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-06-01; Arts Commission; MinutesMinutes
Arts Commission
June 1,2000 • 4:00 p.m. • Carlsbad Council Chambers
The meeting was called to order by Chair Arthur Wood at 4:00 p.m.
Present: Commissioners Wood, Shaw, Chartier, Willis
Absent: Commissioners Lignante and O'Meara
Commissioner Pynes arrived at 4:23 p.m.
Approval of Minutes
The Minutes of May 4, 2000 were approved.
AYES: Commissioners Wood, Chartier, Shaw, Willis
Old Business
New Initiatives Grant
The Commission reviewed the report on grant applications prepared by staff which
included Commission comments from the May 4 meeting. After discussion of the report,
the Commission approved on motion by Commissioner Chartier, the grant award to the
Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation for $5,000 for its festival proposal.
Sunset Serenades
Chair Wood postponed disucssion due to the absence of Commissioner O'Meara.
New Business
Donation of two paintings by Norman Dobruskin
Arts Manager Connie Beardsley gave a brief explanation and showed the Commission
two paintings that Mr. Norman Dobruskin would like to donate to the City. On motion
by Commissioner Shaw, the Commission unanimously voted to decline the gift from Mr.
Presentation of proposal to develop a sculpture program throughout the City by Filippo
Mr. Floridia gave a review of the concept proposal he had mailed to Commissioners a
few months ago. Mrs. Beardsley clarified Mr. Floridia is asking the Commission for a
letter of support or to co-sponsor the project.
Commissioner Shaw stated she had concerns and would like more time to think about and
discuss this project.
Chair Wood stated he had many questions and is interested in seeing a budget.
Commissioner Chartier suggested to Mr. Floridia that he put together a committee and
develop a plan and budget for this project.
Commissioner Pynes motioned the Commission table this project until August and the
Commission meet and discuss and prepare questions for Mr. Floridia to answer.
Commissioner Chartier asked what more the Commission was going to learn about the
project and asked that this item be placed on the July agenda for discussion. The
Commission voted unanimously to place the item on the July agenda for discussion only
and render its decision at the August meeting.
Committee Reports
Chair's Report
Chair Wood announced that the Arts Associates held its annual meeting at NAMM.
Manager's Report
Connie Beardsley gave the dates on the citizens' budget workshops. She stated that the
Film Festival Society is partnering with the Carlsbad Theatre to do a film festival.
Gallery Report
The DeLoss McGraw exhibition is going well. 45 classes have signed up for tours. Staff
is preparing for the Claxton exhibit which will include events co-sponsored by the
Museum of Making Music.
Arts Associates Report
Arts Associates Vice Chair Daphne Oilman reported the annual meeting was very well
attended. Gloria Busman was installed as President. Five gallery receptions have been
held and have been successful. The Associates are gearing up for TGIF jazz this
The meeting adjourned at 5:15 p.m.
1. Agua Hedionda Lagoon Foundation Art Project Partnership
This proposal creates permanent sculpture pieces which depict some of the marine
life at this lagoon. It involves a partnership of professional artists, the Lagoon Foundation
and NRG Energy Inc., which owns the adjacent power plant. The pieces can be moved to
the Foundation's nature center or a lagoon trail later.
Request: $5,000
Matching Funds: NRG will provide many in-kind installation and maintenance
services and has indicated willingness to provide additional cash funds for expanded
artwork. The grant funds would all be used to design and create the proposed work. The
artists suggest that lesser funding would make it difficult to create work of adequate size
and impact. The application responded to specific criteria in the NI guidelines and was
comprehensive in presentation.
Requested Information: move? Who owns?
Commission comments: The idea of public art in the beach area without risk to the City is
attractive. The partnership is interesting, corporate support is a plus, the artists are familiar
with the public art process in Carlsbad. How many people will actually see the works in
their currently planned position?
2. PicART/Boys & Girls Club Traveling Mural Project
This proposal is to create a moveable mural through a 12-week art class for 30
children in an after-school program. Two artist-teachers and two assistants will work with
the children 5 hours per week to research, design and create a 21x8 foot mural representing
the 3 Carlsbad lagoons, which will be displayed in several locations in Carlsbad and
possibly county-wide.
Request: $5,000
Matching Funds: Actual Costs Required - $ 11,805
Additional In-kind Support - $11,025
*See BUDGET NOTES in proposal.
This project is the primary focus of PicART's fall curriculum and represents one-half of the
expenses for one term of the overall Pic ART program at the Club. It will involve V* the
student participants and 1A the teaching staff. Staff are trained by art therapists before each
term; this expense is included in the project budget. The in-kind support is for overall
program expenses not included in the Project Budget (Exec. Director, insurance, facilities).
So the actual cash will have to come from other sources supporting the PicART program.
The application is very comprehensive, making responses to specific aspects of NI
guidelines. Students will take several field trips, and the mural has the capacity to be seen
by many people. Funding acknowledgement can be included on the artwork.
Requested Information: The artwork will become the property of the Club. It is designed
to be easily moved by young adults and to fit into the Club van. If awarded less funding,
other resources will be sought to augment the project, which will continue to serve the same
number of children.
Commission comments: A good idea but a little ambitious. The organization will do a lot
of this type activity anyway, without support for a special art project. The mural-moving
process could be a problem.
3. Carlsbad High School Mural Project
This proposal would pair a local professional mural artist with students from the
Environmental Club and the Art Club to create a permanent mural on a wall in an outdoor
traffic corridor on the high school campus.
Request: $5,000
Matching Funds: None
Use of Funds: $ 1,000 for art supplies
$4,000 to artist (80 hours x $50/Hr).
The artist says that the project is envisioned to occur after school and on weekends, with
research by students on the aquatic life to be depicted taking place during some club hours,
in related classes and independently. The artist will do the wall preparation in August, and
during the actual mural application anticipates about 10 hours per week as likely time spent
painting with students over six to eight weeks. The wall needs to cure for 30 days before
applying the clear coat in November, a process taking 1 day.
The application does not specify the number of artist-hours and the artist says she will put
in as much time as required to create a good project, so the 80-hour figure above is an
estimate by Arts Office staff as to time required/rate of pay. The number of students
participating depends on club membership, although other interested students would be
allowed to participate as well. The space can accommodate 20 students painting at once.
The mural would be seen by CHS students and campus visitors over several years. It would
be identified as a City-funded project by either installed plaque or painted signage
incorporated into the mural.
Commission comments: This is not an original concept fitting the New Initiatives goals.
Students would benefit just as much by doing a mural themselves under the supervision of
the art teacher. 80% of the funds pay 1 artist.
4. COAL Gallery Lagoon Art Exhibit
This project will invite COAL members to visit the lagoons and
paint/sketch/photograph/model aspects of the landscape and wildlife, to be finished in-
studio and submitted in contest. The works would be judged by an outside artist to be
determined, and displayed for one month at the COAL Gallery. The funds would be used
for award prizes, entertainment and refreshments at a public opening reception.
Request: $3,000
Matching Funds: None
This project can be conducted with an award of less funding. COAL President says
the exhibit can be expanded to non-COAL members. No judge has been selected yet. The
Batiquitos Lagoon proposal indicates the intention of inviting this group to participate in
Lagoon Family Day as on-site painters.
Commission comments: Not an original idea, this is what they do anyway. Doesn't
benefit the whole city. Organization is improving, however, and Gallery could use some
additional city exposure. This project could be done with less grant money.
5. Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation Festival
This proposal creates a two-tiered event sponsored by the Lagoon Foundation: a
one-night film festival of film & video works on local lagoons and on environmental
conservation and a follow-up Family Day of nature and arts activities at Batiquitos Lagoon.
Many local organizations will be invited to participate in presenting information services at
the film event and in performing and providing services at Family Day. Both activities are
free of admission charge to the community-at-large. Anticipated attendance at Family Day
exceeds 500; at Film Festival 200.
Request: $5,000
Matching funds: None
This project can occur with an award of less funding.
Commission comments: This project has the potential to involve sizeable community
participation and uses the arts in an innovative manner to enhance another aspect of life in
Carlsbad. The applicants have worked with the Arts Office in the past on both visual art
projects and nature activities.