HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002-05-15; Arts Commission; MinutesMINUTES
Arts Commission
May 15, 2002 • 4:30 p.m. • Carlsbad Arts Office
Chair Pynes called the meeting to order at 4:35 p.m.
Present: Commissioners Hill, Pynes, Held, Shaw, Willis
Absent: Commissioner Lignante
Commissioner Rutledge arrived at 4:47 p.m.
Approval of Minutes:
On motion by Commissioner Hill, the Minutes of March 7, 2002 were unanimously
Old Business
Review/Approval of artwork design concept for Aviara Community Park that includes public
Colleen Finnegan reported to the Commission that the design concept was placed on public
display in both libraries during the month of April. Public comment was received in favor of
the artwork.
On motion by Commissioner Hill, the Arts Commission approved die artwork and
recommended forwarding onto City Council for approval.
Vice Chair Election
On motion by Commissioner Hill, Commissioner Jeri Held was unanimously approved as
Arts Commission Vice Chair.
New Business
2002 Initiatives Grant
Colleen Finnegan provided the Commission with a brief explanation on the Initiatives
Grant. Discussion ensued among the Commission on the benefits of granting the total
amount of funds or a partial amount of funds to one of the 3 applicants. Commissioner
Shaw asked if the Commission was obligated to fund the total amount allocated for the
Initiative Grants this year. Discussion ensued on the possibility of putting any remaining
funds into arts education grants for FY 2002-2003. Commissioner Hill suggested the
Commission rate the grant applications and then decide on the funding.
The Commission discussed concerns of and rated the merits on each of the four grant
Consensus among the Commission was to eliminate the applications from artists Robin
Siebert and Candace Flippen and the application from the Carlsbad Women's Club and
fund the Barrio de Carlsbad Association application. Concern was expressed about the
unknown quality of the artist for the Barrio project.
The Commission requested Colleen obtain more information about the artist the Barrio
Association will be using for its project to try to ensure a quality project.
On motion by Commissioner Held the Commission awarded the 2002 Initiatives Grant to
the Barrio de Carlsbad Association in the amount of $2,500 and placed in reserve the
remaining $2,500 for next year.
Appointment to the Public An Selection Committee for Pine School.
Chair Pynes appointed Commissioner Shaw.
Appointment to the Public Art Selection Committee for Alga Norte Park.
Chair Pynes appointed Commissioner Held.
Public Comment
No public comment was given.
Committee Reports
Chair's Report
Chair Pynes reported on the opening reception of the Poupee Boccaccio exhibit. She would
like the Commission to think about a retreat and a meeting time change when the new Arts
Manager begins. Chair Pynes stated it was her understanding that Commissioner Lignante
resigned from the Arts Commission at the last meeting. Commissioner Willis announced he
would not be in attendance for the next meeting in June.
Coastal Rail Trail
Commissioner Hill reported that representatives from Oceanside and Solana Beach along
with Jerri Held and the City's engineer have been meeting with the artist who is having
difficulty with the creation and implementation of artwork for $100,000.
Colleen Finnegan reported that the scope of the project is large. The committee is working
with the City's special events committee to work out the logistics. Corporate sponsorship is
still being sought. The Arts Associates are acting as fiscal receiver of any monies received and
will lend their phone number to provide information.
Manager's Report
Colleen Finnegan informed the Commission that Peter Gordon's first day with the City is
July 15. The jazz concerts begin in June 21. Festejando a las Madrecitas was successful and
well attended. The Arts Associates annual meeting did not take place as planned. A one-day
exhibit was held of children's artwork of Carrillo Ranch on May 1 in the Cannon Gallery.
The Sister City Committee is planning a trip to Karlovy Vary in September. The Arts
Associates donated $15,000 to the City for the jazz concerts; this was money raised from last
year's series.
The meeting adjourned at 6:18 p.m.
The artwork by artists Richard Keely and Anna O'Cain were on display for over 2 weeks
at each of the two Carlsbad libraries. A total of 49 responses were received. Of those
commenting about the artwork, a total of 68% were positive.
20 comments were not applicable to the art. They referred to the pool, the park location,
a mistake on one of the quotations and funding for the art. Comments about the art were
primarily about the cutouts - some positive and some negative.
Commissioners: You are serving as the Grant Selection Panel.
Reminders: These are non-matching grants, the amount requested is either the full
amount required or the source of additional funds required must be identified by the
applicant Applicants may be any kind of community organization or collaborative
group (in which case a designated recipient for the grant funds will be arranged). The
proposal should clearly indicate the process, the participants, the resulting event or
product, and how the community will benefit and will experience the result The
notes below state the applicant and name of the proposal and the type of group
applying and summarize the amounts requested, the number of participants where
not stated in the proposal, and any additional information or items not included in
1. Robin Wallengfang Seibert: "ENERGY & VISION: When Personal Dreams Become
a Reality a the Benefit of the Community." $5,000
Participants: 6-10 Attendees & Purchasers: 400-500
A collaboration of local artists and business, with assistance from the Carlsbad Library
Archives. Art outcomes: 1-hour original film, seriograph poster, historical photo exhibit.
2. Barrio de Carlsbad Association: "Celebrating the History of Barrio Carlsbad."
Interview Subjects: approx. 14 Audience: thousands
A community cultural organization applicant. Videographer is Ruben A villa, a Media
Communications major at CSU San Marcos. Video production costs are those charged to
department students for use of equipment & studios for outside projects, plus retail material
costs. Art outcomes: Professionally produced video historical documentary of earliest
days of Barrio Carlsbad residents.
3. Carlsbad Women's Club: 'Then and Now: A Collective History" $5,000
Creative Process Workshop participants: approx. 30 Interviews - 20 30 more.
A community service organization applicant. Artists have led art, poetry and book projects
in Carlsbad before. Artists' resumes - second & third pages eliminated from this mailing.
4. Candace Flippen: 'Tell It Here: Experiencing Creative Process." $5,000 or $2,500
Workshop participants: 33 or 16 Exhibitions: Thousands
A local artist applicant with several community collaborators. Funding level selection
provided. Artist's resume - page 2 eliminated, along with description of process by
originator (not applicant artist).