HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-12-04; Arts Commission; MinutesMINUTES
December 4, 2003 • 5:00 p.m.* Carlsbad Council Chambers
Chair Hill called the Meeting to order at 5:02 p.m.
Present: Commissioners Hill, Pynes, Francis, Rutledge, Shaw, and Lignante
Minutes For Approval
On motion by Commissioner Pynes, the Minutes of November 6, 2003 were approved.
Old Business
2004 Community Arts Grants Awards Panel Recommendations
The Arts Commission unanimously approved the Grants Panel recommendations awarding the
2004 Community Arts Grants.
Proposed Commission Workshop Agenda
The Commission unanimously approved the proposed workshop agenda. Discussion ensued on
the timing of the workshop. With two commissioners slated to leave in March 2004 and one slot
already vacant, eventually all agreed that the workshop should take place after new
commissioners were appointed. It was also suggested that departing Arts Commissioners and a
selection of former commissioners be invited and encouraged to attend as well.
New Business
Election of Vice Chair/Appointments to Vacant Committees
Commissioner Lignante stated that whoever was elected as Vice Chair at this time, should
continue in this position until the next election.
The election of the new Chair and Vice Chair takes place in March or April.
Chair Hill asked Commissioner Francis if she was willing to hold this position.
Commissioner Francis stated she would prefer not to assume this position at this time and
suggested the Commission consider Commissioner Shaw.
Chair Hill reiterated that the key to this position is the person's attendance at meetings. He
pointed out that Commissioner Shaw missed four meetings over the past year, usually because of
conflicting work commitments.
Commissioner Lignante motioned that Commissioner Francis become the interim Vice Chair.
The Commission unanimously approved Commissioner Francis as interim Vice Chair.
Chair Hill appointed Commissioner Francis to the Gallery Committee.
Chair Hill appointed Commissioner Rutledge to the Alga Norte Park Committee.
Revised TGIF Vendor Policy
Arts Manager Peter Gordon explained the need to update the current Vendor Policy, which is ten
years old.
Commissioner Lignante stated he didn't see the need for vendors at the concerts. People do not
want to be hassled.
Mr. Gordon explained the proposed new policy focused on the role of various types of vendors at
the concerts, with special attention paid to the Carlsbad Arts Associates and the food vendors.
Commissioner Francis stated the previous policy involved the Arts Commission in a decision-
making role and the new policy did not. She asked the Commission if they were comfortable in
this lesser role.
Chair Hill replied that he saw it as the Arts Commission's responsibility to make the policy and
staffs responsibility to implement it, so he had no problem with the proposed revisions.
Commissioner Rutledge stated the new policy seriously limits access of various outside vendors
and interests.
Commissioner Pynes asked if groups are competing for access to selling items during the
Staffmember Colleen Finnegan provided the Commission with an overview and history of vendor
activity at the concerts and explained the current partnership philosophy.
Commissioner Pynes stated she liked the proposed new policy.
Commissioner Rutledge stated that he also liked the policy, and felt it gave staff more control, but
with flexibility if needed.
On motion by Commissioner Pynes, the Commission unanimously approved the Revised TGIF
Vendor Policy.
Proposed Time Change of Arts Commission Meetings
Commissioner Pynes motioned to change the meeting from 5:00 pm to 4:00 pm.
Commissioner Rutledge said it was difficult for him to attend at 4:00 pm and pointed out that
other City Commissions met closer to 7:00 pm.
Commissioner Shaw stated she drives on Arts Commission meeting days to give her more
flexibility and would accept what the Commission decided. She added that morning meetings
were preferable to her.
Commissioner Rutledge agreed that morning meetings would be better.
Discussion ensued on the best time in the morning to hold Commission meetings. The decision
was made to hold Arts Commission meetings the first Thursday of each month, at 9:00 am, in
City Council Chambers.
The Commission unanimously approved the meeting time change.
Date Change of January, 2004 Commission Meeting
Proposed date change because of the New Years holiday.
Commissioner Lignante suggested holding the meeting on January 8.
Mr. Gordon stated there were no specific items for the agenda at this time.
Commissioner Pynes said the meeting should be held so the Commission can discuss goals for
the workshop.
The Commission unanimously approved holding the January Commission meeting on January 8,
The meeting adjourned at 5:39 pm.
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Funding Policy for Community Arts Grants
Approved by the Carlsbad Arts Commission: November 6, 2003
Community Arts Grants are awarded in two categories:
• Organizations and Artist Partnerships
(no limit on request, as long as matching requirements are met)
• Arts Education
(restricted to $1,000 limit)
Up to 40% of the total Community Arts Grants funds for each year are available for Arts Education
1) COAL (Carlsbad Oceanside Art League) - Nine Demonstrations by Professional Artists
Nine visual arts demonstration workshops in Carlsbad, open to public and membership, which is currently
above 300.
Panel Comments: Demonstrators are of high quality. Panel values the service provided to the visual arts
community; would like to see the training opportunity expanded by more publicity and by invitations to
Carlsbad High School art classes.
residency at El Camino Creek School with classes during the school day for 4th or 5th graders centered
around The Theatre School's spring production of Bridge to Terebithia.
No evidence of agreed-upon partnership; El Camino Creek School is EUSD, not CUSD school.
Organization is excellent and project goal admirable, but application simply copied past year's project
without involving school in developing the proposal.
Support for 2004 concert series of five free, musically diverse concerts performed by professional and other
high-caliber musicians.
Organization appears revived; showcasing of local professional musicians is excellent. Panel expressed
some concern over previous deficit, but supports the new aspects: free Carlsbad concerts, youth chorus,
co-presenting with SD Folk Heritage Fund.
4) NEW VILLAGE ARTS - Third Annual Free "Shakespeare in the Park" 2004
will present 9 free outdoor performances, bringing together the residents and artists of San Diego County
through the work of the world's greatest playwright.
Applicant received highest ranking in Community Arts Grants category. Panel praised organization's
consistent excellence and noted that the audience of grade-schoolers through senior citizens has fun at the
Shakespeare in the Park productions, which attract large numbers. The Panel felt this company could make
the most of additional funding and wished to encourage its commitment to remain in Carlsbad.
5) CARLSBAD PLAYHOUSE- Operating Support for 2004 Season
Six to 8 rehearsed readings of diverse "new" and "classic" plays will be produced and presented in
Schulman Auditorium, and possibly other local venues.
Applicant's contribution to theatre scene in North County was praised. Original works, opportunities for
actors, Spanish productions were noted. Panel would like to see Carlsbad High drama students assigned
to attend some shows.
6) PACIFIC COAST CONCERT BAND - Operating Support for 2004 Season
Twelve to 15 concerts, one-half to one-third performed in Carlsbad, by an ensemble containing several
Carlsbad players.
Panel noted that this organization does support amateur musicians and performs in Carlsbad; would like to
see more evidence of recruitment of Carlsbad musicians.
7) PLAYWRIGHTS PROJECT - Residency at Calavera Hills Elementary School
Two sixth-grade classes (including Special Ed. students) will participate in Write On! Exploration of theatre
as playwrights, creating characters and discovering universal themes
Panel noted that this request should be included in Arts Education, not Community Organizations category;
however, the applicant was recognized as a non-profit professional arts organization with a Carlsbad
partner, as required, and the request was allowed to remain in its submitted category. Panel questioned the
percentage of special education students participating. Still, it felt that this project could help support the
establishment of the after-school theatre program, and that using professional actors to perform students'
works is a valuable experience for the young writers.
8) CARLSBAD MUSIC FESTIVAL/HI-NOON ROTARY - Contemporary and classical chamber music
festival featuring acclaimed young professional musicians originally from Carlsbad performing 3 concerts at
Schulman Auditorium and five days of educational programs.
Panel found this proposal to be original and of great value to Carlsbad youth. The involvement of Hi-Noon
Rotary was also favorable. As a first-time effort which could have real community impact, the project was
felt to merit additional support.
1) CALAVERA HILLS ELEM. - Establishment of an on-going after-school Theatre Club for as many
students as possible (50 to 75 in Spring 2004) culminating in a 3-performance production.
Panel felt the term "Club" is a misnomer, since the audition process will limit participation, and urges the
applicant to develop an open membership for all interested students. However, the production/process of
"Annie Jr." is of known quality and the Panel desires to support the establishment of an after-school theatre
program at this very new school.
2) CHS -CHORAL PROGRAM - Support for workshops by Tuvan Throat Singers for the choral groups of
the high school and a public performance.
The project was felt to have great value in terms of providing the studen ts an exceptional learning
experience in music and an encounter with a rarely experienced culture, and providing the community with
performances of quality.
3) CARLSBAD HIGH SCHOOL DRAMA CLUB Support for choreographer's fee
Annual musical production twelve-week rehearsal program with 40 high school students. REQUEST:
$1,000 RECOMMENDED: $600
The Panel noted that this year the Drama Club has a significant budget surplus which can be used toward
production expenses. Panel also suggested that a resume of the artist's dance activity be provided and
asked why there appears so little collaboration on the Spring Musical among Theatre, Dance and Choral
students and instructors.
4) PACIFIC RIM ELEM Support for 8-week after-school theater program for 3 ^ through 5th graders
culminating in 3 performances of Cinderella as depicted in Chinese, Russian and Native American cultures
The Panel expressed some concern over charging students to participate, but was satisfied that
scholarships are available for those who cannot pay. The Cinderella subject was credited with making
cross-cultural impact and stimulating library use by students. The Panel valued the artist's letters of
5) VALLEY MIDDLE SCHOOL Support for choreographer for Musical Theater Showcase using individual
student performing arts groups to develop a multi-disciplinary arts performance.
The choreographer was felt to have strong credentials and the production is a very enjoyable one. The
cooperation among Valley's arts instructors was highly valued and the Panel wished to encourage
continued collaboration.
6) BUENA VISTA ELEM - Training for ten teachers in the Monart method, to be integrated into the
curriculum and mentored to the remaining teachers, to provide curriculum-based arts education
opportunities to the entire student body.
While divided on the value of Monart instruction as a creative process, the Panel noted that the effort to
provide training for all teachers through the 10-person mentoring group is valuable and the educational data
on student improvement is strong. Furthermore, the PTA has shown real commitment to arts education
which deserves support.
7) LCC HIGH SCHOOL DANCE PROGRAM - Dance education residency by Eveoke Dance Theatre for two
5-day sessions over spring break and summer for La Costa Canyon dance students.
The Panel noted the large amount of instruction time this project proposes, putting students with a
professional dancer/choreographer for many hours. The excellence of the resident group and the
commitment of the LCC Dance Program to expose its students to many dance forms were strongly praised.
8) ST. PATRICK SCHOOL Support for a 5-week curriculum enrichment poet-in-the-classroom program for
students. Teachers will receive two training workshops and take part in classroom sessions as part of the
The success of last year's poetry project had been experienced by members of the Panel. The
participating poet was felt to be gifted, the student response highly creative, the teacher training very
9) CHS BAND BOOSTERS - Development of original 2004 Winter Guard dance/theatre program
culminating in a free public performance at Carlsbad High School Gym.
The Panel noted that the band-at-large has made great strides in the past two years. This choreographer is
new, has a strong resume and promotes cooperative relations with the Principal's office.
10) CHSC-ESL PROGRAM - Storytelling project for English Language Learners, using exposure to the
arts and a residency by a storyteller and culminating in a storytelling performance in English by the students
The Panel valued this proposal because it deals with the language arts and includes a group which is
extremely underserved by Carlsbad: the immigrant English learner.
Proposed Agenda for Arts Commission Workshop
Draft: December 4,2003
Administrative Details
Timetable and Participants: To be held in April 2004, after new commissioners are designated.
Recent former commissioners and selected early years commissioners would also be invited.
Facilitator: Jim Boylan, special management consultant to the City
Purpose: to help current commissioners understand the purpose of the Arts Commission, its role
as an advisory committee to the City Council, and its relationship to the Arts Office.
Proposed Agenda
Part I. Develop answers to the following questions
1. What does Section 2.18.020 of the Arts Ordinance mean in practical terms with respect to
the current responsibilities and duties of the Arts Commissioners?
2. How does the Arts Commission carry out, in practical terms, its "powers" as described in
Section 2.18.100? (listed on page 2)
3. What is the Arts Commission's role in relation to City Council? What is the Arts
Commission's role in relation to the Arts Office?
4. What has the Arts Commission done in the past that it no longer does? What does the
Arts Commission do now that it didn't do in the past? What new activities, roles, or
responsibilities should the Arts Commission be taking on now?
5. What is the Arts Commission's role in planning for future cultural facilities for the city?
1. How does the City's current financial planning impact the Arts Commission?
2. How does the Brown Act impact the Arts Commission?
3. What is the Arts Commission's role in the Connecting Community Place and Spirit
Section 2.18.100 of Ordinance 1279
The Carlsbad Arts Commission shall have the power to:
1. Encourage individuals and organizations that provide an educational experience in the arts for the citizens.
2. Provide direction and support for continued development and presentation of a variety of arts in the City.
3. Generate a wide range of programs that develop the skills of the participants at all levels of creative
4. Provide, through an Advisory Arts Commission, a forum for arts concerns and recommendations to the
elected officials and their staff concerning arts issues.
5. Develop the concept of contracting for cultural services with local arts organizations and individual artists.
6. Encourage citizens to take advantage of the arts programming offered by agencies and institutions in the community.
7. Provide financial assistance, whenever feasible, to groups or individuals who provide public arts
programming to the citizens.
8. Help promote school and community cooperation in the programming of artistic and cultural events and
9. Recognize and assist those who have specialized knowledge and skills in the arts.
10. Develop cooperative arrangements between the City and other agencies, local, state and federal, to provide
needed arts facilities for the City.
11. Encourage the planning and development of new or augmented arts facilities as may be needed.
12. Provide for the selection, installation and maintenance of works of art within public facilities.
13. Encourage private businesses to display works of art in their public places.
14. Seek private funding in all areas of the arts.
15. Promote cooperative arrangements between the City and other agencies, local, state and federal, to provide
works of fine art for display in public places.
16. Facilitate the utilization of free public exhibition spaces.
17. Review and make recommendations upon all works of art to be acquired by the City, either by purchase, gift
or otherwise, and their proposed locations.
18. Review and make recommendations with reference to any existing works of art in the possession of the City
in connection with the removal, relocation or alteration thereof.
19. Determine a method or methods of recommending the selection and commissioning of artists with respect to
the design, execution and placement of works of arts for which appropriations have been made; and
pursuant to such method or methods, recommend to the City Council selection of artists by contract for such
20. Prior to payment for works of arts, review such works to report on the conformity of the finished work with
the approved plans or other documents describing the work of art to be carried out.
Policy Statement Regarding Vendors at TGIF Concerts
Draft: 11-24-03
Whereas the annual TGIF Jazz in the Parks concert series now reaches an audience of more than
35,000 per season; and
Whereas the enjoyment and convenience of this audience may be enhanced by the provision of
on-site vendor services of food and other consumer products; and
Whereas this audience is coming to hear a free jazz concert and does not expect to be solicited
with a variety of products or offers;
Therefore, the Carlsbad Arts Commission establishes the following policy concerning vendor
operations at the annual TGIF Jazz in the Parks concerts:
• The number of on-site vendors per concert will be limited to two, one of which will be the
Arts Office's support group, the Carlsbad Arts Associates. The other vendor will be
selected by the Arts Office staff and will be a local not-for-profit organization.
• For-profit vendors and non-selected not-for-profit organizations will not be allowed to sell
any items or conduct any activities at the park during TGIF concerts.
• Signature solicitation and/or distribution of informational collateral will only be allowed on
the park's perimeter during TGIF concerts. City of Carlsbad departments or programs
wishing to distribute information at the concerts must make prior arrangements with Arts
Office staff.
• Individual groups are not allowed to arrange for privately catered on-site food or beverage
service within concert boundaries during TGIF concerts. City personnel at each host park
site will be asked to reject such requests and reservations for picnic facilities.
• This Vendor Policy shall in no way abridge the right and ability of the Arts Office to enter
into sponsorship arrangements with businesses or persons contributing a specified sum of
money and receiving promotional opportunities in exchange for said contributions.
Date: Approved by:
Vw (frr
Whereas, the annual Summer Pops Concert has expanded to an audience of 6,000
people; and
Whereas, the enjoyment and convenience of this audience may be enhanced by
the provision of on-site vendor services of food, novelty items and other consumer
Therefore, the Carlsbad Arts Commission established the following policy
concerning vendor operations at the annual Summer Pops Concert:
The number of on-site vendors shall be limited to five, including the Arts
The vendor shall be a local not-for-profit organization whose proceeds will
be sued for community benefit, or
The vendor shall be a business operation contributing a specified sum of
monies to the Carlsbad Arts Office or its designee in exchange for vending
No on-site cooking of foods shall be allowed excepting certain beverages
and snack goods by pre-arrangement.
All vendor applications shall be reviewed and approved by the Carlsbad
Arts Commission, with first consideration being given to the Arts
Commission's support group, the Arts Associates.
Food will not be sold during the concert performance.
Revised July 25, 1991