HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-12-07; Arts Commission; MinutesMINUTES
Carlsbad Arts Commission
December 7, 2006
Carlsbad Council Chambers
Call to Order
Chairman Gary Hill called the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m.
Commissioners Present: Frances Carrillo, Sherman DeForest, Heath Fox, Gary Hill, Ron
Juncal, Barbara Iserloth
Commissioner Absent: Rita Francis
I. Minutes for Approval
On Motion by Commissioner Fox, second by Commissioner Juncal, the Arts Commission
approved the October 5, 2006 Minutes.
AYES: Commissioners Carrillo, DeForest, Fox, Hall, Juncal, and Iserloth.
ABSENT: Commissioner Francis
II. New Business
2007 Community Arts Grants
Commissioner Carrillo represented the Arts Commission on the peer review panel this year. She
suggested that every arts commissioner should serve at some point on the review panel
because it was an excellent way to learn about the cultural groups working in Carlsbad. She
praised the talents of the panelists and also noted that the grants submitted this year were
better written than last year's - and attributed the improvement to the Arts Office's efforts to
work closely with prospective applicants.
Ms. Finnegan also complimented the panel on the work it accomplished during this year's
review, noting the broad spectrum of experience the panelists brought to the assignment. Ms.
Finnegan stated that there were fewer applications received this year compared to last, but felt
the decrease was not a result of lack of knowledge by the groups or lack of outreach by the Arts
Office. All grant applicants were awarded at least some funding this year; if a group got less
than requested, they need to come back to the Arts Office to explain how they will compensate
for the fewer funds they would receive.
Mr. Gordon suggested that Commissioners DeForest and Heath participate on the panel for the
2008 Community Arts Grants.
Arts Commission December 7, 2006
On Motion by Commissioner Iserloth, second by Commissioner DeForest, to approve the
following recommendations of the panel for the Organizations/Artist Partnerships and Arts
Education categories for the 2007 Community Arts Grants:
AYES: Commissioners Carrillo, DeForest, Fox, Hall, Juncal, and Iserloth.
ABSENT: Commissioner Francis
1) New Village Arts Theatre REQUEST: $5,000 REC: $4,000 (2)
Support for 2007, sixth season, four productions in new Village facility and one
Shakespeare in the Park.
2) Museum Of Making Music REQUEST: $2,000 REC: $1,500 (7)
Support for four interactive hands-on, participatory music storytelling programs.
3) Fern Street Circus REQUEST: $3,000 REC: $3,000 (1)
Support for performances of its 2007 production at ArtSplash Festival in
September 2007.
4) Carlsbad Strings REQUEST: $600 REC: $300(8)
Support for a program of student & professional performances, workshops and
demonstrations at Kids Day at the Flower Fields in March 2007.
5) Carlsbad Playhouse REQUEST: $2,000 REC: $1,500(4)
Support for seven rehearsed readings of diverse new and classic plays to be
produced and presented in Schulman Auditorium.
6) Carlsbad Arts Partnership REQUEST: $750 REC: $750 (3)
Support for free series of five workshops by SUAVE artists/coaches for 125
teachers in Carlsbad Unified School District and surrounding districts, interested
parents and artists.
7) Carlsbad-Oceanside Art League REQUEST: $1,000 REC: $1,000 (5)
Nine visual arts demonstration workshops in Carlsbad, open to membership
and public
8) Patrons for the Arts Foundation /
Carlsbad Community Theatre REQUEST: $4,640 REC: $2,300 (6)
Support for facility rental costs for two productions and four or more workshops
with showcase presentations at the Carlsbad Cultural Arts Center.
1) Friends of Pacific Rim REQUEST: $500 REC: $500(7)
Support for spring semester weekly after-school choral program for 3rd, 4th & 5th
Arts Commission 2 December 7,2006
2) Carlsbad High School English/
Language Development Dept. REQUEST: $1,000 REC: $1,000(2)
Support for spring semester storytelling project for English Language Learners,
using exposure to the arts and a residency by a storyteller.
3) Carlsbad High School Band/
Boosters REQUEST: $1,000 REC: $600 (10A)
Support for Drumline choreography and musical arrangements for Spring Concert
4) St. Patrick School REQUEST: $1,000 REC: $800(5)
Support for spring semester Media Arts Instructor-in-residence and curriculum for
7th & 8th grades.
5) Kelly Elementary School REQUEST: $1,000 REC: $1,000 (1A)
Support for spring semester tile art project for all students with art instructor and tile
installation specialist.
6) Calavera Hills Middle School REQUEST: $1,000 REC: $1,000(16)
Support for 8-week "Write On!" residency with GATE students by Playwrights
7) La Costa Canyon High/
School Dance REQUEST: $1,000 REC: $700(106)
Support for 30-hour residency by choreographer/dancer Faith Jensen-lsmay.
8) Valley Middle School REQUEST: $1,000 REC: $850(9)
Support for purchase of musical instruments for use by 119 students.
(This request is allowed for the 2007 grant cycle and is not considered a capital outlay).
9) Buena Vista Elementary School REQUEST: $250 REC: $250(6)
Support for spring semester beautification project with major art components.
10) Calavera Hills Middle School REQUEST: $1,000 REC: $700(8)
Support for spring semester theatre production of "School House Rock."
11) Carlsbad High School Drama REQUEST: $1,000 REC: $500(11)
Support for resident choreographer for spring semester musical theatre production.
12) Jefferson Elementary School REQUEST: $1,000 REC: $1,000(3)
Support for spring and fall semesters violin instruction program for K-5 students.
13) Montessori Arts & Science/
School REQUEST: $1,000 REC: $700(4)
Support for 10-week mural project with resident artist and ArtSplash participation.
Arts Commission 3 December 7,2006
III. Imagine Carlsbad
Chairman Hill gave a presentation regarding a grass roots, citizens-based group that gathers
together on a voluntarily basis to plan the future of Carlsbad called Imagine Carlsbad. Mr. Hill
stated that he has participated in Imagine Carlsbad for one year now. The group: welcomes all
points of view from all ages; respects the ideas of all; does not take a position on political issues
as a group; discusses all ideas that are brought up, often times breaking into smaller work
groups or committees such as the Arts & Culture subcommittee; and follows the Connecting
Community Place and Spirit guiding principles. They meet the fourth Monday of every month,
Public Comment
There was no public comment.
Committee Reports
Commissioners reported on their respective committees. Commissioner Juncal informed the
Commission that he had begun making drawings on the sand during low tides at the beach and
wondered if any Commissioner had an idea for expanding the community's (especially the
youth) interest in this project.
Commissioner Hill reported on the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce's trip to China - in which he
Manager's Report
Peter Gordon, Arts Manager, announced that the Arts News would now be a quarterly
publication and that the newsletter would be expanded to 12 pages.
Mr. Gordon stated that the Opera Previews Plus program was coming back to the Schulman
Auditorium for its seventh year and would once again be presented by Dr. Ronald Shaheen.
Mr. Gordon informed the Commission that Saturday, January 6, 2007, would be the opening
reception of the 2007 Juried Biennial exhibition, from 5-7 pm. The exhibition was juried by
Elizabeth Armstrong, from the Orange County Museum of Art?
The Commission adjourned at 10:39 a.m.
Arts Manager
Arts Commission 4 December 7,2006
Imagine Carlsbad
"Creating the Future of Carlsbad Together"
Our Mission - "We are an apolitical group of citizens working together for
the future of Carlsbad to improve our overall quality of life "
We believe that:
• The best communities are those in which the citizens take an active role in
community affairs.
• By pooling resources we can accomplish together what we could not alone.
• Working together toward common goals can help people break down barriers and
preconceptions, and learn to trust one another.
Ground Rules:
• Everyone is welcome
• We will respect the ideas of all
• As a group we will not take a position on political issues
• We will endeavor to consider all information and perspectives in our discussions
• We will follow Carlsbad's Connecting Community, Place and Spirit Guiding
Initial topics for discussion:
• Quality of Life - define the factors, consider possible methods of measurement
• Art and culture - understand its ability to bring the community together and '
explore the possibilities of new venues
• Connecting Community, Place & Sprit concepts - help integrate the Guiding
Principles throughout the community
• Community building - understand the components of a great community and
promote their integration
• Sustainability - understand the impact on the community's future those actions
we take today
• Growth Management Plan
• Centre City Gateway
• Pedestrian railroad crossover
• Connecting neighborhoods
1) New Village Arts Theatre REQUEST: $5,000 REC: $4,000 (2)
Support for 2007, sixth season, four productions in new Village facility and one
Shakespeare in the Park.
2) Museum Of Making Music REQUEST: $2,000 REC: $1,500 (7)
Support for four interactive hands-on, participatory music storytelling programs.
3) Fern Street Circus REQUEST: $3,000 REC: $3,000 (1)
Support for performances of its 2007 production at Artsplash Festival in
September 2007.
4) Carlsbad Strings REQUEST: $600 REC: $300 (8)
Support for a program of student & professional performances, workshops and
demonstrations at Kids Day at the Flower Fields in March 2007.
5) Carlsbad Playhouse REQUEST: $2,000 REC: $1,500 (4)
Support for seven rehearsed readings of diverse new and classic plays to be produced
and presented in Schulman Auditorium.
6) Carlsbad Arts Partnership REQUEST: $750 REC: $750 (3)
Support for free series of five workshops by SUAVE artists/coaches for 125 teachers in
Carlsbad Unified School District and surrounding districts, interested parents and
7) Carlsbad-Oceanside Art League REQUEST: $1,000 REC: $1,000 (5)
Nine visual arts demonstration workshops in Carlsbad, open to membership and public
8) Patrons for the Arts Foundation /
Carlsbad Community Theatre REQUEST: $4,640 REC: $2,300 (6)
Support for facility rental costs for two productions and four or more workshops with
showcase presentations at the Carlsbad Cultural Arts Center.
TOTAL REQUESTS: $18,990 $14,400
1) Friends of Pacific Rim REQUEST: $500 REC: $500 (7)
Support for spring semester weekly after-school choral program for 3rd, 4th & 5th grades.
2) Carlsbad High School English Language Development Dept.
REQUEST: $1,000 REC: $1,000 (2)
Support for spring semester storytelling project for English Language Learners, using
exposure to the arts and a residency by a storyteller.
3) Carlsbad High School Band Boosters REQUEST: $1,000 REC: $600 (10A)
Support for Drumline choreography and musical arrangements for Spring Concert Season.
4) St. Patrick School REQUEST: $1,000 REC: $800 (5)
Support for spring semester Media Arts Instructor-in-residence and curriculum for 7th & 8th
5) Kelly Elementary School REQUEST: $1,000 REC: $1,000 (1A)
Support for spring semester tile art project for all students with art instructor and tile
installation specialist.
6) Calavera Hills Middle School REQUEST: $1,000 REC: $1,000 (1B)
Support for 8-week "Write On!" residency with GATE students by Playwrights Project.
7) La Costa Canyon High School Dance REQUEST: $1,000 REC: $700 (10B)
Support for 30-hour residency by choreographer/dancer Faith Jensen-lsmay.
8) Valley Middle School REQUEST: $1,000 REC: $850 (9)
Support for purchase of musical instruments for use by 119 students.
(This request is allowed for the 2007 grant cycle and is not considered a capital outlay).
9) Buena Vista Elementary School REQUEST: $250 REC: $250 (6)
Support for spring semester beautification project with major art components.
10) Calavera Hills Middle School REQUEST: $1,000 REC: $700 (8)
Support for spring semester theatre production of "School House Rock."
11) Carlsbad High School Drama REQUEST: $1,000 REC: $500 (11)
Support for resident choreographer for spring semester musical theatre production.
12) Jefferson Elementary School REQUEST: $1,000 REC: $1,000 (3)
Support for spring and fall semesters violin instruction program for K-5 students.
13) Montessori Arts & Science School REQUEST: $1,000 REC: $700 (4)
Support for 10-week mural project with resident artist and Artsplash participation.
TOTAL REQUESTS $11,750 $9,600