HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-03-01; Arts Commission; MinutesMINUTES
Carlsbad Arts Commission
March 1,2007
Carlsbad Council Chambers
I. Call to Order
Chairman Gary Hill called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m.
Commissioners Present: Fran Carrillo, Sherman DeForest, Heath Fox, Gary Hill,
Barbara Iserloth, Rita Francis
Commissioners Absent: Ron Juncal
II. Minutes for Approval
On motion by Commissioner Iserloth, second by Commissioner Carrillo, to approve the
February 1, 2007, Minutes.
AYES: Commissioners Carrillo, DeForest, Fox, Hill, Iserloth and Francis
ABSENT: Commissioner Juncal
III. New Business
Recent 2006 Citvwide Survey Results
Joe Garuba, Senior Administrative Analyst, reviewed the City of Carlsbad's 2006
Citywide Survey results with the Arts Commissioners. Mr. Garuba stated that the City
has used a wide variety of surveys to determine citizens' concerns. He stated that the
City partnered with California State University San Marcos (CSUSM) on the surveys for
the past seven years.
Mr. Garuba responded to Commissioner Hill's inquiry regarding negative fallout prior to
the 2006 election by stating that this survey revealed a snap shot of what was going on
when the City was getting hit with negative comments during that pre-election time.
Mr. Garuba replied to Commissioner Fox's question about whether there was a
difference in views between Northern Carlsbad and Southern Carlsbad by saying that in
the past the north was considered wealthier than the south and now those situations
have reversed themselves. The southern part of Carlsbad is now considered wealthier
and more educated and the northern part of Carlsbad sees the City changing and feels
there is a lower availability of public parks in the north.
Commissioner DeForest questioned as to how the percentages could score past 100%.
Mr. Garuba stated that the reason why percentages sometimes add up to more than
100% is that the survey does not limit respondents to just one answer (even though the
question is phrased that way).The reason for this approach is because the City is trying
to find out what, in general, the major concerns for the residents are, not necessarily
create an ordered, prioritized list of those concerns.
Commissioner Francis asked if the art and culture component would be included in
upcoming surveys. Peter Gordon, Arts Manager, stated that many departments wanted
to have questions relating to their departments in the survey, and Mr. Garuba agreed.
Requests for questions to be included far exceeds the number that can actually be
included. But Mr. Gordon stated he was working with Mr. Garuba to try to incorporate
more in-depth questions relating to the arts in upcoming surveys.
IV. Public Comment
John McDonald, Chair, Oceanside Arts Commission, delivered greetings from the
Commission's colleagues in Oceanside and offered assistance to Carlsbad from the
Oceanside Arts Commission. He informed the Commission that the Oceanside Arts
Commission is a nine member Commission and has a very aggressive two-year plan
and arts overlay initiative. The City of Oceanside would like to bring all aspects of art to
the City. Mr. McDonald stated that the Oceanside Arts Commission is establishing a
strong collaborative effort with North County cities and that the opportunities are
enormous in North County. Mr. McDonald said that the Commission is working closely
with the City of Vista on the Sprinter Arts and Culture Transit System (ACTS).
Sibylla Voll, President, Carlsbad Oceanside Arts League informed the Commission that
the League has participated in the Street Faire, as well as other cultural arts activities in
cities in North County.
V. Committee Reports
A. Commissioners' Reports
Commissioner DeForest commented on an editorial in the North County Times, dated
February 27, 2007, regarding censorship of art. He spoke about the pressure put on the
City of Encinitas to remove a banner that could have been interpreted as negative to
President Bush.
Commissioner Fox stated that on March 9, 2007, 3:30 p.m., the Gallery Committee was
scheduled to meet.
Commissioner Hill stated that the election of Officers for Chair and Vice Chair for the
Arts Commission would be held in May.
Arts Commission - 2 - March 1, 2007
B. Manager's Report
Peter Gordon, Arts Manager, informed the Commission of the following:
• Opera Previews Plus is ongoing with a film and recital scheduled
• Multicultural Arts Festival encouraged youth to see similarities between cultures,
rather than differences between cultures, and was taking place from March 3
through March 9.
• Next exhibit at the William D. Cannon Art Gallery, from March 25 to June 3, 2007,
would be Impossible to Forget: The Nazi Camps Fifty Years After with guest
speakers and Holocaust Survivors Si Frumkin and Gussie Zaks. Michael Kenna will
be at the Schulman Auditorium on June 2, 2007, 6:00 p.m. to make a presentation
on his work.
• Carlsbad Reads Together Program selected a book to coincide with the Impossible
to Forget exhibit: Night by Elie Wiesel.
• Futtsu Homestay 2007 will host four students and two adults from Carlsbad's Sister
City in Futtsu, Japan. The students and adults will arrive on March 25, 2007 and will
be introduced to the City Council on March 27, 2007, with a reception immediately
following the Council meeting.
The Commission adjourned at 10:20 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Arts Manager
Arts Commission - 3 - March 1, 2007