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Carlsbad Arts Commission
September 6, 2007
Carlsbad Council Chambers
Call to Order and Roll Call
Chairman Heath Fox called the meeting to order at 9:01 a.m.
Commissioners Present: Fran Carrillo, Sherman DeForest, Heath Fox, Rita Francis,
Gary Hill, Ron Juncal
Commissioners Absent: Barbara Iserloth
Approval of Minutes for July
On motion by Commissioner Hill, second by Commissioner Carrillo, to approve the
Minutes of the Regular Meeting held August 2, 2007, as submitted.
New Business
1. ArtSplash: Preview - presentation by Commissioner Juncal
Commissioner Juncal gave a preview of this year's ArtsSplash festival, which will be
held on September 22 and 23 on Armada Drive. Mr. Juncal stated that this was the
fourth year of the event and said that there would be chalk art displays, rock stacking,
graffiti art, performing arts entertainment, performances by Fern Street Circus, A Taste
of Carlsbad, fine art, and a major new trompe I'oeil work created out of flower petals.
He said the event was being designed to be more arts oriented and less like a street
fair, and they were encouraging more demonstrations on how artists made their work
and more audience participation in the art-making process.
Commissioner Juncal informed the Commission that $38,000 had been raised last year
that was distributed to Carlsbad schools for art programs. Peter Gordon, Arts Manager,
asked how those funds raised were disbursed to the Carlsbad schools. Mr. Juncal
suggested that Joni Miringoff, ArtSplash Committee Chair, be contacted for that
information. Mr. Gordon suggested that there was possibly room for an administrative
partnership with the Community Arts Grants program.
Ms. Raziah Roushan, a chalk artist and graffiti artist, also spoke. Mr. Juncal explained
that her participation in ArtSplash helped bring a younger viewpoint to the festival
through projects like the graffiti art booth and that he hoped this type of art form would
help to engage those younger audience members as well.
Commissioner Hill suggested that a PowerPoint streaming video with the names of the
sponsors could be used on the City's website or could be used for publicity purposes.
Chairman Fox expressed his gratitude to the ArtSplash steering committee for all their
hard work all year long.
2. TGIF Wrap-up (Presentation by Colleen Finnegan
Colleen Finnegan, Community Arts Coordinator, gave an overview of the 2007 TGIF
Jazz in the Parks Concert season. She stated that this was the 22nd TGIF Jazz concert
season and that there had been ten concerts. There was an average of 3,000-4,000
people in attendance, but groups like Big Time Operator, Bill Magee Blues Band, and
Rod Piazza & The Mighty Flyers probably drew closer to 5,000 people.
Local, regional, and national bands had been chosen by the producer, Rob Hagey
Productions. A variety of blues, Afro-Cuban, East African Pop, and big band swing were
the music styles for this last concert series. The producer, in close discussion with the
Arts Office, is central to the selection of the music groups.
The new Pine Avenue Park was used for the first time with many residents in the area
Ms. Finnegan emphasized that the Carlsbad Friends of the Arts played a huge role in
the TGIF Jazz Concerts, organizing and running the Opportunity Drawings which raise
funds that the Friends donate back to the Arts Office for TGIF Jazz and other programs
such as Three-Part-Art.
Ms. Finnegan also stated that work on the 2008 TGIF Jazz Concert season has begun.
Ms. Finnegan said that this year's Souvenir Program was once again a beautiful
publication. Peter Gordon informed the Commission that a Request for Proposals
(RFP) had been used to select the publishers, Wheelhouse Media, for the 2007 TGIF
Jazz Concerts souvenir program who took care of ad sales, production, and printing.
Mr. Gordon said that the Arts Office remained in charge of the editorial content and
overall design and felt it was a very successful partnership.
Mr. Gordon mentioned that the Friends of the Arts have greatly expanded the scope of
the Opportunity Drawings, especially energized by some of the major donors such as
Alaska Airlines, Pueblo Bonito Resorts & Hotels Mexico, and Furnishings 4 Less. The
latter donor was new to TGIF Jazz this year, but came forward with fabulous prizes
such as outdoor stainless steel barbecue system with refrigerator, hot tub, computer
desk with hutch, and so on.
Commissioner DeForest commended the Art at Jazz Program by Tonya Rodzach,
Community Arts Educator/Education.
Arts Commission - 2 - September 6, 2007
Commissioner Juncal congratulated Ms. Rodzach for the well-run Family Open Studios
and Three-Part-Art Programs to promote the arts. It is a wonderful approach to expose
art to children.
Commissioner Hill recommended that the audience could be asked, just before the start
of each concert, how many were from Carlsbad and how many were from surrounding
cities. He said that the audience could be queried regarding what venue would be liked
for a potential Jazz concert and what quadrant were they from. Commissioner Hill
stated that he was a Prop D Citizens Liaison Committee member and suggested that
an amphitheater, or similar type of venue, could hold large capacities of people.
3. 2007/08 Management Goals for the Arts Office (Presentation by Peter Gordon)
Mr. Gordon explained management goals and stated that the formulation of goals takes
place between February and June for the succeeding year. Salary increases are
impacted by the acceptance, implementation and completion of the goals, and all goals
have measurable outcomes. He gave a brief overview of management goals affecting
the Cultural Arts Office:
Conservation Survey of Public Art (Peter Gordon)
- Conservation survey and ongoing maintenance plan of the City's public art
Cultural Arts Office Communication Plan (Karen McGuire, Tonya Rodzach, Colleen
- Outcome is to make sure to increase awareness of our programs
Review Sculpture Garden Strategy (Peter Gordon, Karen McGuire)
- Try to make the outdoor sculpture more accessible to the public
Sibylla Voll, Carlsbad/Oceanside Art League, suggested a street sign could be placed
indicating the location of the Sculpture Garden.
Raziah Roushan stated that the Seattle Museum of Art takes advantage of yard space
at public places and that Carlsbad could do the same.
Commissioner Juncal suggested that a shuttle bus could take the public to see the
various forms of public art in Carlsbad.
Commissioner Hill informed the Commission that there was an excellent website,
PPS.org, that is filled with information of studies of what brings people together in public
spaces and what keeps people away.
Donation of Artwork to the City (Karen McGuire)
- Install the two art works donated to the City by the Italo Scanga Foundation
Arts Commission -3 - September 6, 2007
Grant Application Two Year Plan (Tonya Rodzach)
- Develop timeline and options for appropriate grant applications
Performing Arts On Your Own Time (Colleen Finnegan)
- Develop details for a "performing arts" version of the Gallery's "On Your Own Time"
(employee) visual arts exhibition
Cultural Arts Office Volunteer Program (Tonya Rodzach)
- Create an all-purpose handbook for Cultural Arts Office volunteers
City Branding Goal (Peter Gordon)
- Develop a consistent look and identity for City services
Old Business
1. Committees, Commissioner Terms of Office
Chairman Fox stated that the terms of Commissioners DeForest and Juncal expire in
2008. If they are interested in being re-appointed, a letter needs to be sent to the Mayor
requesting re-appointment.
If Commissioners DeForest and Juncal don't want to be re-appointed, please let the
Chairman and Arts Manager know as soon as possible.
Public Comment
There was no public comment.
Committee Report
1. Commissioners' Reports
Commissioner Carrillo announced that there is an Arts-in-Education meeting scheduled
for Wednesday, September 26, in the Gowland Meeting Room at the Dove Library.
Commissioner DeForest informed the Commission that he went to see the "Natural
Connections" exhibit at the William D. Cannon Art Gallery and congratulated Karen
McGuire on its success.
Chairman Fox informed the Commission that he had met with the Friends of the Arts
Board on August 13 and that he thanked them for their support of the Arts and the TGIF
Jazz concerts in Carlsbad.
Arts Commission -4 - September 6, 2007
Commissioner Fox suggested that all Arts Commission meetings should continue to
take place in the Council Chambers, rather than in off-site locations, to make it
consistent and easier for public participation.
2. Manager's Report
Peter Gordon announced that there would a meeting in the Gowland Meeting Room,
September 17, 7pm, to discuss public art opportunities in the region. Constance White,
of the Airport Authority, and Dana Springs of the San Diego Commission on Art &
Culture would be presenting. The program was organized by Community Arts
Coordinator Tonya Rodzach. Peter Gordon distributed the letter that was written and
mailed out by Ms. Rodzach announcing the meeting to all Commissioners. It was noted
that there may be the possibility of an Arts Commission quorum at the meeting.
Mr. Gordon handed out a Sister City Program photography contest brochure, call for
entries, for the digital photography contest with Karlovy Vary and high school students.
Mr. Gordon handed out a copy of the 2008 Community Arts Grants application to each
Mr. Gordon announced that the fourth annual Carlsbad Musical Festival will be held
September 28-30, 2007 at Schulman Auditorium. The Festival is put together by Matt
McBane who had received Community Arts Grants in the past for this event. This year
the Arts Office is a sponsoring partner. This festival presents contemporary, cutting
edge classical music. Musicians featured in the Festival will visit high school music
classes during the week prior to the performances in Schulman as an adjunct
educational component to the public concerts.
Chairman Fox adjourned the regular meeting of the Arts Commission at 10:26 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Arts Manager
Isabelle Paulsen
Minutes Clerk
Arts Commission - 5 - September 6, 2007