HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-03-06; Arts Commission; MinutesMINUTES
Carlsbad Arts Commission
March 6, 2008
Carlsbad Council Chambers
I. Call to Order
Chairman Heath Fox called the meeting to order at 9:03 a.m.
II. Roll Call
Commissioners Present: Sherman DeForest, Heath Fox, Rita Francis, Gary Hill,
Barbara Iserloth
Commissioners Absent: Fran Carrillo, Ron Juncal
III. Approval of Minutes
On motion by Commissioner DeForest, second by Commissioner Iserloth, to approve
the Minutes of the Regular Meeting held December 6, 2007, as submitted.
AYES: Commissioners DeForest, Fox, Francis, Hill, Iserloth
NOES: None
ABSENT: Commissioners Carrillo and Juncal
IV. Old Business
Report on the Prop D Citizens Liaison Committee
Commissioner Hill reviewed the progress of the Proposition D meetings to date and
noted that conversations are continuing. Commissioner Hill informed the Commission
that current proposed uses include:
Agricultural – most desirable
- retail sale of agricultural products
- agricultural research and development facilities
- tourist-oriented uses
- floral trade center
- educational uses
Agricultural – least desirable uses:
- goat farming
- horse stables
- Christmas tree farm
- bee farm
- community garden
Passive open space uses – most desirable
- walking trails
- bike trail
- natural trails
- botanical garden/arboretum
- exercise paths
Passive open space uses - least desirable
- petting zoo
- campground
- hot air balloon launch
- equestrian trails
- war/veterans memorial
Active open space uses - most desirable
- regional park
- skateboard park
- exercise area
- lagoon access active water use
- lagoon access beach use
Active open space uses - least desirable
- auto raceway
- off-road Vehicle Park
- fairgrounds
- motocross course
- professional football stadium
Commissioner Hill encouraged public support of the arts and noted that there would be
a meeting on Proposition D relating to cultural open space uses on Monday, March 10,
6:00 p.m., at the Faraday building.
Commissioner Francis arrived at 9:07 a.m
V. New Business
A. Review of Cultural Arts Office Management Goals
c. Italo Scanga Donation
Peter Gordon, Arts Manager, gave a brief history of the Italo Scanga Foundation's
donation offer of two sculptural works by Italo Scanga: "Untitled" and "Tree with Bird."
He explained that the Acquisitions Committee had recommended acceptance and
installation on the front lawn of the Arts Office of the two works in March, 2004. The
Arts Commission then approved the two works in May, 2004. For a variety of reasons,
the proposed donation offer was not put out on public display until January, 2008.
Karen McGuire, Curator of Exhibitions, then reviewed the public comments with the
Commission, explaining that 56% were in favor of the works, with another 18% partially
in favor (since there were two works, some liked one, but not the other). Ms. McGuire
went on to describe the process that would be used to install the works, if they were
ultimately approved by the City Council.
Arts Commission - 2 - March 6, 2008
Commissioner DeForest asked if security was an issue for consideration.
Ms. McGuire responded that the artworks would be near the Cole Library and also on a
residential street and that vandalism is always a consideration, but was not a deterrent
to the plans for the installation at this time.
Commissioner Francis asked if there would be lighting installed and an opening
reception for the new installation and Ms. McGuire stated that the opening of a new
exhibition in the Sculpture Garden in June would be an opportune time to celebrate
both the new exhibition and the new installation.
Commissioner Hill inquired whether other sites had been considered for the Scanga
works, and Ms. McGuire said that other sites, such as City Hall and Cole Library, had
been considered, but that the front lawn of the Cultural Arts Office was always the first
Peter Gordon stated that moving artworks now displayed in the Sculpture Garden out to
the sea wall, the Village, or another public place to increase their visibility was proving
not to be viable and that now the intent was to make the area around Cole Library and
the Arts Office a more visually active, art-oriented environment - and the installation of
the two Scanga works was part of that strategy.
Motion by Commissioner Iserloth, second by Commissioner DeForest, to accept and
approve the Italo Scanga sculpture donations with proposed placement at the Cultural
Arts Office and to recommend to the City Council to accept and approve the site for the
donated artworks.
AYES: Commissioners DeForest, Fox, Francis, Hill, Iserloth
NOES: None
ABSENT: Commissioners Carrillo and Juncal
Commissioner Hill left at 9:21 a.m.
a. Conservation Survey
Peter Gordon gave an overview of the goals assigned to the Cultural Arts Office. He
informed the Commission that various positive references had been received regarding
the Sculpture Conservation Studio, the firm being hired to implement a conservation
survey of the City's public art collection. The conservation survey will include site
inspections, evaluation of each artwork, a written condition report, along with an
implementation plan on any conservation work needed. Treatment plans, long-term
care plans, as well as maintenance plans for each work would also be part of the
Chairman Fox requested that a map be available of every piece of public artwork in the
collection owned by the City.
Mr. Gordon stated that the goal for next year would be to photograph each piece in the
public art collection and hopefully create a new "map" at that time.
Arts Commission - 3 - March 6, 2008
Mr. Gordon also said that the conservation survey created by Sculpture Conservation
Studio would reinforce the artworks as financial assets to the City and would help the
Arts Office "make the case" for conservation and ongoing maintenance of each piece of
artwork in the City's collection.
b. On Your Own Time - Performing Arts Version
Colleen Finnegan, Community Arts Coordinator, informed the Commission that her goal
to research the possibility of doing an "On Your Own Time - Performing Arts Version"
was progressing well. A questionnaire was sent out with the February 22, 2008
paychecks to all employees, aimed at gauging prospective interest in the program. At
this time, Ms. Finnegan thinks there might be enough interest within the City to hold a
modest program in FY 08/09, when the Cannon Art Gallery does its next visual arts
version of "On Your Own Time."
Commissioner DeForest inquired as to whether some of the acts could be openers for
the 2008 TGIF Jazz in the Parks concerts. Ms. Finnegan responded that the staff had
investigated that idea previously, but the logistical requirements related to the sound
system would not work.
B. Report on 2008 TGIF Jazz
Colleen Finnegan, Community Arts Coordinator, gave an overview of the 2007 TGIF
Jazz series and noted the estimated attendance numbers. Then Ms. Finnegan
commented on the plans for the 2008 TGIF Jazz series, which include:
Elimination of the use of Pine Park
Change of ball fields at Stagecoach Park and Calavera Hills
No shuttle buses to be used at Stagecoach Park
On July 4, there will be a Jazz in the Park event at Stagecoach Park
Art at Jazz will be held at the last event at each park
V!. Public Comment
There was no public comment.
VII. a. Committee Reports
Chairman Fox informed the Commission that the City is working on an update to its
General Plan, and the research process will take place during 2008 and 2009. City
planners will be meeting with representatives from boards, commissions and various
other groups, and he expected that there will be many opportunities for citizen
Mr. Fox stated that he would talk with David De Cordova, Principal Planner, and will
report back to the Commission at the next regular meeting about the possibility of a
meeting with the full Arts Commission to give its input.
VII. b. Manager's Report
Peter Gordon reported on the following items:
Arts Commission - 4 - March 6, 2008
• Fifteenth annual Multicultural Arts Festival would start on Sunday, March 9, and
would have free performances at various sites all week long.
• Recent issue of ArtsBrag had been distributed by Tonya Rodzach, Community Arts
Education Coordinator.
• "In Focus: National Geographic Greatest Portraits" brought in over 4,000 visitors to
the William D. Cannon Art Gallery, making it one of the highest attended exhibitions
presented to date.
• "On Flowers" exhibit opens March 30 and runs through May 25, 2008.
• Opera Previews Plus program is doing well and runs through May 3, 2008.
Chairman Fox adjourned the regular meeting of the Arts Commission at 10:07 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Arts Manager
Isabelle Paulsen
Minutes Clerk
Arts Commission - 5 - March 6, 2008