HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-04-07; Arts Commission; MinutesMINUTES
Carlsbad Arts Commission
April?, 2011
Carlsbad Council Chambers
I. Call to Order
Chairman Fox called the meeting to order at 9:01 a.m.
II. Roll Call
Commissioners Present: Aquallo, DeForest, Fox, Friese, Schmidt, and Voll
Commissioners Absent: Iserloth
III. Approval of Minutes
On motion by Commissioner Schmidt, second by Commissioner DeForest, to approve the
Minutes of the Regular Meeting held February 3, 2011.
AYES: Commissioners DeForest, Fox, Friese, Schmidt, and Voll
NOES: None
ABSENT: Commissioners Aquallo, Iserloth
IV. Old Business
A. Joint First Responders Training Facility (JFRTF) update (Peter Gordon).
Peter Gordon, Arts Manager, informed the Commission that on February 8, 2011, the
City Council approved the Public Artwork Concept Design for the Joint First
Responders Training Facility and the Public Art Contract with Pleasant Line
Corporation to Fabricate and Install Artwork at the Joint First Responders Training
Facility. He stated that the artist had met with the architect and project manager for the
JFRTF and had purchased the materials needed for the artwork. Installation is
expected to occur by November 2011 or sometime thereafter.
B. Arts Ordinance update (Peter Gordon).
Mr. Gordon reported that the revised Arts Ordinance had been adopted by the City
Council on April 5, 2011. He gave a summary of the process involved to change an
V. New Business
A. Ziegler Fountain restoration project (Peter Gordon).
Mr. Gordon stated that the goal team working on the Ziegler fountain felt that leaving
the fountain on display in its current condition was not an option; the work's condition
had deteriorated so significantly that it either needed to be restored to its appropriate
display condition or removed from display. After extensive research and meetings with
various experts, the goal team recommended repairing and restoring the fountain
rather than proceeding with that strategy. Contracts were currently being developed
with a fountain repair specialist and a sculpture conservation specialist. One of the
major issues, Mr. Gordon explained, was that the fountain had an inherent design flaw:
its water pump was situated underneath the artwork, making it hard to service and
repair. During the restoration project, the water pump will be relocated for easier future
Commissioner Aquallo arrived at 9:18 a.m.
B. Budget update (Peter Gordon).
Mr. Gordon briefly described the development of the Cultural Arts Office budget for
FY12. He explained that General Fund allocations were the same as FY11, and that
the Arts Office had been successful in submitting a balanced budget for FY12.
Two major issues were still on the table though. First, the Arts Office's special revenue
accounts for the TGIF Jazz and for the Public Art programs were currently under
review and analysis by the Finance department. Second, as with all departments in the
city, the Arts Office had been asked to submit a list of "increased efficiencies" that
might help the city alleviate a projected $3 million imbalance in the FY12 budget.
Suggestions submitted by the Arts Office included combining the summer arts camps
with the Parks and Recreation camps, shifting from printed gallery announcement
cards to an email-oriented system, and delaying the design and installation of
upcoming public art projects. Mr. Gordon said he would keep the Commission updated
as the budget process moved along.
C. Report on upcoming Cannon Art Gallery exhibitions (Karen McGuire).
Karen McGuire, Curator of Exhibitions, gave an overview of exhibitions scheduled out
to 2014 for the William D. Cannon Art Gallery. She noted that there will a wide variety
of media and subject matter among the exhibitions.
D. Report on upcoming 2011 Jazz in the Park concert (Colleen Finnegan).
Colleen Finnegan, Community Arts Coordinator, announced that the first 2011 TGIF
Jazz in the Park concert will commence June 24, 2011, at Stagecoach Park. There will
be three concerts per park: Stagecoach Park, Poinsettia Park, and Calavera Park. The
lineup this year is different in that there is one returning band,
Janiva Magness, and eight new bands. At each park there will be one blues group, one
world or latin group, and one group that might be described as "funk."
Arts Commission - 2 - April 7, 2011
E. Briefing on Community Arts Grants: background and history, goals, current policies &
procedures (Colleen Finnegan).
Colleen Finnegan gave a summary of the process used for Community Arts Grants
(CAG) funding and stated that a workshop is held annually for all education and
organization grant writers that want to apply for funding.
Commissioner DeForest suggested that there should be an opportunity given to grant
writers to be tutored on grant writing.
Commissioner Schmidt stated that new projects should be encouraged for CAG
funding and that a little more thought be used regarding criteria.
Ms. Finnegan commented that Community Arts Grants support a variety of projects,
programs, individuals and organizations, and that the grant dollars awarded ultimately
translates into more high quality programs available for Carlsbad residents to enjoy.
VI. Public Comment
There was no public comment.
VII. Commission Reports
A. Commissioners reported on their recent activities.
B. Mr. Gordon reported on the activities of the Cultural Arts Office.
VIM. Adjournment
Chairman Fox adjourned the regular meeting of the Arts Commission at 11:12 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
PETER GORDON, Arts Manager
Isabelle Paulsen, Minutes Clerk