HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-02-02; Arts Commission; MinutesMINUTES
Carlsbad Arts Commission
February 2, 2012
Carlsbad Council Chambers
I. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 9:00 a.m. by Tina Schmidt, Chair of the Arts Commission,
il. Roll Call
Commissioners Present: Aquallo, Friese, Iserloth, Johnson, Schmidt, and Voll
Commissioners Absent: DeForest
III. Approval of Minutes
On motion by Commissioner Iserloth, second by Commissioner Friese, to approve the Minutes
ofthe Regular Meeting held December 1, 2011, with the following correction:
Page 4, Announcements, second paragraph, to read ...were invited to the January 12, 2012,
AYES: Commissioners Aquallo, Friese, Iserloth, Johnson, Schmidt, and Voll
NOES: None
ABSENT: Commissioner DeForest
IV. New Business
A. Informational presentation bv Paul Edmonson. Assistant Citv Attornev. regarding email
communication and citv commissioners.
Paul Edmonson, Assistant City Attorney, gave a brief presentation about the issue of email
communications between commissioners. In general Mr. Edmonson stated, commissioners
could use email communications for social interaction (such as trading favorite recipes), but for
all other communications, especially related to the arts and the community, email should be
avoided as it could be perceived to be a serial meeting and in conflict with the Brown Act.
B. Proposal to remove Ellen Ziegler's public artwork at Dove Librarv from the citv's Public Art
Collection (Arts Manager Peter Gordon).
Peter Gordon, Arts Manager, discussed the current state of Ellen Ziegler's public artwork
located in the Dove Library courtyard. He explained that at this point in time, the goal team
(consisting of Dave Curtis, Deputy Library Director; Karen McGuire, Curator of Exhibitions; and
Peter Gordon, Arts Manager) looking at this issue felt that the work was no longer in
"exhibitable" condition: the fountain component was no longer working and numerous stains had
accumulated on the work's surface. He stated that after thoroughly reviewing a number of
options and scenarios, the goal team was recommending removal of the artwork from the
courtyard site and the de-accessioning (removal) of the work from the city's Public Art
Mr. Gordon informed the Commission that if they agreed with the recommendation, an agenda
bill would be going to the City Council to request approval of the proposal to de-accession the
In response to one commissioner, Mr. Gordon noted that replacing the removed work with a
new piece of public art would not be part of the recommendation in the council agenda bill.
Motion by Commissioner Iserloth, second by Commissioner Friese to accept the proposal to
remove Ellen Ziegler's public artwork from the Dove Library courtyard and from the city's Public
Art Collection.
AYES: Commissioners Aquallo, Friese, Iserloth, Johnson, Schmidt, and Voll
NOES: None
ABSENT: Commissioner DeForest
C. Informational presentation: Plan to re-install Benbow Bullock's "Marmalade Dragonfly" in
front of Cole Librarv (Karen McGuire. Curator of Exhibitions).
Karen McGuire notified the Commission that plans were in place to install Benbow Bullock's
three-part artwork, "Marmalade Dragonfly," in the grassy area along Carlsbad Village Drive in
front ofthe Cole Library on a temporary but extended basis. The Benbow Bullock work, which is
in storage, would replace three pieces by Carlsbad sculptor Fritzie Urquhart which are currently
sited there. The change is scheduled for June 2012.
D. Informational presentation: Overview of upcoming exhibitions planned for the Cannon Art
Gallery (Karen McGuire. Curator of Exhibitions).
Karen McGuire, Curator of Exhibitions, and Carrie Jones, Assistant to the Curator, gave a
slideshow presentation previewing upcoming exhibitions scheduled forthe Cannon Art Gallery.
Ms. McGuire distributed the 2012 Cannon Invitational catalog and the FY 2011-12 schedule of
upcoming exhibitions to the Commissioners.
Ms. McGuire also informed the Commission ofthe upcoming March 14, 2012 Gallery Committee
meeting at 4:00 p.m. in the Dove Library conference room.
V. Public Comment
There was no public comment.
ArtsCommission -2- February2.2012
VI. Commission Reports
A. Commissioners reported on their recent activities.
B. Peter Gordon, Arts Manager, distributed rack cards (containing schedules) for Opera
Previews, Family Open Studios, and This Is Jazz! He noted that the Oak Yard goal project
was now on hold. Finally, Mr. Gordon informed the Commission that the Cultural Arts
Office would begin sending email blasts (via Constant Contact) to all the names on its
current email lists, so they should be on the look-out for that new communication initiative.
VII. Announcements
Tina Schmidt, Commission Chair, invited the Arts Commissioners to the following meetings and
Envision Carlsbad meeting at the Faraday building, February 2, 2012, 6:00 p.m.
Family Open Studios Plus atthe Dove Library courtyard, February 11, 2012, 11:00 - 2:00 p.m.
Opera Previews and This Is Jazz! in the Schulman Auditorium at the Dove Library, February 18,
2012, 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. respectively.
Arts-in-Education meeting at Museum of Making Music to be held March 18, 2012.
Gallery Advisory Committee, Dove Library conference room, March 14, 2012, 3:30 - 5:15 p.m.
Opening reception for "Joe Brubaker: The Exquisite Garden," March 31, 2012, 5:00 - 7:00 p.m.,
William D. Cannon Art Gallery.
VIII. Adiournment
Commissioner Schmidt adjourned the regular meeting ofthe Arts Commission at 10:13 a.m.
Respectfully submitted.
PETER GORDON, Arts Manager
Isabelle Paulsen, Minutes Clerk
Arts Commission - 3 - February 2, 2012