HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-07-07; Beach Preservation Committee; MinutesCARLSBAD BEACH EROSION COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES MEETING DATE: JULY 7, 1988 The Carlsbad Beach Erosion Committee was called to order by Chairman Monroy at 6:00 p.m., Thursday, July 7, 1988 in the City Council Chambers, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California. Members in Attendance: Members Absent: Mario Monroy, Chairman Hugh Vickery Sally Vigil David Copley Gary Nessim Pearl Johnson Don Jackson City Staff in Attendance: John Cahill, Municipal Projects Manager Guests in Attendance: Donald Spencer, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Consultants in Attendance: Dr. Choule Sonu, Tekmarine, Inc. Chairman Monroy introduced the meeting minutes of April 7, 1988, which were subsequently reviewed and approved by the Committee members. Chairman Monroy introduced Mr. Don Jackson who was recently appointed by the Carlsbad City Council to the position on the Carlsbad Beach Erosion Committee recently vacated by Mr. John Gray. The Committee unanimously authorized Chairman Monroy to send a letter of appreciation to Mr. John Gray for his service on the Committee. AGENDA TOPICS 1. Chairman Monroy introduced Dr. Choule Sonu, the City's beach erosion, coastal engineering consultant from Tekmarine Incorporated. Dr. Sonu referred to the April, 1988 Semi- Annual Beach Profile Surveys and Analysis report previously forwarded to the Committee members, which summarized the April findings. Dr. Sonu utilized slides to display the conditions of Carlsbad beaches encountered during his April and June beach reconnaissance trips. There was considerable discussion among the Committee members concerning potential influences of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon jetties. Dr. Sonu's Page 2 of Beach Erosion Committee Minutes July 7, 1988 observations point to a variable and isolated sand build up, notwithstanding the recent SDG&E beach nourishment. Dr. Sonu summarized recent Tekmarine data indicating measured sand thicknesses within the Oceanside Littoral Cell. Dr. Sonu's suspicions from the data indicates Carlsbad's beaches are essentially cobble in nature with very little measurable sand quantities. There was additional discussion concerning the character of Carlsbad's overall beach problems in light of the recent data. 2. Chairman Monroy introduced Don Spencer representing U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Los Angeles District Office. Mr. Spencer was invited by the Committee to attend the meetings and discuss the latest status of several Corps projects and programs within the Oceanside Littoral Cell. Mr. Spencer discussed the Oceanside Harbor feasibility study designed to protect interior harbor facilities and enhance safety of boaters entering and exiting the harbor. Mr. Spencer indicated to the Committee the potential of extending the existing harbor jetty system 300 feet downcoast and angling slightly seaward. Of concern to the Committee is the inclusion within the Corp's study report of an analysis of any downcoast impacts. Mr. Spencer indicated the harbor jetty system extension was one of several options being examined by the Corps. The Committee expressed the strong desire to be kept informed of the status of this study and be notified of any public hearings concerning this proj ect. Mr. Spencer briefed the Committee on the status of the Oceanside Harbor sand bypass project. The project is being financed 100% by the Corp of Engineers and is presently on hold. A new contractor is being sought by the bonding company of the previous contractor who has been relieved. Mr. Spencer estimates a restart of work in October, 1988. Mr. Spencer discussed the status of the Oceanside Harbor Beach Erosion Feasibility Study. This study is several years old which determined and recommended the installation of an offshore breakwater system along the Oceanside coastline, however, was rejected during the public hearing process. This study is currently on hold indefinitely until the results of the sand bypass project are determined. Mr. Spencer briefed the Committee concerning the status of the San Luis Rey River Channel project performed in conjunction with the City of Oceanside. This project includes a 7-mile structured channel system within the City of Oceanside serving the San Luis Rey drainage basin. A construction award is anticipated by the Corp of Engineers Page 3 of Beach Erosion Committee Minutes July 7, 1988 in October of 1988. Mr. Spencer indicated the Corp's Coast of California Storm and Tidal Wave Study report is to be completed in 1989. Currently, the report's monitoring program is underway. Of importance to the City of Carlsbad is the section 103 Carlsbad "Small Project" study under the River and Harbors Act. This is a "continuing authority" program enabling up to $2 million of Federal participation. The Los Angeles District Office of the Corps has been notified by the South Pacific District in San Francisco to begin the reconnaissance phase of the study which is underway. Mr. Spencer indicated a field review with Corps representatives and City staff has been scheduled for Monday, July 11, 1988. This particular project is a direct result of the City of Carlsbad delegation's recent trip to Washington, D.C. to meet with Corps representatives. Finally, Mr. Spencer briefed the Committee concerning the "Specific Authority" program designed for a detailed study of Carlsbad beaches. Mr. Spencer confirmed that this particular program has not been added to the 1988/89 Federal Corps budget proposal at this time. It has been indicated to the Committee that the upcoming Corps budget, because of budget constraints, includes no new study starts nationwide. Chairman Monroy indicated to the Committee his strongest recommendation to continue to proceed with this program request in the 1989/90 Federal budget cycle and to utilize the City's Congressional contacts whenever possible. 3. John Cahill briefed members of the Committee concerning the status of the Batiquitos Lagoon Enhancement project's EIR/EIS. There was considerable discussion among the Committee members concerning the importance of this process to the future of Carlsbad's beaches. The Committee staff representative was requested to keep the Committee informed of project developments and notify the Committee members as soon as the public workshop schedule has been established. Additionally, the members of the Committee requested copies of the Batiquitos Consultant's scope of work so as to be better informed of the depth and breadth of additional environmental studies during the EIR. 4. Chairman Monroy explained the joint City/SDG&E study proposal of Agua Hedionda Lagoon to be considered by the City Council sometime during August. This item was a follow-up to a previous Committee recommendation concerning investigating the possibility of a joint study of lagoon and beach impacts, if any. Page 4 of Beach Erosion Committee Minutes July 7, 1988 Chairman Monroy informed the Committee of the upcoming SANDAG regional beach seminar to be held Monday, July 25, 1988 in San Diego. John Cahill will be forwarding to the members of the Committee registration forms as soon as they are available from SANDAG. All members of the Committee were invited to attend the seminar. The meeting was adjourned by Chairman Monroy at 9:05 p.m., Thursday, July 7, 1988 to Thursday, August 11, 1988 at 6:00 p.m. in the Carlsbad City Council Chambers. JO Municipal Projects Manager Secretary, Beach Erosion Committee JJC/tlg Distribution: Beach Erosion Committee Members Mayor and Council Members City Manager Assistant City Manager Community Development Director City Engineer Gary Wayne, Senior Planner