HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-06-01; Beach Preservation Committee; MinutesCARLSBAD BEACH EROSION COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES MEETING DATE: JUNE 1, 1989 The Carlsbad Beach Erosion Committee was called to order by Chairman Monroy at 6:00 P.M., Thursday, June 1, 1989, in the City Council Chambers, 1200 Elm Avenue, Carlsbad, California. Members in Attendance: Members Absent: Mario Monroy, Chairman Hugh Vickery Dave Copley Pearl Johnson Gary Nessim Sally Vigil Don Jackson City Staff in Attendance: John Cahill, Municipal Projects Manager Guests in Attendance: Dr. Choule Sonu, Tekmarine, Incorporated AGENDA TOPICS 1. Chairman Monroy introduced the meeting minutes of May 4, 1989, which were subsequently reviewed and approved by the Committee members. 2. Chairman Monroy introduced Dr. Choule Sonu of Tekmarine, Incorporated, who briefed the Committee regarding his recent reconnaissance observations of Carlsbad's beaches. Dr. Sonu indicated he believes the sand placement strategies during the 1988 dredging of Agua Hedionda Lagoon's western basin have had an extremely positive effect on sand retention from Ocean Street, south to the SDG&E outlet jetty. The beach profile has extended slightly in this area and a great deal of the material still exists locally due to the use of the cobble. Between the intake and discharge jetties where the cobble supply is plentiful, the cobble was used to build a berm which protected the sand behind it from tidal action. However, scouring appears to be developing at the foot of the cobble berm. In front of the seawall where there was not a Meeting Minutes: June 1, 1989 Page 2 large supply of cobble, the sand has been taken in much greater quantities by tidal action into the surf zone. After one (1) year, a smooth beach profile has developed which provides both protection and enhancement of recreational uses for surfers and bathers. There appears to be some temporary stabilization of the beach in this area for the moment. The Committee then addressed questions and issues regarding the Batiquitos Lagoon Enhancement Project's draft environmental impact report. The Committee's discussion was focused upon the subjects of the project's sand distribution scheme, sand retention scenarios, dredging plan, and jetty structures. After considerable Committee discussion, with assistance of Dr. Sonu, the Committee approved the following eleven (11) issues/quest ions/study areas to be identified and forwarded, formally, to the City of Carlsbad and the United States Army Corps of Engineers during the public comments period. - Investigation of the advantages of distributing the approximately 3 million cubic yards of sand from the dredging operations evenly along the entire length of Carlsbad's beaches, from Buena Vista Lagoon in the north, to Batiquitos Lagoon in the south. Coordination of the material placement from Batiquitos Lagoon to coincide with SDG&E's Agua Hedionda Lagoon dredging (every 3 years), and the Oceanside Harbor dredging by the Corps. Investigate with the Corps the potential of extending the beach nourishment from Oceanside Harbor, southerly, to Buena Vista Lagoon. Evaluation of the strategic placement of sand from Batiquitos Lagoon in those areas in which a plentiful cobble supply exists in an effort to extend resident life. Examine the sand grain sizes and relative quality from the Agua Hedionda dredging by SDG&E with that of the proposed Batiquitos Lagoon Enhancement Project's dredged material. Reconfirmation of the grain sizes and volumes CH2M Hill estimates from the Batiquitos dredging. Meeting Minutes: June 1, 1989 Page 3 Evaluation of grain sizes within layers to maximize the availability, placement, and life expectancy of larger sized material. Recommendation that the proposed jetty structures for Batiguitos Lagoon be physical modeled to fine- tune the engineered placements and lengths in advance of final engineering. Recommendation that the proposed jetty structures be further examined in an effort to determine that they will not interfere with littoral drift, and therefore, cause downcoast impacts. Investigation of the potential for over-dredging the central and western basins of Batiquitos Lagoon to produce more volumes of beach nourishment material. Recommendation of sand dredging and placement in one cycle (Winter-Summer), to take advantage of northerly littoral drift. Further investigation of the assumption existing in the EIR that the sand nourishment and retention scenario proposed in the document, i.e., that the creation of sand dunes beyond wave impacts, will only be of benefit to the City of Carlsbad. Rather, the Committee recommends some additional discussion regarding the benefits to the entire region. RECOMMENDATION TO THE CITY COUNCIL AND THE UNITED STATES ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS OF ALTERNATIVE "A" IN THE DRAFT EIR/EIS. 3. Chairman Monroy announced to the Committee the upcoming public forum and presentation from Ms. Katherine Stone, environmental attorney and coastal activist, to be sponsored by the Carlsbad Beach Erosion Committee, Thursday, July 27, 1989, in the Carlsbad City Council Chambers. A formal announcement is forthcoming. Chairman Monroy discussed his belief that the Committee should elect a new chairman to begin July 1, 1989. There was discussion among the Committee members present on this subject, however, the Committee agreed to discuss it again at their next meeting. Meeting Minutes: June 1, 1989 Page 4 The next Committee meeting will be held after the Katherine Stone presentation on July 27th. A special notice will be sent to Committee members when a date has been selected. The meeting was adjourned by Chairman Monroy at 8:30 P.M. JOH*f J. CAHILL Municipal Projects Manager Secretary, Beach Erosion Committee JJC:emr Distribution: Beach Erosion Committee Members Mayor and City Council Members City Manager Assistant City Manager Community Development Director City Engineer Gary Wayne, Principal Planner