HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-07-30; Beach Preservation Committee; MinutesMinutes of: Beach Erosion Committee Time of Meeting: 6:00 P.M. Date of Meeting: July 30, 1992t Place of Meeting: City Council Conference Room CALL TO ORDER Chair Vigil called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. ROLL CALL Present: Members Vigil, Meyer, Johnson, Nessim, Jackson, Copley and Hall APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the meeting held June 24, 1992 were approved as presented. INTRODUCTION The Chair introduced and welcomed newly appointed member LuAnn Hall. NEW BUSINESS 1. Update on Federal Funding John Cahill provided a brief discussion regarding funding options for various beach projects as outlined in his memo dated June 16, 1992. Mr. Cahill highlighted the projects which utilized federal monies for construction of shoreline projects such as the Seawall and upper sidewalks and also the offshore reef near the mouth of the Batiquitos Lagoon. Ms. Dana Whitson, Deputy City Manager of the City of Oceanside, discussed the federally funded beach projects within their City as part of the Energy and Water Development Appropriations. Both the Cities of Carlsbad and Oceanside are currently approved within the Presidents budget intended to fund various beach restoration projects. Oceanside is approved for $200,000 and Carlsbad is approved for $350,000. These funds are earmarked for the development of comprehensive studies evaluating the effects of sand migration within the Oceanside Littoral Cell. These projects are projected to be funded and completed within the next fiscal year. Mr Cahill then provided a brief history and current status of the Army Corps of Engineers Offshore Study. Recently, City Staff met with Mr. Andrew Kadib of the Army Corps Office to discuss the coordination and development of the Scope of Work. Staff will continue to meet with the Corps staff and coordinate the proposed tasks of this study with this committee. It is anticipated that this report will begin in January, 1993. This study is the first step within a series of studies to provide mitigation measures for sand transport and nourishment. This report is 100% Federally funded; however, future studies will be on a 50% cost share basis. Mr. Copley asked if the Corps study is looking at offshore sand mining. Mr. Cahill stated that this study will look at offshore deposits and will conclude with financially viable solutions which may include a form of offshore sand mining. 2. Batiauitos Lagoon Update Mr. Cahill provided a status of the Batiquitos Lagoon Enhancement Project. Recently, the Vista Superior Court denied a writ by the Sierra Club and the Audobon Society and approved the EIR for this project. The Coastal Commission has also authorized the approval of the permit. The Board of Harbor Commissioners has approved the reimbursement agreement for various costs and that agreement is expected to be ratified by the Carlsbad City Council on August 18, 1992. This project is expected to start in late 1993 with dredging occurring in the spring of 1994. Approximately 300,000 cubic yards of sand will be deposited at the mouth of the lagoon and another 3,00,000 cubic yards being deposited on the beach between Ponto Drive and Palomar Airport Road. 3. Committee Reports SDG&E Dredging - Mr. Mark Chomyn, Project Planner with SDG&E, provided a brief status of the 404 permit with the Army Corps of Engineers for their yearly dredge operation in the Agua Hedionda Lagoon. This permit is proposed to run for 10 years and is currently stalled due to the need for more information on soils analysis and maintenance activities. As soon as this information is provided and evaluated, the Corps will send copies to interested parties for review and comment. SDG&E is also preparing information and appropriate documents for a Special Use Permit (SUP) with the City. The SUP application will include a map outlining the dredging operations, existing and proposed underwater contours, sand quantities and proposed locations for depositing all dredged materials. SDG&E is expected to dredge approximately 130,000 to 150,000 cubic yards of material within any 1 2 or 18 month dredging operation. Staff will bring this permit application to this Committee for comments as soon as it is submitted. SDG&E expects to submit their application in October of this year. Mr. Copley asked if the window for future dredging operations can be adjusted to outside the storm season. Mr. Dyson, Construction Project Administrator with SDG&E, stated that California Department of Fish and Game established the timing of the window so that this operation does not impact the grunion spawning during those months. Mr. Meyer inquired about the ultimate depth of the outer lagoon. Mr. Dyson explained that the elevations will be within a depth range of 1 5 to 25 feet. Mr. Nessim inquired about the possibility of placing a discharge pipe under the sidewalk behind the Seawall. Mr. Dyson stated that the proposal would be too costly to install a permanent pipe under the sidewalk. Mr. Paul O'Neil indicated that SDG&E will hydraulically place sand where possible in accordance with all approved permits. Mr. Dyson concluded this discussion by indicating that SDG&E will be conducting 40 boring operations in August in order to provide a physical and chemical analysis of the material at the bottom of the lagoon. Oceanside Harbor - Ms. Whitson provided a brief history of the Sand Bypass Project within the Oceanside Harbor. This project has recently completed Phase II which included the addition of Jet Pumps and Fluidizers. These devices increase the output of material from the mouth of the harbor. However, the City has experienced breaks of the outfall discharge pipe along the beach. The purpose of the Bypass Project is to continuously nourish the beaches with sand trapped in the harbor mouth. Some of the sand goes to offshore replenishment as well as onshore nourishment. Chair Vigil expressed that the 3 North County cities should work together and cooperate in developing local as well as regional solutions. Opportunities exist for a local effort to solve the problems. The community may be required to tax themselves in order to generate revenue to implement solutions. However, there is a regional benefit with sandy beaches and that the benefit is not limited only to each coastal agency. SANDAG Shoreline Erosion Committee - Mr. Copley provided a brief summary of the last Shoreline Erosion Committee meeting. The highlight of that meeting was the importance of scheduling local public workshops to discuss the recommendation as part of the following two proposed guidelines: > Beachfill Composition and Placement Guidelines > Seacliffs Setbacks and Seawalls Carlsbad's workshop is scheduled for September 10th from 6:00 - 8:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers. The meeting will be conducted by Mr Steve Sachs of SANDAG. The workshop is intended to solicit public input about the recommendations within both documents. The proposed changes will be sent back to the Shoreline Erosion Committee which will be included within the final document. Next Meeting: The next meeting of the Beach Erosion Committee is scheduled for September 17, 1992 at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers Conference Room Committee Members and staff will provide an overview of the comments received at the September 10, 1992 workshop with SANDAG regarding the Guidelines for Local Regulation of Shoreline Development Setbacks and Protective Structures. Adjourned: The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted STEVE