HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-12-09; Beach Preservation Committee; MinutesMinutes of: Beach Erosion Committee
Time of Meeting: 9:00 A.M.
Date of Meeting: December 9, 1992
Place of Meeting: City Council cpnference Room
Chair Vigil called the meeting to order at 9:00 A.M.
Present: Members Vigil, Jackson, Copley, Meyer, Hall
Absent: Nessim
Res igned: Johnson
Approval of the minutes of the meeting held November 19, 1992 were
continued to the January 1993 meeting.
1. 8DG&B DREDGING; Staff member Steve Jantz presented a list of
proposed conditions for the SDG&E Special Use Permit to the
Committee. Mr. Jantz stated that he had talked to Dr. Choule
Sonu about the conditions. Dr. Sonu stated that first, the
sand should be placed as far north as possible and discussed
two. methods of placement, booster pump and paddle wheel.
Second, sand should be placed between the two jetties and
third, south of the warm water jetty. Mr. Jantz then relayed
this information to Paul O'Neal of SDG&E. Committee noted
that there needs to be sand between the two jetties for
protection of Carlsbad Boulevard. No amount of sand would be
as protective as a structure which is needed. The area
between the jetties should be considered a recreation benefit.
Mr. Jantz continued stating that each year the Committee
should look at the beach and determine where the sand is
needed in order to benefit the v&a^fe/coast line, what SDG&E
can economically support and what is/in the best interest of
«>e City. -j£
Chair Vigil stated that the engineers should decide where sand
should go. Member Copley stated that a storage area should be
a priority so if we get opportunistic sand we have a place to
put it until we determine where it should go.
Member Hall stated that she endorsed the conditions as
presented by staff, they were reasonable and allow annual
Paul O'Neal from SDG&E stated that they want to discuss
Condition No. 4 and introduced Bill Dyson.
Mr. Dyson stated that they are doing a study to determine the
cost of putting sand as far north as Buena Vista Lagoon. With
the two miles distance (10,400 feet) to Buena Vista Lagoon,
the hydraulics of pumping sand require bigger equipment than
can go into Agua Hedionda Lagoon. Any farther would require
a booster beyond SDG&E's capability. They will go as far
north as economically possible and look at using a paddle to
go farther. The best they can do is 7,000 feet, they only
have 5,000 feet of pipe. A large dredge and booster would be
needed to pump to Buena Vista Lagoon.
Member Meyer asked if equipment was available for rent. Mr.
Dyson stated that the Army Corps has some. Member Meyer
stated that they should use what is available and rent the
rest. SDG&E said they would study before providing an answer.
Member Copley stated that if the existing equipment breaks,
they would have less capability. The City should require
investment by SDG&E to move sand.
Mr. O'Neal stated that the paddle pull process needs to be
looked at for feasibility. SDG&E has never budgeted to go so
far north. If it is a cost driven decision, it would be
better for them to transport. Roger Baldwin from SDG&E stated
that cost is a concern, the City is dictating what they need
to do to get the permit. If that's the case they'll have to
deal with it. SDG&E should determine the most effective way
of getting sand to the north.
Member Copley stated that method is not the issue but how far
north to go.
Member Hall asked if SDG&E had the capability of going one
mile. Mr. O'Neal replied that was right.
Member Jackson made a motion to modify condition No. 4 by
striking "to provide the necessary pipe and booster pumps
needed" and "add to within 7,000 feet".
Mr. Dyson requested that the word "approximately" be added.
Mr. O'Neal asked to leave "approximately" out and look at the
situation every year.
Mario Monroy asked SDG&E if their capacity is currently 5,400
feet. This was confirmed by SDG&E. Mr. Monroy stated that
SDG&E should dredge as late in May as possible because current
is going north. SDG&E should maintain their capability to
move sand 5,400 feet north, any other distance would be
reviewed to determine the distance. Sand could be put in the
surf zone at 5,400 after March and it will move north,.
SDG&E stated that the Corps requires April 15 as the end of
dredging or April 30 with an extension.
Joe vigil stated that it is a dangerous thing to put a limit
in either way. It should be left open.
Member Jackson modified his motion to remove the "to provide
the necessary pipe and booster pumps needed" and add "to
transport not less one mile from the mouth of the lagoon".
Committee voted 4-1 to accept the conditions as modified.
Chair Vigil voted no.
Staff member Jantz asked where the Committee would recommend
sand be placed this year. Some should go to the south but the
majority to the north. There will be 125,000 to 150,000 cubic
yards available.
Member Jackson stated that we should wait until January to
determine the amounts when SDG&E will know how much is
available. SDG&E will need to protect the Boulevard.
Member Copley stated that staff should approve the placement
recognizing the need to protect the beach between the two
SDG&E stated that they would like to work with the City. The
City should play a bigger part in placement of sand.
2. OPPORTUNISTIC SAND; staff member Jantz stated that there
three things to consider in looking at areas to store sand.
These are:
o The City may not own the property. The Committee
should identify the property and ownership.
o Environmental regulations need to be considered.
o Timing of placement of sand on the beach needs to
be considered. Permits will be needed from State
The Committee needs to determine what they want to do and make
a recommendation to City Council.
Member Jackson stated that Member Copley had developed a
preliminary action plan to present to the Committee. Member
Copley handed out the plan and explained the ideas. He stated
that SANDAG needs encouragement to streamline the permit
process. A. The Committee should recommend to Council that
a letter of support be sent to SANDAG for obtaining
opportunistic sand and Carlsbad's priority need. B. The
Committee should determine potential storage areas. C.
Information should be developed on potential locations. D.
Selected sites should be evaluated further. City owned
property should be looked at. E. Procedures should be
developed for identifying sources of opportunistic sand. F.
Develop methods for acquiring opportunistic sand. G. Develop
a sand placement program and costs. H. Periodic review and
revision of plan.
Committee discussed getting information from Carpenteria.
Encinitas has information on Moonlight Beach. Dredged
material was used at the Silver Strand.
Member Copley stated that part A should be done. A letter
from Council should be sent to SANDAG supporting a streamlined
permitting process and stressing Carlsbad's need for sand.
Committee discussed whether a letter had already been sent in
support and requested that staff check to determine. Mr.
Monroy stated that the Batiquitos report had information on a
pocket beach to store sand. A pocket beach or Terramar should
be made available, one to the north is more complicated to
obtain access. City Engineer, Lloyd Hubbs stated that sand
should be dumped where it would be used. jrfi£y Sub-committee
will meet with staff to finalize the plan ther/ bring it to the
Committee for approval prior to forwarding to_ Council.
Member Hall volunteered to obtain title information on
properties for potential storage areas. Chair Vigil requested
that Member Hall do the research and work with Member Copley
to determine particulars needed on title of land and bring the
information to the next meeting.
3. JANUARY AGENDA: Staff informed the Committee that the next
meeting would be January 11, 1993 at the Housing and
Redevelopment Conference Room, 2965 Roosevelt Street, at 9:00-
11:00 A.M. After discussion, the Committee set the next
agenda to include: Goals and Objectives, Action Plan for
Opportunistic Sand and Update of Shoreline Erosion Committee
Committee .adjourned at 11:15 A.M.
Respectfully submitted
1. The applicant must secure the appropriate permits and approvals from all
resource agencies affected by the dredging operation and disposal of the
dredged materials. These agencies shall include:
Army Corps of Engineers
California Coastal Commission
California State Parks and Recreation
California State Lands Commission
Regional Water Quality Control Board
City of Carlsbad
The required permits from the above mentioned resource agencies shall remain
in effect throughout the time limits established in the approved Special Use
2. The City shall reserve the authority to establish the timing of the dredging
operation in conjuction with the time limits outlined in other appropriate
3. The applicant shall secure approval from the City Engineer prior to any
proposed yearly dredging operation. The applicant shall apply for approval at
least three (3) months prior to the requested dredging activity. No dredging
activity may take place unless specific approval is granted.
4. Upon receipt of the request for approval of a yearly dredging operation, City
staff shall refer the request to the Beach Erosion Committee (BEC) for
consideration. The BEC shall evaluate the request and provide a
recommendation on the appropriate location(s) for the deposition of dredged
sand. The determination of sand deposition areas shall be analyzed with regard
to the state of the beach and the need for sand nourishment in certain areas.
The limit of these areas begins at the northerly City limit (adjacent to the Buena
Vista Lagoon) and extend a similar distance south of the outlet jetty.
=apUcaftt^^a^Uaeo^^we€M^wido tho noo®Q8
roquired lei
5. The applicant shall provide the City Engineer with a yearly beach profile of the
ocean bottom for the area between the inlet and outlet jetties. The profiles
shall extend from the face of curb on Carlsbad Boulevard to approximately one
(1) mile offshore.
A. Establishment of Council Policy in support of SANDAG efforts to
establish streamlined permitting process and secure opportunistic
1. Beach Erosion Committee with staff assistance, prepares, ap-
proves and forwards to Council a recommendation for their con-
sideration; together, with a draft of a proposed letter from
Council to SANDAG supporting policy for obtaining opportunistic
sand and stressing Carlsbad's priority need for sand,-arid request
for SANDAG's assistance in locating sources. A review of mat-
erials used by Encinitas should be made in connection with the
preparation of required documentation.
B. Determine preliminarily potential storage locations for opportun-
istic sand within Carlsbad.
C. Develop information related to potential locations relative to:
1. Ownership including easements, rights of way and applicable CC
& Rfs if any.
2. Access and routing to site.
3. Access and routing to potential delivery points.
4. Preliminary estimate of potential for obtaining ownership,
license, or other means for access, storage and distribution.
D. On priority site(s) selected on completion of C:
1. Obtain preliminary title report and make detailed evaluation of
items referred to in C (1 through 3).
2. Develop approach to obtain necessary property rights for access,
storage and distribution as well as estimated cost.
3. Determine required permits and estimated cost.
4. Request authority to make preliminary contact with holder(s) of
property rights involved and permitting authorities.
E. Develop procedures for identifying sources of opportunistic sand:
1. Standards for useable sand:
b. Coastal Commission
c. City
d. State Parks
e. Fish and Game
f. Environmental and health authorities: Federal, State, and City
g. Procedures for eliminating foreign material, i.e. brush, con-
crete ,; -': e t c .
2. Develop identification procedure for sources of sand located
within City jurisdiction, including:
a. Establishing a checking and coordination system within City
Departments, i.e. Planning, Engineering, and Building; whereby
permit applications will be reviewed for sand acquisition op-
: portunities when processed, and information furnished to a -
specific person with responsibility for coordinating efforts
to acquire sand.
b. Coordinate procedures with SANDAG, Corps of Engineers and
3. Develop identification procedure for sources of sand outside
City jurisdiction through coordination with SANDAG, Corps of
Engineers, CALTRANS, and nearby inland communities.
F. Develop potential methods, including funding, for acquiring of
opportunistic sand for consideration of Council:
1. Within City jurisdiction
a. Tax offsets
b. Permit requirement cost offsets, i.e. density benefit, etc.
c. Request City Attorney to consider whether by regulation means
City can require sand that is to be removed from building
sites to be delivered to City where owner suffers no economic
2. Outside City jurisdiction
G. Develop Sand Placement Program
1. Policy and procedure for determining quantity and location of
placement of sand from specific storage area, and the best time
for placement at each location considering beach conditions,
danger to property, weather and operating cost.
2. Types, source and estimated operating cost of equipment to be
used at each location including required City supervision and
cost with provision for removing foreign materials if needed
after delivery. Specifically consider what portion of work
could be undertaken with existing City equipment and personnel.
H. Periodic review and revisions of Plan as information is developed,