HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-01-11; Beach Preservation Committee; MinutesMinutes of: Beach Erosion Committee Date of Meeting: January 11, 1993 Time of Meeting: 9:00 - 11:00 A.M. CALL TO ORDER: Chair Vigil called the meeting to order at 9:00 A.M. ROLL CALL: Present: Members Vigil, Copley, Hall, Jackson, Meyer, Reasons Absent: Nessim APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the meetings held November 19, 1992 and December 9, 1992 were approved as amended. 1. INTRODUCTION OP HEW MEMBER: Chair Vigil introduced new member Ramona Reasons and welcomed her to the Committee. 2. SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC SPECIAL USB PERMIT (SUP): Chair Vigil led the discussion stating that she had voted against accepting the modified conditions at the December 9, 1992 meeting and would like the Committee to reopen the topic for discussion. Member Jackson moved to reconsider the matter of SDG&E's SUP, second by Member Copley. The Committee discussed the need to reconsider the recommended conditions for the SUP. By a 4 - 1 vote of the majority of Committee members who had approved the original motion, the Committee voted not to reconsider the item. Member Reasons abstained. 3. OPPORTUNISTIC SAND: Member Copley led the discussion of the Draft Guidelines on Opportunistic Sand. Committee discussed the need to have sites identified to store sand because sand availability can come up quickly. Committee agreed that sand storage needs to be close to a use point in order to prevent the need to truck twice. The quality of material is a concern that needs to be addressed. Committee appointed Members Copley, Hall and Meyer to a sub- Committee to finalize the Draft Guidelines. The Sub-committee will meet prior to the next regular Committee meeting. 4. CITY COUNCIL PRESENTATION/UPDATE: Staff informed the Committee that City Council had requested a presentation and update on the Committee. Motion made by Member Reasons to appoint a sub-committee, second by Member Copley, approved by Committee. Members Reasons, Jackson and Vigil will work with staff to develop a presentation to Council in early March. 5. GOALS; Staff presented the item stating that the setting of annual goals and a work program is typical for the City Council and Departments. Committee discussed various activities such as sand mining, Oceanside Bypass, financial program, opportunistic sand and beach nourishment. Priority goals should be Beach Monitoring and Nourishment, Cooperative Effort with SDG&E, Sand Study for site selection, Bluff Protection, Liaison with SANDAG and Lobbying. A Sub-committee of Members Hall, Copley and Meyer will meet to develop the Goals for 1993. 6. SANDAG SHORELINE EROSION COMMITTEE: Member Copley stated that there was no report because SANDAG had canceled the January meeting. The February meeting will be February 7, 1993. SPECIAL MEETING! The Committee determined that a special meeting needed to be held to discuss the placement of sand on the beach from the SDG&E dredging. A special meeting was set for Monday, January 25, 1993, 9:00 A.M. ADJOURNMENT By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 11:00. Respectfully submitted ,••"• / '"^'. - - -4. \ PATRICIA CHATTY Senior Management Analyst January 4, 1993 TO: BEACH EROSION COMMITTEE FROM: ASSOCIATE ENGINEER SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC SPECIAL USE PERMIT Chair Vigil has requested that the Committee open for further discussion the conditions to be placed on SDG&E's Special Use Permit. With concurrence of the majority of members, the Committee may discuss and make modifications to the recommendations for conditions. A sample of alternate wording for condition four is attached. STEVE JANTZ SJ:PC January 4, 1993 SDG&E SPECIAL USE PERMIT CONDITION NO 4 ALTERNATIVE Upon receipt of the request for approval of a yearly dredging operation, City staff shall refer the request to the Beach Erosion Committee (BEC) for consideration. The BEC shall evaluate the request and provide a recommendation on the appropriate location(s) for the deposition of dredged sand. The determination of sand deposition areas shall be analyzed with regard to the state of the beach and the need for sand nourishment in certain areas. Priority shall be given to the area just southerly of the weir at the Buena Vista Lagoon. However, the BEC may recommend an alternative location which would alleviate or repair storm damage due to a lack of sand material or to nourish selected sites to maintain recreational amenities. BY:xERQx rtn_c'-wi_ir i trx ,-tilt) ; It-30—92 1: ot PURCHASING 11^4341987 DEC BENTBV DATE I TIME/HI^ AVbXY FX-tOS 61 ="433089^; ft I 13:00 Nc .003 P.01 CJitv OT Oarlsbad Offi«:o of FOR APPQINTME c;ily BOARDfSI AND/OR CQMMTSSTQNYSI (Please print or type.) NAME(S) OF BOARD(S) AND/OR COMMISSION^) IN WHICH INTERESTED; a •< SA - O NAME: ADDRESS:. CITY: HOME PHONE: __ PRESENT OCCUPATION: A^ BUSINESS NAME: CA ZIP CODE: / - BUSINESS ADDRESS: WORK PHONE: U. S. Citizenship Resident of Carlsbad Yes tvM to Registered voter in Carlsbad («gt*w* for aem*/> Yes No No No I am familiar vrih the responsibilities assigned to the Board(s) or Comrnission(s) on which I am willing to Ml flnanclal disclosure ststsmtnts as required by the State's or City's Conflict of interest codes; I am willing to be interviewed regarding my qualifications for appointment by a committee designated by the City Council or at the request of an individual Council Member. SIGNATl tiirt SIT DATE:/ 7 (Continued on reven* ndt) 92008-1989 • (819)434-2808 .£.. -• .NG ID:43l987 DEC 30'92 13=03 No.004 P.01 gPUCATIQN COMMUNITY ACnVIDES L*4~tXZ*~ &u*&*J ADDITIONAL INFORMATION OR CQMMgNTS ff MEMO December 30, 1992 TO: BEACH EROSION COMMITTEE FROM: City Engineer ACTION PLAN FOR OPPORTUNISTIC SAND Staff has reviewed the draft action plan for opportunistic sand and finds it an excellent example of the type of program we would like to establish for each priority goal established by the Committee. Staff would offer the following comments and suggestions: 1. That the Statement of Council Policy be incorporated in the adopted goals and presented to Council as a comprehensive package in March. 2. That a subcommittee be assigned to work with staff to guide implementation of the action plan. 3. Prior to Item B, the Committee establish a set of performance criteria to guide site selection. Factors to consider would be similar to those discussed in Item C, proximity to the beach, haul requirements, land use compatibility, placement opportunities, access, etc. 4. Once sites have been developed and screened, the detailed permitting and licensing of activities will require significant commitment of resources that will require a detailed budget and Council approval prior to initiation. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends adoption of the proposed plan with the noted clarifications and the appointment of a subcommittee for implementation. LLOYD B. City Engineer LBH:jb December 30, 1992 TO: BEACH EROSION COMMITTEE FROM: SENIOR MANAGEMENT ANALYST/ENGINEERING CITY COUNCIL PRESENTATION/UPDATE The City Council has requested a comprehensive report/update on the Beach Erosion Committee. The Committee may wish to appoint a sub- committee to work with staff to develop the presentation to Council in late February or March. Items for the presentation should include the following: Committee History and Accomplishments 1993 Goals Shoreline Erosion Committee Tekmarine Survey/Reports Policy Recommendations PATRIC]IA CRATTY DRAFT ACTION PLAN OPPORTUNISTIC SAND A. Establishment of Council Policy in support of SANDAG efforts to establish streamlined permitting process and secure opportunistic sand . 1. Beach Erosion Committee with staff assistance, prepares, ap- proves and forwards to Council a recommendation for their con- sideration; together, with a draft of a proposed letter from Council to SANDAG supporting policy for obtaining opportunistic sand and stressing Carlsbad's priority need for sand,7and request for SANDAG's assistance in locating sources. A review of mat- erials used by Encinitas should be made in connection with the preparation of required documentation. B. Determine preliminarily potential storage locations for opportun- istic sand within Carlsbad. C. Develop information related to potential locations relative to: 1. Ownership including easements, rights of way and applicable CC & R's if any. 2. Access and routing to site. 3. Access and routing to potential delivery points. 4. Preliminary estimate of potential for obtaining ownership, license, or other means for access, storage and distribution. D. On priority site(s) selected on completion of C: 1. Obtain preliminary title report and make detailed evaluation of items referred to in C (1 through 3). 2. Develop approach to obtain necessary property rights for access, storage and distribution as well as estimated cost. -2- 3. Determine required permits and estimated cost. 4. Request authority to make preliminary contact with holder(s) of property rights involved and permitting authorities. E. Develop procedures for identifying sources of opportunistic sand: 1. Standards for useable sand: a. SANDAG b. Coastal Commission c. City d. State Parks e. Fish and Game f. Environmental and health authorities: Federal, State, and City g. Procedures for eliminating foreign material, i.e. brush, con- crete, etc. 2. Develop identification procedure for sources of sand located within City jurisdiction, including: a. Establishing a checking and coordination system within City Departments, i.e. Planning, Engineering, and Building; whereby permit applications will be reviewed for sand acquisition op- portunities when processed, and information furnished to a - specific person with responsibility for coordinating efforts to acquire sand. b. Coordinate procedures with SANDAG, Corps of Engineers and others. 3. Develop identification procedure for sources of sand outsid^ City jurisdiction through coordination with SANDAG, Corps of Engineers, CALTRANS, and nearby inland communities. F. Develop potential methods, including funding, for acquiring of opportunistic sand for consideration of Council: -3- 1. Within City jurisdiction a. Tax offsets b. Permit requirement cost offsets, i.e. density benefit, etc. c. Request City Attorney to consider whether by regulation means City can require sand that is to be removed from building sites to be delivered to City where owner suffers no economic loss. 2. Outside City jurisdiction G. Develop Sand Placement Program 1. Policy and procedure for determining quantity and location of placement of sand from specific storage area, and the best time for placement at each location considering beach conditions, danger to property, weather and operating cost. 2. Types, source and estimated operating cost of equipment to be used at each location including required City supervision and cost with provision for removing foreign materials if needed after delivery. Specifically consider what portion of work could be undertaken with existing City equipment and personnel. H. Periodic review and revisions of Plan as information is developed. MEMO December 30, 1992 TO: BEACH EROSION COMMITTEE FROM: City Engineer 1993 GOAL AND WORK PROGRAM At your November meeting, staff distributed a draft set of goals for your consideration. It is usual for all Departments, Committees and Commissions to review and establish yearly goals. The goals are designed to guide the development of detailed objectives for staff pursuit and to communicate to the City Council major activities for the current year. The draft goals were developed through review of current and past activities of the Committee. It is suggested that the Committee proceed under the following process for review: 1. Review goals for deletions or additions. 2. Prioritize goals. 3. Discuss objectives to be pursued under each goal area. Staff will utilize this information to return with a draft work program for 1993. That program would then be reviewed and approved by the City Council in late February or March. It should be noted that the Beach Nourishment and Financial Programs are fairly comprehensive. The Committee may wish to separate some of these items out for further emphasis. Opportunistic sand is a good example of an area for detailed study. These areas will also have to be coordinated with the soon to be initiated Corps of Engineer's Study. The Committee may also wish to explore the establishment of subcommittees to deal with individual topic areas. LLOYDS. HUBBS City Engineer LBH:jb DRAFT BEACH EROSION COMMITTEE GOALS Qceanside Harbor Sand Bypass Promote program expansion and continuation. Promote extension of discharge point. Sand Mining Promote policies that minimize impact of sand mining on historical deposition of sand on the beach. Promote mitigation fees that replace resources lost to sand mining. Resources to be returned to watershed where the mining occurs. SDG&E Aaua Hedionda Laaoon Dredging Program Establish criteria for disposal of annual dredging program that protects public resources and optimizes beach nourishment potential. Coastline Development and Protection Promote Regional policies that encourage local control of coastal development and protection. Establish guidelines for the development and protection of Carlsbad Coastline. Beach Monitoring Program Support a cost effective Regional Beach monitoring program. Establish cost effective Local Beach Monitoring program with clear objectives related to beach nourishment and maintenance. DRAFT BEACH EROSION COMMITTEE GOALS Page 2 Beach Nourishment Program Develop optimum cost effective Beach Nourishment program through evaluation of: • Offshore sand mining • Opportunistic Sand Management • Dam bypass programs » Lagoon Dredging programs • Siltation Control and disposal • Sand Import • Beach berming Financial Program Establish and actively promote financial programs to implement Beach Nourishment program through evaluation of: • Federal and State Funding • Benefit Assessments • User Fees • Impact Fees • Watershed Management Fees