HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-02-08; Beach Preservation Committee; MinutesMinutes of: Beach Erosion Committee Date of Meeting: February 8, 1993 Time of Meeting: 9:00 A.M. CALL TO ORDER: Chair Vigil called the meeting to order at 9:00 A.M. ROLL CALL! Present: Members Vigil, Copley, Hall, Jackson, Meyer Absent: Reasons (Member Nessim has resigned) APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the regular meeting held January 11, 1993 and the special meeting held January 25, 1993 were approved as presented. 1. UPDATE ON CORPS OF ENGINEERS' STUDY: Mr. Andrew Kadib of the Army Corps of Engineers stated that the study had started January 19, 1993 and will be completed by January 1994. The report will be fully coordinated with Carlsbad and the Beach Erosion Committee. The Corps will hold a public workshop in March (tentatively scheduled for March 31) to identify problem areas and what needs to be done. Mr. Kadib introduced Doug Chitwood as the study team manager. The report will be presented to the Corps division in San Francisco in one year. It will then go to headquarters in Washington, D.C. If accepted by headquarters, the report will be sent to Congress, to start a feasibility study. OPPORTUNISTIC SAND; The Committee discussed the draft policy on opportunistic sand as presented with the Agenda. Member rCepiey recommended adding a site in back of SDG&E in between the railroad and the freeway. After discussion, Member Copley moved that the draft policy be revised to reword the last sentence to state: "It shall be the City's policy to develop a program in cooperation with SANDAG to actively pursue opportunities to obtain suitable sand of this type for placement on Carlsbad's beaches for purposes of erosion control and recreational activities". Included in the motion was that the policy be recommended to Council for adoption and a letter be sent to SANDAG with the policy. Second by Member Jackson. Motion passed unanimously. 3. GOALS: The Committee discussed goals as presented with the agenda. Member Jackson moved that the Committee accept the goals as presented with the City Engineer to format into the City's standard. Second by Member Copley. Motion passed unanimously. 4. 8ANDAQ SHORELINE EROSION COMMITTEE: Member Jackson reported that Ann Kulchin had been elected Chair of the Committee with Mike Bixler of Imperial Beach as Vice Chair. The Shoreline Protection Guidelines have been vastly changed because of Carlsbad's comments. Revised draft guidelines should be out to cities for review in June 1993. By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 10:25 to March 8, 1993 at the City Council Conference Room. Respectfully submitted PATRICIA CRATTY February 8, 1993 TO: BEACH EROSION COMMITTEE FROM: ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT OPPORTUNISTIC SAND Work committee Members Hall, Copley and Meyer have developed a recommended Council Policy Statement for Opportunistic Sand, identified three sites for storage and are recommending that City Council approve up to 25 hours of staff time to work on development of opportunistic sand sites and guidelines. The Committee may discuss these recommendations. COUNCIL POLICY STATEMENT As a result of real estate development, highway and road ^ building and other construction activities, surplus sand Lv suitable for placement on beaches is available from time to L/ f<S\ time at minimal or no cost. It shall be the City's policy to ^A (-J^ actively pursue opportunities to obtain suitable sand of this ,.-L-f , type for placement on Carlsbad's beaches for purposes of M ';/ '": erosion control and recreational activities. '' STORAGE SITES Buena Vista Lagoon State and privately owned property north and south of Terramar~ State Beach north of Batiquitos Lagoon The group will next identify access routes and delivery points. Patrircia Cratty •*i*t DRAFT ACTION PLAN OPPORTUNISTIC SAND A. Establishment of Council Policy in support of SANDAG efforts to establish streamlined permitting process and secure opportunistic sand. 1. Beach Erosion Committee with staff assistance, prepares, ap- proves and forwards to Council a recommendation for their con- sideration; together, with a draft of a proposed letter from Council to SANDAG supporting policy for obtaining opportunistic sand and stressing Carlsbad's priority need for sand,'arid request for SANDAG's assistance in locating sources. A review of mat- erials used by Encinitas should be made in connection with the preparation of required documentation. B. Determine preliminarily potential storage locations for opportun- istic sand within Carlsbad. C. Develop information related to potential locations relative to: 1. Ownership including easements, rights of way and applicable CC & R's if any. 2. Access and routing to site. 3. Access and routing to potential delivery points. 4. Preliminary estimate of potential for obtaining ownership, license, or.'other means for access, storage and distribution. D. On priority site(s) selected on completion of C: 1. Obtain preliminary title report and make detailed evaluation of items referred to in C (1 through 3). 2. Develop approach to obtain necessary property rights for access, storage and distribution as well as estimated cost. _ 2 — 3. Determine required permits and estimated cost. A. Request authority to make preliminary contact with holder(s) of property rights involved and permitting authorities. E. Develop procedures for identifying sources of opportunistic sand: 1. Standards for useable sand: a. SANDAG b. Coastal Commission c. City d. State Parks e. Fish and Game f. Environmental and health authorities: Federal, State, and City g. Procedures for eliminating foreign material, i.e. brush, con- crete, etc. 2. Develop identification procedure for sources of sand located within City jurisdiction, including: a. Establishing a checking and coordination system within City Departments, i.e. Planning, Engineering, and Building; whereby permit applications will be reviewed for sand acquisition op- '• portunities when processed, and information furnished to a - specific person with responsibility for coordinating efforts to acquire sand. b. Coordinate procedures with SANDAG, Corps of Engineers and others. 3. Develop identification procedure for sources of sand outsid^p City jurisdiction through coordination with SANDAG, Corps of Engineers, CALTRANS, and nearby inland communities. F. Develop potential methods, including funding, for acquiring of opportunistic sand for consideration of Council: -3- 1. Within City jurisdiction a. Tax offsets b. Permit requirement cost offsets, i.e. density benefit, etc. c. Request City Attorney to consider whether by regulation means City can require sand that is to be removed from building sites to be delivered to City where owner suffers no economic loss. 2. Outside City jurisdiction G. Develop Sand Placement Program 1. Policy and procedure for determining quantity and location of placement of sand from specific storage area, and the best time for placement at each location considering beach conditions, danger to property, weather and operating cost. 2. Types, source and estimated operating cost of equipment to be used at each location including required City supervision and cost with provision for removing foreign materials if needed after delivery. Specifically consider what portion of work could be undertaken with existing City equipment and personnel. H. Periodic review and revisions of Plan as information is developed 1993 BEACH EROSION COMMITTEE GOALS ACTION GOALS FOR 1993 1. Beach Nourishment Program * Action Plan for Opportunistic Sand (see attached) * Lagoon Dredging, including: A. Annual determination of SDG&E sand placement B. Cost analysis of moving SDG&E dredged sand north of Oak Ave. C. Cost analysis for dredging Agua Hedionda inner lagoon * Action Plan for Beach Berming 2. Financial Program * Funding for Annual Beach Profile Survey and SANDAG Aerial Survey * Prepare Funding Proposal to Implement Corps of Engineers' Study Recommendations, if the Corps of Engineers concludes there is a Federal Interest * User Fees ON-GOING STUDY/MONITORING GOALS 1. Beach Nourishment Program * Monitoring Corps of Engineers' Study, particularly Offshore Sand Mining * Lagoon Dredging (Batiquitos Lagoon) * Oceanside Harbor Sand Bypass 2. Beach Monitoring * Bluff Protection * Beach Profile Survey * SANDAG Aerial Survey * Liaison with SANDAG with Staff Support 3. Financial Program * Federal and State Funding * Participation in San Onofre Mitigation, or other possible Funding Sources