HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-04-12; Beach Preservation Committee; MinutesMinutes of: Beach Erosion Committee
Date of Meeting: April 12, 1993
Time of Meeting: 9:00 A.M.
Chair Vigil called the meeting to order at 9:00 A.M.
Present: Members Vigil, Copley, Hall, Jackson
Absent: Members Reasons, Meyer
1. SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC DREDGING; chair Vigil reported that
Dr. Choule Sonu of Tekmarine had inspected the dredging. Dr.
Sonu does not believe dredging needs to be done every year.
Staff member Steve Jantz updated the Committee stating that
SDG&E had completed deposition of sand between the jetties.
Approximately 50,000 to 60,000 cu. yds. of material had been
deposited. SDG&E has placed the pipe to pump sand to the
north and they are starting to berm the cobbles in order to
put .sand to the north.
Chair Vigil stated that Dr. Sonu is eager to help and he will
come to a meeting when he is asked. If there is no cost, he
should be asked to come to a meeting.
Member Hall asked about the recent article on SDG&E renting
part of the lagoon for a fish hatchery and expressed concern
about the influence of the hatchery on the dredging operation.
Staff Member Jantz stated that the fish hatchery is on the
north shore and outside the dredging area.
Member Copley stated that the fish hatchery operation is
usually done in enclosed tanks and they only need access to
clean water. The Agua Hediondia Society is pleased with this
operation and it should not bother the dredging operation.
2. UPDATE ON CORPS OP ENGINEERS' STUDYt The Committee discussed
work that was going on with the Corps noting that information
had been given to the Corps. Member Copley noted that the
cost of loosing the bluff is different than the cost of
protection. Staff Member Jantz stated that the Corps is
looking at loss of property and calibrating the loss to
determine potential damage to the area under a 50 year storm.
Member Hall questioned why the Corps had not included the loss
of Sales Tax data noting that it may have been dropped.
Staff Member Jantz stated that after the Public Workshop on
Thursday, Mr. Doug Chitwood of the Corps would come to the
meeting to give an update.
3. CITY COUNCIL PRESENTATION; Committee noted that the
presentation went nicely and that the Council had accepted the
report as presented. Member Jackson noted that the Blade had
not reported on the presentation. The Committee and staff now
have authority to work on Opportunistic Sand.
4. BEACH MONITORING; City Engineer, Lloyd Hubbs reported that
$30,000 has been requested in the 1993-94 Operating Budget for
Beach Monitoring and Opportunistic Sand. Loss of funds to the
State could result in budget cuts so these funds could be
Member Hall noted that Transient Occupancy Tax is effected by
loss of sand. If we could get sand on the beach, TOT would
Mr. Hubbs stated that the Committee needs to think in terms of
spending funds leading to placement of sand on the beach and
that the Committee should evaluate the necessity of the
monitoring reports. What can we gain from them that will help
with getting sand on the beach? What is the data collecting
accomplishing? Is the data accurate? Is it sufficient to
collect data only in October? The Committee should evaluate
what is accomplished by the expenditure of $30,000 per year.
The Committee concurred with sending a letter posing these
questions to Dr. Sonu.
5. OPPORTUNISTIC SAND; Committee noted that with the
authorization to spend time on Opportunistic Sand we should
proceed to work with SANDAG.
Staff Member Jantz stated that staff will send letters to the
property owners of the four selected sites. Staff will look
into the permitting process.
Member Hall suggested that Steve Sachs of SANDAG be invited to
the May Committee meeting.
Member Hall reported on her trip to Carpenteria. She stated
that the process is volunteer run, City staff is not involved.
They have built 6 foot high berms in front of property only.
on the recent meeting of the Committee. He stated that on the
Coastal Barrier Act, SANDAG has sent letters to legislative
representatives about San Diego's opposition to this proposal.
Also, letters have been sent from SANDAG on the appropriation
for Oceanside's Sand By Pass funding. The Shoreline
Preservation Strategy was revised and re-revised. Staff
Member Jantz will send copies to Committee Members.
Carlsbad's comments under the Policies section were accepted.
In response to a question about including Mexico on the
Committee, it was determined they should be invited but as a
non-voting member.
The next Shoreline Erosion Committee meeting will be on May 6.
ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion the Meeting was adjourned at 10:35
to April 15, 1993 at the Senior Center to attend the Corps Meeting.
Respectfully Submitted