HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-08-09; Beach Preservation Committee; MinutesMinutes of: Beach Erosion Committee Date of Meeting: August 9,1993 Time of Meeting: 9:00 a.m. CALL TO ORDER; Chair Copley called the meeting to order at 9:05 a.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Members Vigil, Copley, Hall, Jackson, Williams and Reasons Absent: Member Meyer. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: By proper motion, the minutes of the meeting held on August 9, 1993 were unanimously approved as to form. 1. SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC: Staff Member Jantz briefed the Committee on the meeting held previously with Mark Chomyn, Paul O'Neal, Bill Dyson, Dave Copley and Bob Meyer regarding the upcoming SDG&E Dredging Operation. Key points of interest were: keeping the public informed with signage, allowing the committee the opportunity to review applications for permits, schedule recommendations for the October BEG meeting, timing and placement of sand and discharge pipe. Paul O'Neal of SDG&E updated the Committee on 93/94 proposed dredging time table and quantity of sand to be moved. Member Williams was interested in the quality of the sand found. 2. ARMY CORPS OFFSHORE STUDY: Staff member Jantz reported the summary of findings and results of his "Beach Walk" with Army Corps Representatives. The Corp asked for a delay to report on the Offshore Reconnaissance Report to the Committee at the September Meeting. 3. OPPORTUNISTIC SAND; Staff member Frank Jimeno briefed the Committee regarding a meeting with the Directors Committee for the Beach Homeowners Association. The Directors of the Committee were supportive of the program and wanted their site considered. Frank will be pursuing the permits and EIA to turn over to the planning department for processing. Chair Copley has been requested to attend and will be presenting the City's Opportunistic Sand Program at the September Shoreline Erosion Committee Meeting. 4. KELP BED MITIGATION PROGRAM; Jeff Gibson of the Planning Department gave a brief of the Planning Commission Staff Report to the Committee regarding the Fish Hatchery. By proper motion the Committee requested a letter be written to the City Council stating that Hubbs Sea World project will provide a synergistic relationship between the offshore reef, the proposed kelp bed and the fish propagation project, an additional benefit will be more opportunities for beach usage including sport fishing activities. 5. OLD BUSINESS/NEW BUSINESS: Chair Copley was interested Army Corps proposals of the different reaches (city-wide). Member Williams requested a vertically oriented map of the Carlsbad beaches. By duly seconded motion, the Committee recommended to have the Mayor write a letter supporting Dr. Sonu to try to mitigate problems created by the harbor to put sand as far south as possible. Minutes of: Beach Erosion Committee Date of Meeting: August 9,1993 Time of Meeting: 9:00 a.m. Page 2 6. PUBLIC COMMENT: None ADJOURNMENT By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 10:40 a.m. to the regular meeting on September 13, 1993 at the Housing and Redevelopment Office. Respectfully submitted, BELINDA GUZMAN fi X4^ct<^>^a— APPLICATION COMPLETE DATE: MAY 5. 1993 STAFF PLANNER: JEFF GIBSON DATE: TO: FROM: SUBJECT: I. STAFF REPORT JULY 7, 1993 PLANNING COMMISSION PLANNING DEPARTMENT CUP 92-10/HDP 93-05 - HUBBS SEA WORLD RESEARCH INSTITUTE - Request for approval of a Conditional Negative Declaration, Conditional Use Permit, and Hillside Development Permit to develop a marine fish hatchery/research facility on land generally located south of Garfield Street, north of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon and west of the AT&SF railroad tracks in the R-A-10 Zone in Local Facilities Management Plan Zone 1. RECOMMENDATION That the Planning Commission ADOPT Planning Commission Resolution No. 3522, APPROVING the Conditional Negative Declaration issued by the Planning Director, and ADOPT Planning Commission Resolution Nos. 3523 and 3524, APPROVING. CUP 92-10, and HDP 93-05 based on the findings and subject to the conditions contained therein. II.PROJECT DESCRIPTION & BACKGROUND The applicant is requesting approval of a Conditional Use Permit and Hillside Development Permit to develop a 20,300 sq. ft. marine fish hatchery/research facility on land generally located south of Garfield Street, north of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon, and west of the AT&SF railroad tracks in the R-A-10 Zone in Local Facilities Management Zone 1. Hubbs Sea World Research Institute is a non-profit corporation that currently conducts its research in a facility adjacent to Sea World at Mission Bay in the City of San Diego. The next phase of the research project and a proposed expansion of Sea World would displace the existing research facility making the relocation necessary. Since 1984 the Institute and San Diego State University have been working jointly on the Ocean Resources Enhancement and Hatchery Program (OREHP) to evaluate the feasibility of culturing and releasing juvenile marine fish into the ocean. The goal of the project is to replenish depleted wild stocks in the ocean waters off the coast of Southern California. The hatchery would primarily rear two commercially and recreationally important fish species, white seabass and California halibut. The Institute would also conduct research on the feasibility of culturing other marine fish species. CUP 92-10/HDP 93-05 HUBBS SEA WORLD RESEARCH INSTITUTE JUNE 16, 1993 PAGE 2 ___ The research is funded by the California Department of Fish and Game through revenues accrued from the sale of $1 sport and $10 commercial marine fishing stamps to fishermen south of Point Arguello. The Institute has also been successful in securing a financial commitment from the State of California for the expenditure of mitigation funds arising out of the operation of the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS). The fish hatchery is considered a viable mitigative measure to compensate for the fish lost from thermal shock and environmental degradation caused by the operation of SONGS. The project consists of: (1) construction of a 20,300 sq. ft. marine fish hatchery/research facility; (2) construction of accessory outdoor race-ways; (3) installation of underground seawater intake and outlet pipes connected from the fish hatchery to the Agua Hedionda Lagoon; (4) construction of sewer and water pipes leading from the facility to Garfield Street; (5) 1640 cubic yards of grading to enhance the existing access road at the terminus of Garfield Street; (6) 3300 cubic yards of remedial grading for a building pad and the driveways; and, (7) dedication of a 25 foot wide lateral public trail easement along the north shore of the outer basin of Agua Hedionda Lagoon. The project would be located on a 10.4 acre parcel owned by SDG&E along the north shore of the outer basin of Agua Hedionda Lagoon. The fish hatchery building, exterior race-ways, driveways and parking areas would all be located on the level portion of the site which currently contains disturbed vegetation. The hatchery building would be located approximately 125 feet from the lagoon (100 year flood line). The facility would be accessed by an existing driveway leading from the terminus of Garfield Street. The project site is located adjacent to the Agua Hedionda Lagoon to the west and south, existing single and multi-family residential development to the north, and the AT&SF railroad tracks to the east. The adjacent residential development to the north is approximately 18 to 28 feet higher in elevation than the project site. III. ANALYSIS The proposed project is subject to the following land use plans and ordinances: A. City of Carlsbad General Plan - Land Use and Open Space and Conservation Element. B. Carlsbad Municipal Code, Conditional Uses, Chapter 21.42. C. Carlsbad Municipal Code, Hillside Development Regulations, Chapter 21.95. D. Agua Hedionda Land Use Plan, City of Carlsbad Local Coastal Program. E. Carlsbad Municipal Code, Growth Management, Chapter 21.90 and Local Facilities Management Plan Zone 20. CUP 92-10/HDP 93-05 HUBBS SEA WORLD RESEARCH INSTITUTE JUNE 16, 1993 PAGE 3 F. Carlsbad Municipal Code, Environmental Protection Procedures, Title 19 and the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). A. GENERAL PLAN The project site has an Open Space (OS) General Plan Land Use Designation and is located in the Residential Agricultural Zone (R-A). LAND USE ELEMENT The Zoning Ordinance, Title 21 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, implements the Land Use Element of the General Plan. Title 21, Section 21.42.010(2)(L) allows the development of Aquaculture facilities in all zones, including the R-A Zone and the Open Space Zone, with a conditional use permit (CUP), therefore, the project would be consistent with the General Plan. OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION ELEMENT The Conceptual Open Space and Conservation Map designates Trail Link No. 11A on the project site. This citywide trail link is planned to connect to Trail Link No. 11 which is a potential future regional rail-trail along the AT&SF rail corridor. As part of this conditional use permit a 25 foot lateral public access easement would be dedicated along the northern shore of the outer basin of the Agua Hedionda Lagoon from Carlsbad Boulevard east to the AT&SF right-of-way. This 25 foot wide public access would provide the necessary citywide trail connection for Link No. 11 A, therefore, the project as proposed would not preclude future trail access to the railroad corridor. In addition the site contains no sensitive plant or animal species or sensitive biological habitats, therefore, the project would be consistent with the Open Space and Conservation Element. B. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT ORDINANCE Section 21.42.010(2)(L) of the Carlsbad Municipal Code allows the development of Aquaculture facilities in all zones, including the R-A-10 Zone, with a conditional use permit (CUP). Before a CUP can be approved by the Planning Commission the following four findings must be made: 1) The requested use is necessary or desirable for the development of the community, is essentially in harmony with the various elements and objectives of the general plan, and is not detrimental to existing uses specifically permitted in the zone in which the proposed use is located." CUP 92-10/HDP 93-05 HUBBS SEA WORLD RESEARCH INSTITUTE JUNE 16, 1993 PAGE 4 The requested use is desirable and would: (1) play an important role in directly replacing stocks of marine fish diminished because of development of ecologically sensitive wetlands; (2) benefit the commercial and recreational fishing industries in San Diego County and the State of California; (3) provide invaluable scientific marine fishery research; and, (4) provide mitigation to offset adverse impacts to the marine environment caused by the operation of the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station. The project would be consistent with the implementing ordinances of the General Plan, including Title 21, the Open Space and Conservation Resource Management Plan, and the Agua Hedionda Land Use Plan which designates this site for Aquaculture. The project would not be detrimental to the health, safety, and welfare of the existing single-family land uses to the north. The marine fish hatchery would not produce excessive odors or create significant noise impacts (See the attached staff response to citizen comments). The live fish are raised in large salt water tanks which do not produce excessive odors. Heavy mechanized manufacturing type equipment that could potentially produce excessive noise would not be required to operate this facility. The loudest onsite noise source would be generated by two 15 horsepower sea water pumps and those pumps would be encased within a concrete vault and located approximately 210 feet from the nearest residential structure. The pumps would also be located 33 feet lower in vertical elevation than the closest homes. Due to the concrete case around the pumps, the large linear separation between the pumps and the homes, the steep and intervening 33 foot high slopes would not significantly impact the existing residential neighborhood to the north, (See the attached staff response to citizen comments and the supplemental noise study). The project would generate 26 average daily trips which is equivalent to traffic generated by 2.5 single-family homes and would not significantly impact traffic along Garfield Street Garfield Street has a traffic capacity of approximately 10,000 trips per day. The busiest portion of that street is at the intersection with Tamarack Avenue. At that point the latest traffic count indicates approximately 1,600 trips per day. A condition has been incorporated into the Conditional Use Permit Resolution that informs the applicant that there have been claims of unacceptable levels of fecal coliform and other biological conditions in the Agua Hedionda Lagoon that may impact the operation of the facility. 2) "The site for the intended use is adequate in size and shape to accommodate the use." The project site is relatively level and the aquaculture facility would utilize 1 acre of an existing 10 acre site. All the proposed site improvements would meet City CUP 92-10/HDP 93-05 HUBBS SEA WORLD RESEARCH INSTITUTE JUNE 16, 1993 PAGES ordinances and policies without the need for a variance from development standards. The fish hatchery would be located at the base of the slopes along the northern property line to minimize the visual impacts of the facility from Carlsbad Boulevard and the railroad tracks. 3) "All the yards, setbacks, walls, fences, landscaping, and other features necessary to adjust the requested use to existing or permitted future uses in the neighborhood will be provided and maintained." The proposed project would provide: (1) a perimeter fence for security and safety; (2) a 125 foot setback from the lagoon, a 40 foot setback from the northern property line, and a 100 foot landscaped setback from the nearest residential structure; (3) an 18-28 foot elevation differential between the building pad for the hatchery and the residential land uses to the north; (4) adequate berming and landscaping (trees and shrubs) to screen the proposed structures from Carlsbad Boulevard, the railroad tracks, and the residential land uses to the north; and, (5) a 20 foot high building which conforms to the 30 foot height limit required by the R-A Zone. The hatchery building would be provided with a peaked roof and varied roof line to provide architectural interest and to enhance the visual appearance of the large structure when it is viewed from Carlsbad Boulevard. The enhanced entryway and trellis would also provide visual interest along the Carlsbad Boulevard elevation. 4) The street system serving the proposed use is adequate to properly handle all traffic generated by the proposed use." The existing dirt driveway leading from Garfield Street to the site would be widened to 20 feet and paved to provide adequate access for Institute personnel, guests, and emergency vehicles, including fire trucks and buses. The facility would generate 26 average dairy trips which is equivalent to traffic generated by approximately 2.5 single family homes. All driveways, circulation aisles, and loading areas are adequate to accommodate the turning movements of large vehicles, including trucks and buses. The City's Parking Ordinance does not contain a parking standard for the aquaculture land use. The applicant has stated that the facility would have 7 employees during peak hour shifts and 10 parking spaces would be provided, therefore, adequate onsite parking would be provided. The site plan has sufficient area to add additional parking spaces if the parking demand increases in the future. Parking has also been provided to accommodate buses associated with educational field trips to the research facility. The facility would not be open to the general public and all educational tours would be scheduled by appointment only. CUP 92-10/HDP 93-05 HUBBS SEA WORLD RESEARCH INSTITUTE JUNE 16, 1993 PAGE 6 C. HILLSIDE DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE A Hillside Development Permit is required for this project because the project site has slopes along the northern property line that are fifteen percent or more with an elevation differential greater than fifteen feet. The proposed project complies with the requirements of the Hillside Development Ordinance as follows: 1) The site's hillside slope conditions have been identified on a slope constraints exhibit; all undevelopable areas of the site have been properly identified; and no development or grading would occur in those areas. Grading to widen the existing dirt access driveway would occur on 40% slopes. The existing 40% slopes have been disturbed by previous grading when the driveway was originally constructed and, therefore, may be excluded from the requirements of the Hillside Development Regulations by the decision making body per Section 21.95.090 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code. 2) The project design minimizes disturbance of the hillside area. Utilization of the existing driveway leading from Garfield Street eliminates the need for a 28 foot high fill slope that would otherwise be required to extend Garfield Street further south and down the existing slopes. The crib wall and cut slope necessary to widen the access driveway shall be landscaped to provide visual screening and to prevent slope erosion. D. AGUA HEDIONDA LAND USE PLAN The project is subject to the Agua Hedionda Land Use Plan and complies with the land use plan as follows: 1. The marine fish hatchery is consistent with the plan's aquaculture land use designation for the site. Policy 1.8 of the land use plan which was adopted by the City Council in 1982 states: "The primary use of the site shall be aquaculture. Other coastal dependent and visitor serving commercial uses shall be allowed, provided they occupy no more than 50% of the site". The Aqua Hedionda Land Use Plan fulfills the policies and goals of the Coastal Act and was found, by the City Council, to be in conformity with the policies of the Coastal Act of 1976. 2. A 25 foot wide lateral public access easement to be dedicated for public access to the lagoon is shown on the site plan. 3. The hatchery building is located 100 feet from the lateral public access easement, and over 125 feet from the lagoon. 4. Landscaping in the form of trees and shrubs and berming would be provided to screen the proposed facility from Carlsbad Boulevard. CUP 92-10/HDP 93-05 HUBBS SEA WORLD RESEARCH INSTITUTE JUNE 16, 1993 PAGE 7 5. Grading of 25% slopes is required to widen the existing driveway leading from Garfield Street, however, there is no alterative access to the site. This grading alternative (utilization of the existing driveway) requires substantially less grading than physically extending Garfield Street to the south and then down the existing steep slopes. 6. The 20 foot high hatchery building does not exceed the 35 foot height limit established by the land use plan. E. GROWTH MANAGEMENT The proposed project is located within Local Facilities Management Plan Zone 1 in the Northwest Quadrant. The impacts on public facilities created by this project and compliance with the adopted performance standards are summarized as follows: FACILITY City Administration Library Waste Water Treatment Parks Drainage Circulation Fire Open Space Schools Sewer Collection System Water Distribution System IMPACTS N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 26ADT Station No. 1 N/A CUSD 2.8 EDU 616 GPD COMPLIANCE WITH STANDARDS Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes F.ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The Planning Director has determined that the project could have a significant effect on the environment, however, there would not be a significant effect in this case since the mitigation measures described in the attached initial study have been added to the project. This decision was based on findings of the Environmental Assessment Part II, a Cultural Resources Study, a Biological Resource Impact Study, a Geotechnical Report, and a field surveys by staff. A Conditional Negative Declaration was issued by the Planning Director on May 6, 1993. CUP 92-10/HDP 93-05 HUBBS SEA WORLD RESEARCH INSTITUTE JUNE 16, 1993 PAGES _^___^^_ The Conditional Negative Declaration was sent to the State Clearinghouse for State Public Agency review and no comments were received during the notice period. Eight letters of comment from citizens were received during the 30 day public review period that ended on June 7, 1993. The letters and staffs response to these comments are attached to the staff report. All citizens that commented in writing on the project were sent: (1) staffs responses to the comments in the letters; (2) copies of the Initial Study; (3) additional letters from technical experts; and (4) and copies of all the citizen's letters that were sent to the City. IV. SUMMARY The proposed project: (1) is consistent with the General Plan; (2) complies with the Conditional Use Permit Ordinance; (3) meets all the requirements of the Hillside Development Ordinance; (4) corresponds with the Agua Hedionda Land Use Plan; (5) is in conformance with Growth Management; and (6) will not significantly impact the environment, therefore, staff recommends approval of CUP 92-10/HDP 93-05. ATTACHMENTS 1. Planning Commission Resolution No. 3522 2. Planning Commission Resolution No. 3523 3. Planning Commission Resolution No. 3524 4. Location Map 5. Background Data Sheet 6. Disclosure Statement 7. Local Facilities Impact Assessment Form 8. Addendum, Staff Response to Comments, dated July 7, 1993, and Public Comment Letters 9. Reduced Exhibits 10. Exhibits "A" - "K", dated June 16, 1993. May 12,1993 JG:km:Ui