HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-09-12; Beach Preservation Committee; MinutesMinutes of: Beach Erosion Committee Date of Meeting: September 12, 1994 Time of Meeting: 9:00 a.m. CALL TO ORDER: Chair Hall called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. ROLL CALL; Present: Members Hall, Jackson, Reasons, Copley, Williams and Howes Absent: Members Copley and Meyer APPROVAL OF MINUTES; By proper motion, the minutes of the meeting held on August 08, 1994 were approved. 1. SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC: SDG&E staff did not attend the September BEC meeting to provide a summary report of the recent lagoon soundings. Staff member Jantz will follow • up with SDQ&E to reschedule or have the summary available in report form. 2. ARMY CORPS RECON STUDY; Staff member Jantz provided a status of the meeting that he and Uoyd Hubbs attended on Tuesday, September 6 with the Army Corps. They met with Stephen Fine, Doug Chrtwood and Dr. Kadib. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss available Federal funding mechanisms and their prospective legislative success and also to assess the viability of funding the construction of the seawall project at Agua Hedionda Lagoon. The Committee wanted to review the alternatives of the Carlsbad and Oceanside Recon reports and approved a motion by a 5-0 vote to request staff to compile a summary of the final Reconnaissance Report recommendations and background regarding both Army Corps Offshore studies. The Committee will then formulate their formal recommendation to the Council relative to the Army Corps Offshore Study. The Committee also requested that staff contact City of Oceanside regarding their direction in pursuing their Recon study. 3. OPPORTUNISTIC SAND; Staff member Jantz provided a status on the City's Opportunistic Sand RFP program. Chair Hall and member Williams were on the rating committee to select the Consultant. The Committee selected the firm of Moffatt and Nichol Engineers by a 5-0 vote as the Opportunistic Sand consultant. 4. OLD BUSINESS/NEW BUSINESS: NEW BUSINESS: 1. To consider changing the BEC Committee meeting day from the second Monday of the month to the second Tuesday of the month. 2. Staff to advise Committee on Shoreline Erosion Committee meeting to be held on September 27, 1994. OLD BUSINESS: None 5. PUBLIC COMMENT: NONE ADJOURNMENT By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 9:40 a.m. to the meeting on Tuesday, October 11, 1994 at the Housing and Redevelopment Office at 9:00 a.m. The change of date is due to the City holiday on Monday, October 10, 1994. Respectfully submitted, Steven C. Jantz Associate Engineer