HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-11-08; Beach Preservation Committee; MinutesMinutes of: Beach Erosion Committee Date of Meeting: November 8, 1994 Time of Meeting: 9:00 a.m. CALL TO ORDER: Chair Hall called the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m. at the City Attorney's Law Library. ROLL CALL; Present: Members Hall, Jackson, Copley, Meyers, Reasons, Williams and Howes Absent: None APPROVAL OF MINUTES; By proper motion, the minutes of the meeting held on October 11, 1994 were approved as amended. 1. ARMY CORPS RECONNAISSANCE STUDY; Staff member Jantz reported that the City of Oceanside has decided that they will not be able to go forward with the Oceanside/Carlsbad Feasibility Study due to funding restraints. After discussion, the Committee agreed to postpone any formal decision relative to thec Army Corps' final recommendations in relationship to a joint Feasibility Study with' Oceanside and Carlsbad until the December meeting. The Committee will then consider a recommendation at the December 13, 1994 meeting to be forwarded to City Council. Staff member Jantz briefed the Committee on a funding program staff is investigating regarding available funding opportunities for construction of the seawall adjacent to the Agua Hedionda Lagoon. This project was evaluated as Alternative No. IX of the Carlsbad Offshore Reconnaissance Report. The Committee supported the City in pursuing Section 103 funds - Continuing Authorization Projects - through the Army Corps of Engineers for the seawall. Staff member Jantz will provide the Committee with an update at the December meeting on this issue. 2. BEACH REPLENISHMENT FUNDING EFFORTS; Staff member Jantz reported that the Agenda Bill titled: Support State and Federal Funding Assistance for a San Diego Regionwide Beach Replenishment Initiative is scheduled for the November 15, 1994 City Council meeting. The letter from the Committee recommending that the Council support this initiative was sent to SANDAG and was included as an attachment with the Council agenda item. 3. OPPORTUNISTIC SAND RFP; Staff member Jantz reported that the City's Opportunistic Sand RFP program is still on hold due to lack of funding. However, the City is pursuing the use of state funds designated for the design of the seawall between the jetties at Agua Hedionda Lagoon through the California Boating and Waterways. A decision regarding the appropriateness of these funds is expected in the near future. If approved, staff will be forwarding a Consultant Agreement with Moffatt and Nichol, Engineers to the City Council as soon as possible. Beach Erosion Committee Date of Meeting: November 8, 1994 Time of Meeting: 9:00 a.m. Page 2 4. OLD BUSINESS/NEW BUSINESS: OLD BUSINESS: Attendance at the 1994 CSBPA Conference: Committee member Don Jackson briefed the Committee on conference highlights. In addition, Committee members Copley, Howes and Hall also provided comments regarding subjects presented at the conference. Request for Legal Advice: The Committee approved a motion to have Committee Member Copley meet with staff member Jantz to formulate the request for legal advice regarding SDG&E's dredging commitments. The Committee also requested that a representative from the City Attorney's office to attend the December meeting to answer any questions. Goals and Objectives: Staff member Jantz provided the Committee a copy of their 1994 Goals and Objectives for review and update. The Committee approved at motion to elect a sub-committee comprised of Chair Hall and Committee members Copley and Howes to review and evaluate programs which the Committee may want to pursue next year. The sub-committee will present their draft 1995 Goals and Objectives at the December 13, 1994 meeting for discussion. NEW BUSINESS; NONE 5. PUBLIC COMMENT: NONE ADJOURNMENT By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 11:00 a.m. The next meeting of the Beach Erosion Committee is scheduled for Tuesday, December 13, 1994 at the Housing and Redevelopment office. Respectfully submitted, Belinda GuzmanAdministrative Secretary BEACH EROSION COMMITTEE 1994 GOALS & OBJECTIVES MISSION STATEMENT: It shall be the Mission of the City of Carlsbad Beach Erosion Committee to advise the City Council and City Manager on matters related to the protection and enhancement of the Carlsbad shoreline and to study the best means to maintain beaches for the optimum enjoyment of the public. GOAL 1 Develop programs to insure continuous beach nourishment to maintain sand on the beach to provide for shoreline protection and recreational enjoyment. OBJECTIVES • Implement Opportunistic Sand Action Plan to provide permitted sites suitable for storage and placement of sand materials which may become available to the City at minimal or no cost. • Monitor annual SDG&E program to dredge the Aqua Hedionda Lagoon and make recommendations as to placement of the dredge materials consistent with the approved Special Use Permits. • Develop an action plan to study the potential for a Beach Berming program. • Develop action plan to explore offshore sand mining to provide for beach nourishment. GOAL 2 Evaluate potential programs to provide funding for beach nourishment and shoreline protection projects. OBJECTIVES • Evaluate annual beach monitoring programs to insure the most cost effective approach to maintain a required database. • Coordinate with U.S. Army Corp of Engineers in the development of it's reconnaissance study to optimize opportunities to obtain State and Federal funding of beach nourishment and shoreline protection activities. • Prepare report evaluation potential funding alternatives to provide for beach nourishment and shoreline protection programs. BEACH EROSION COMMITTEE 1994 GOALS & OBJECTIVES Page 2 GOAL 3 Maintain on-going liaison and study efforts to stay current on all relevant activities related to shoreline erosion and beach nourishment activities. OBJECTIVES • Monitor activities of the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) Shoreline Erosion Committee. • Monitor activities of the Regional Beach Committee. • Monitor Oceanside Sand Bypass Program. • Monitor Batiquitos Lagoon Enhancement Program. • Monitor Annual City and SANDAG Beach Monitoring programs. • Monitor Southern California Edison Companies; San Onofre Mitigation and Artificial Kelp Reef Project. • Monitor State and Federal Legislation related to funding of shoreline protection and beach nourishment programs. City of Carlsbad Engineering Department November 1, 1994 Mrs. Ann Kulchin - Chair San Diego Association of Governments Shoreline Erosion Committee Suite 800 First Interstate Plaza 401 B Street San Diego CA 92101 REGIONWIDE BEACH REPLENISHMENT INITIATIVE At the October 11, 1994 Carlsbad Beach Erosion Committee meeting, the Committee had the opportunity to discuss the recent SANDAG Board decision to pursue state and federal funding in an effort to restore the San Diego region's critically eroded shoreline . The Beach Erosion Committee, by unanimous vote, supports SANDAG's decision to pursue state and federal funds to assist in future beach replenishment efforts and further recommended that the Carlsbad City Council also provide its support of this initiative. The intent of the beach replenishment initiative is to take advantage of a once-in-a-generation opportunity to replenish the region's critically eroded shorelines with beach quality material dredged from the San Diego Harbor as a result of the U.S. Navy's proposed Aircraft Carrier Homeporting Project. This project is proposing to dredge approximately 12 million cubic yards of uncontaminated beach quality sand. The main purpose of the initiative is to provide a funding source to pay the transporting costs of that material to needed beach sites in all of the region's coastal cities. The Beach Replenishment Initiative will fund the incremental cost of transporting the dredged material from the limits of the Aircraft Carrier Homeporting Project to identified beach replenishment sites within the region. The average incremental cost is estimated to be about $1 per cubic yard; an unprecedented low unit cost for beach replenishment. It is for this economic reason that the Beach Erosion Committee supports the Beach Replenishment Initiative in order to take advantage of this unique opportunity. 2O75 Las Palmas Dr. • Carlsbad, CA 92OO9-1576 • (619) 438-1161 • FAX (619) 438-O894 The Beach Erosion Committee thanks you for the opportunity to comment on this important issue and the Committee will continue to remain active in the pursuit of viable beach replenishment activities along the coastlines of San Diego County. If you or the Shoreline Erosion Committee have any questions, please contact the Committee's staff representative, Mr. Steven Jantz, at 438-1161 extension 4354. Respectfully, LUANN HALL - CHAIR Carlsbad Beach Erosion Committee c: Carlsbad City Council Beach Erosion Committee City Manager City Engineer Associate Engineer Jantz