HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-02-14; Beach Preservation Committee; MinutesMinutes of: Beach Erosion Committee Date of Meeting: February 14, 1995 Time of Meeting: 9:00 a.m. CALL TO ORDER; Chair Hall called the meeting to order at 9:00 am. ROLL CALL; Present: Members Hall, Jackson, Meyers, Reasons, Williams and Howes Absent: Member Copley APPROVAL OF MINUTES; By proper motion, the minutes of the meeting held on January 10, 1995 were approved. 1. BATIQUITOS LAGOON ENHANCEMENT PROGRAM; Project Manager John Cahill provided a brief presentation on the status of the Batiquitos Lagoon Enhancement Project and a summary of the dredging/deposition element. John mentioned that the dredging portion which provided sand on the Ponto Beach area has been completed and estimated that 1.6 million cubic yards of placed at this location with the remainder of the material placed at the entrance to the lagoon and for providing sand to the nesting areas near the eastern end of the Lagoon. The 94/95 dredging cycle is to be completed by the middle of March. The Committee asked if there was a requirement to monitor the transport of sand from this project within the littoral cell. John mentioned that there was no sand transport monitoring requirement in any of the regulatory permits for this project and none is contemplated. The Committee asked about the on-going maintenance requirement for the western basin. John explained that the City is currently negotiating with the Army Corps in the development of a "Draft' Maintenance Agreement. Per the Agreement, the western basin will require routine dredging to ensure the functionality of the lagoon system. The Committee expressed its desire to be involved in the determination of the most appropriate locations to deposit the material dredged during this operation. John will provide the Committee a copy of the "Draft" Maintenance Agreement for the Batiquitos project as soon as it is available. 2. OPPORTUNISTIC SAND RFP; Moffatt and Nichol Engineers provided a presentation on issues relative to the development of the City's Opportunistic Sand Program. Mr. Craig Evertts and Mr. Chris Webb provided a discussion on the results of meeting with the California State Lands Commission, the Army Corps of Engineers and National Marine Fisheries. They indicated that these agencies were encouraged by this project and that receiving a permit from their agency is a possibility. The Corps may required both chemical and grain size analysis to meet minimum criteria for compatibility with the existing beaches in the City. The State Lands Commission needs to establish the sovereign boundaries of the high water line through a survey. Moffatt and Nichol then discussed the influences of cobbles and fines/silts in the sand makeup. These elements are natural occurrences from normal storm runoff through the county's creeks and rivers. The Committee asked Moffatt and Nichol to provide recommendations of grain/silt contents which would be consistent with conditions on the City's beaches. The Opportunistic Sand subcommittee was meeting that afternoon with representatives from the California Coastal Commission and the Regional Water Quality Control Board. The subcommittee has also been requested to provide a brief summary to the Shoreline Erosion Committee at their next meeting. The Committee requested that Moffatt and Nichols provide the presentation at the March Shoreline Erosion meeting with assistance from the Committee and staff. 3. OLD BUSINESS/NEW BUSINESS: OLD BUSINESS: • The Request for Legal Advice regarding SDG&E is still pending with the Attorney's office. • Request for Coastal Conservancy funding for public parking/access at Ponto Beach. No action. 4. PUBLIC COMMENT: None ADJOURNMENT By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 11:10 am. The next meeting of the Beach Erosion Committee is scheduled for Tuesday, March 14, 1995 at the Housing and Redevelopment office. Respectfully submitted, Belinda Guzman Administrative Secretary The Beach Erosion Committee recommends that the City Council accept the U.S. Army Corps of Engineer, Los Angeles District, Reconnaiance Report" Pacific Coast Shoreline, Carlsbad, San Diego County, California" of January 1994 and Reconnaissance Report "Oceanside Shoreline" in so far as the latter report applies to shoreline within the jurisdiction of the the City of Carlsbad; and The Beach Erosion Committee hereby further recommends that the decision as to whether or not to proceed with participation by the City in a Feasibility Study covering all or any part of a project covered by the Reconnaissance Report be made by the City Council after the financing for the City's share of the cost of participating in any such study is determined to be available.