HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997-09-09; Beach Preservation Committee; MinutesMINUTES OF: Beach Erosion Committee
DATE OF MEETING: September 9,1997
TIME OF MEETING: 4:00 p.m.
Chair Howes called the meeting to order at 4:05 p.m.
Present: Members Hall, Howes, Jackson, King, Macklin, Meyers, Prohaska
Absent: None
Guests: Ray Duncan - Lifeguard Manager, Department of Harbor & Beaches, City of Oceanside.
The minutes of the meeting held on May 13, 1997 were approved as amended to correct that Robert
Proshaka was not absent. Also approved were the summary reports of the June 10, and August 12, 1997
1. INTRODUCTION OF NEW MEMBER - Mr. Dale King was introduced and welcomed. He gave a brief
summary of his work history and personal interests as they relate to the beach.
2. APPOINTMENT OF CHAIR AND VICE-CHAIR FOR 1997/98 - Bv a 7-Q vote, the Committee elected
Don Jackson as the new Chair and Bruce Macklin as the Vice-Chair. Their terms begin October 14,
1997 and end September 1, 1998.
3. EL NINO WORKSHOP SUMMARY - Member Macklin gave a brief summary of the August 19th El
Nino Workshop. Chuck Raysebrook, Director of Department of California Boating and Waterways and
Leslie Ewing, President of the California Shore & Beach Preservation opened the workshop.
Daniel Cavan: Suggested that there has been a rise in sea level and predicted weather
affects, most significantly Northwest states, will be drier than usual and the southwest states
will be wetter than usual. Mr. Cayan confirmed the warmer coastal temperatures, higher sea
level, predictions of many more storms this winter. A suggestion by many of the speakers
was that the direction of storms would change this winter, instead of storms approaching us
out of the northwest, many will be coming out of the central and western Pacific, Hawaii region
and beyond.
Ronald Dotson: Southwest Fisheries Science Center - Spoke largely on a number of impacts
on the fishing industry such as warm water fish migrating north. He sees a negative impact
on Salmon fisheries with a lot of Mackrel which normally don't go that far north, feeding on the
Salmon and Smelt. Mr. Dotson sees smaller Salmon catches.
Reinhard Flick: Scripps Oceanographer, discussed normal patterns in tidal progression. The
mostly likely event to precipitate storm damage on our coastline is the combination of the
peak high tide, severe storm serge and high waves caused by a substantial offshore storm.
He said when comparing the peak high tides they will be a half a foot lower than the
1982/1983 El Nino with higher waves this winter.
Doctor Nicklaus Graham: Projected a 4-5 degree above normal water temperature and
rainfall twice the normal amount.
Doctor Clive Dorman: San Diego State Staff, was the one expert that didn't agree with the
technical data predicting extreme winter weather conditions.
Dr. Richard Seymour: Suggests that there is a strong correlation between the southern
oscillation index and very big waves. His main point was that waves have to develop from a
long distance to really gain substantial size and longer period. He suggested that the storms
we are going to see this winter are going to be westerly rather than from a strong
north/northwest direction. Member Macklin commented "A small consolation because it is the
northwesterly swell that sweeps the sand along the beach. Perhaps waves will batter us but
not transport sand other than straight westerly."
Doctor Doug Inman: A pioneer in coastal geology and professor emeritus at Scripps Center -
Suggested as a result of increased number of storms, between two and four times the amount
of rainfall. He expects heavy sand flow to come out of the rivers.
Member. Jackson distributed an article from the newspaper recapping a summary of the workshop andthe speakers.
MINUTES OF: Beach Erosion Committee
DATE OF MEETING: September 9,1997
TIME OF MEETING: 4:00 p.m.
Page 2
4. SHORELINE EROSION COMMITTEE: Committee Member Jackson provided a summary of the
September 4, 1997 Shoreline Erosion Committee meeting. The main focus was on the upcoming
sand deposition quantities of the Navy Homeporting project. Key issues were 1.) 1.4 million dollars
was cut from the sand replenishment budget. 2.) Due to loss of funds, Sandag made a decision to
remove Encinitas and Solana Beach from the program. 3.) The Navy will be starting the Navy
Homeporting operations in Oceanside on September 4th. 4.) Sand Deposition Schedule for Carlsbad
is: North Carlsbad - 445,000 cubic yards, October 16, 1997 through January 6, 1998 and South
Carlsbad - 502,000 cubic yards, January 9, 1998 through March 5,1998.
Member King received a message from Council member Kulchin that she has been in touch with
Sacramento and believes $700,000 will be put back in the State budget.
SDG&E 1997/98 DREDGING PROGRAM - The Committee discussed the monitoring requirements
and draft RFP established by the California Coastal Commission. Chair Howes gave a brief summary
of the SDG&E Coastal Commission Hearing. The Committee discussed their concerns of whether the
Coastal Commission would be reviewing SDG&E's "Selection process" and will the new monitoring
requirements delay the current dredge schedule. Member Howes will call Sherilyn Sarb at the Coastal
Commission to follow up on the SDG&E requirements.
Oceanside- Navy Homeporting
Ray Duncan, City of Oceanside, Department of Harbor & Beaches briefed the Committee on
Oceanside's Navy Homeporting that began September 4, 1997. The Navy is constructing an almost
one mile long "Pipeline" that their barge will hook up to for sand deposition. Oceanside is the first
North County beach to benefit from the Navy Homeporting project. The Pipeline will be recycled for
Carlsbad's use and other North County cities receiving Navy sand. Mr. Duncan also discussed the
Public Information system, safety measures and invited the Committee to visit the Oceanside beach
site to witness this incredible pipeline construction. Ray said it will take about 48 days to complete the
Agenda Items: The members discussed agenda items for October 14, 1997 meeting.
Navy Homeporting Program to include: Public Noticing and Signage.
Coordination of State Parks and Recreation staff and City Parks and Recreation staff for safety
during Carlsbad's upcoming sand deposition operation.
Invite Navy Lt. Tim Allen to attend the October 14,1997 Beach Erosion Meeting.
Consider the possibility of offering an office for Navy Lt. Allen to use in Carlsbad.
Develop an El Nino Action Plan to include Sandbags, Public Information and Safety.
Beach Erosion Terms: Staff member, Belinda Guzman confirmed with the BEC members that the
terms of office are correct per the City boards and Commission list.
7. COMMITTEE MEMBER COMMENTS: Member Macklin made a motion approved 7-0, to request that
the City finance the membership of BEC Committee members in the California Shore & Beach
Preservation & Association. (CSBPA). The fee is approximately $40.00 per year which would be a
cost of $280.00 annually. The membership includes a subscription to the (CSBPA) magazine that
would keep the Committee updated on nation wide beach projects.
By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 5:30 p.m. The next meeting of the Beach Erosion
Committee is scheduled for Tuesday, October 14, 1997 at 4:00 p.m. at the Housing and Redevelopment