HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-04-13; Beach Preservation Committee; MinutesMINUTES OF: BEACH PRESERVATION COMMITTEE DATE OF MEETING: APRIL 13, 2004 TIME OF MEETING: 4:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 4.05 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present Members: Ed Andrews, Bud Carroll, Dick Erhardt, Bruce Macklin, Nora George, and Jon Campbell Absent: Norine Sigafoose Guests: Ray Duncan, Joe Garuba Staff: Steven Jantz, Officer Chad Oppenborn and Belinda Guzman APPROVAL OF MINUTES: By a 6-0 vote, the minutes of the March 9, 2004 meeting were approved. 1. PROGRAM /PROJECT UPDATES: ACE Section 227 Program - Joe Garbua provided a brief summary of a meeting scheduled with the Army Corps of Engineers (ACE), Ron Packard's office, and city staff relative to the ACE's 227 Program. This meeting was prompted as a result of a meeting with Council Member Kulchin and Tony Risko of the ACE at a recent conference in Washington D.C. Based on our meeting, the ACE requested the City support the authorization of WRDA 2004, which would extend the deadline of the 227 Program from 2005 to 2008. In addition, the ACE further suggested the City request an appropriation of $2,500,000 for the design and construction of an offshore breakwater project along the south Carlsbad beach. The ACE felt the Carlsbad project had merit and they would like to develop an offshore sand retention project in the San Diego region. Mr. Garuba explained the city considered the Army Corps request but had a few reservations regarding the city's role in the project and the uncertainty of the potential mitigation measures the city would be committing to fund. Mr. Garuba provided the following 3 hurdles in starting the process: 1. The city would have to negotiate and develop policies and action phases with the Corps of Engineers that could take approximately 6-12 months to complete. 2. Since the project location is on state owned property, a partnership agreement with the property owner must be established. The City must forge a relationship with State Parks to develop a joint partnership. 3. The Corps wants $500,000 for design and additional $2 million for construction. This would required the city's lobbyist, Ron Packard, get involved with the federal budget process to secure those funds. Unfortunately, it is too late to get into federal FY05, but the city could become actively involved in the following federal budget cycle. Member Macklin expressed his concerns of why the project should not go forward. Member Macklin believes that Dave Skelley's project creates a submerged breakwater, which reduces the wave action at the beach. Member Macklin stated three examples of where the surf has been reduced to nothing by submerged breakwater and recommended Mr. Garuba visit these locations; 1) El Segundo Reef, 2) Beach at Long Beach and 3) Children's Beach in La Jolla Beach. The later has resulted in attracting seals and a byproduct of increased bacteria levels. Dogs on Beach - Enforcement - Officer Chad Oppenborn updated the Committee on enforcement issues. He discussed the increased use of verbal and written warnings, and an increase in the number of citations. Also, the patrol officers have adjusted their shifts to cover peak times. Committee members mentioned the peak activity seems to be on Sundays. Officer Oppenborn said they could adjust their schedules to increase patrols on Sundays. Trash Cans at the Beach - By 6-0 vote, Member Macklin made a motion to request trash cans be placed at the base of the seawall and top of the stairway with twice-daily pickups. Staff member Jantz will send a memo to the City Manager with this recommendation. Beach Preservation Committee Minutes May 4, 2004 Page 2 Sanitize Beach - Sand Dragging - Member George asked Staff Member Jantz to recommend the City drag the beach daily to sanitize and clean the sand. Staff member Jantz indicated the city currently does not maintain the beaches or have the equipment to drag the beaches. The maintenance crews from State Parks should address this issue. Also, there were concerns this practice was environmentally unacceptable. Visioning Workshop - The Committee confirmed the date of May 8, 2004 for the Visioning Workshop with a start time of 9:00 a.m. and ending at 3:00 p.m. Staff member Jantz will confirm the location and catering. Staff Member Eric Munoz will be the facilitator. Opportunistic Sand Program - Staff member Jantz reported the consultant firm Moffatt and Nichol Engineers was chosen to gain permits from the resource agencies. The consultant contract should be considered by the City Council in the next 30 days. The City will be utilizing approximately $55,000 in excess funds previously received from Kim Sterrett, representative of the State of California, Department of Boating and Waterway. Public Education Video - The Committee discussed putting together a ten to fifteen minute prepared presentation of benefits of Carlsbad Beaches. The presentation can be used during meetings with the Chamber of Commerce, business merchant organizations, hotel and tourism groups, and even public school classes. Carlsbad Day at the Fair, June 30, 2004 - The Committee declined participation due to limited interest and opportunity. Seaside Celebration - The Committee confirmed participation at the May 22nd Seaside Celebration held adjacent to the Tamarack Beach Parking lot. Staff Member Jantz will make the proper arrangements with the Parks Department for a space. By an approved 6-0 vote Member Macklin made the motion to approve $500.00 for Member Andrews to take additional beach aerial photography for Committee archives and to be used as a backdrop for the booth. Member Andrews will coordinate set up and tear down and booth time schedule with Members Carroll, Campbell, Macklin and George. Member George researched souvenir giveaways of beach balls with "I Love Carlsbad's Beaches" with the City logo. The cost for 500 units would be approximately $750.00. Committee Member Erhardt proposed that ConVis could pay for the beach balls. Staff Member Jantz will coordinate ordering the balls. 2. COMMITTEE MEMBER COMMENTS North County Times Article - Beach Tourism - Member Erhardt brought in a North County Times article by Tim Mayor, dated 4/11/04 on Beach Tourism driving a $200M stealth industry. The article supports the value of a well-maintained beach for tourism funds. Staff member Guzman will distribute the article with the April minutes. Smoking Ban at the Beach - Member Campbell recommended "Smoking Ban at the Beach" as agenda item for the May 11, 2004 Beach Preservation meeting. Buena Vista Lagoon Management Plan - Member Carroll discussed with the Committee the status of the Buena Vista Lagoon Feasibility Study. Among other findings, the plan for either option will require dredging of the lagoon and there is a possibility the sand would be placed on the Carlsbad and Oceanside beaches. The feasibility study will be complete in the next few months then proceed to the environmental and permitting phases. 3. PUBLIC COMMENT: None Beach Preservation Committee Minutes May 4,2004 Page 3 ADJOURNMENT/NEXT MEETING By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 5:30 p.m. The next meeting of the Beach Preservation Committee will be Tuesday, May 11, 2004, 4:00 p.m. at the City of Carlsbad Faraday Administration Building, (1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, 92008). BELINDA GUZMAN Administrative Secretary