HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-12-14; Beach Preservation Committee; MinutesMINUTES OF: BEACH PRESERVATION COMMITTEE DATE OF MEETING: December 14,2004 TIME OF MEETING: 4:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 4:00 p.m. ROLL CALLT Present Members: Bud Carroll, Bruce Macklin, Jon Campbell, Ed Andrews and Angela Lockhart Absent Members: Dick Erhardt Guests: None Staff: Steve Jantz and Belinda Guzman APPROVAL OF MINUTES: 4-0, Carroll/Macklin The Committee first welcomed new member Angela Lockhart. Second, at the request of Member Carroll, Member Andrews was asked to preside over the meeting as acting Chair due to Member Erhardt's absence. By a 4-0 vote (Lockhart abstain), the Committee approved the minutes of the November 9, 2004 meeting. 1. 2005 GOALS AND OBJECTIVES: Staff member Jantz distributed copies of the Committee's 2004 Goals and Objectives Program and a draft paper outlining various talking points the Committee discussed at their November meeting. In addition, Member Carroll distributed a draft memo highlighting facts from reports prepared by Dr. Phillip King at San Francisco State University. The purpose of the draft reports was to allow the Committee to consider and debate issues they have discussed since their visioning workshop held in May 2004. The Committee spent a considerable amount of time reviewing and discussing the points they want to further explore and fold into their 2005 Goals and Objectives Program. Member Campbell volunteered to review the three reports and coalesce the information into one form. The Committee will review the information at their January meeting and propose revisions to their upcoming annual goal statement. Staff recommended the Committee identify the top three issues to focus on in the upcoming year. The Committee proposed contacting Dr. Phillip King to discuss the viability of conducting an economic analysis of the Carlsbad beach. The economic study can be used to support potential grant applications and future enhancement opportunities. The Committee felt it important to conduct such an analysis and also include a survey of beach visitors to get an understanding of where people come from and why they visit the local beach. Member Carroll volunteered to contact Dr. King. The Committee wanted to further investigate methods of obtaining actual beach attendance records. Member Campbell reminded the Committee of a recent study performed by the City of Encinitas. Encinitas installed counters at public access stairways to their beaches. Based on the results, Encinitas projected the number of visitors to its shoreline and conducted an economic analysis of monies spent by each visitor. This information will be used to support future grant applications. The Committee established a subcommittee (Members Macklin, Carroll and Lockhart) to review the program in Encinitas and propose a method to obtain usage data for the Carlsbad beaches. 2. BUENA VISTA LAGOON: Member Carroll distributed a draft letter he recommends sending to the City Council for the Committees consideration. The draft letter described potential impacts created with various alternatives being considered in the future Buena Vista Lagoon Restoration Plan. Member Carroll requested permission to send the letter to the Council and meet with Council members Ann Kulchin, Matt Hall and Mark Packard to discuss in further detail. Member Carroll provided a brief report of the potential issues with the tidal flushing scenarios currently being considered in the Restoration Plan. The Restoration Plan evaluated keeping the lagoon as a fresh water body, make the lagoon a salt-water regime with tidal flushing of all basins, or construct a mixture of salt water west of 1-5 and fresh water east of the freeway. According to the plan, construction of rock jetties at the mouth of the lagoon would be necessary to ensure proper tidal flushing with two of the three proposed water regimes. Member Carroll explained the construction of rock groins necessary to provide adequate exchange of water to allow for tidal flushing would increase erosion on the south side of the jetties and also eliminate north/south public access along the coastline. The Buena Vista Lagoon Foundation however is supporting any alternative that increases the amount of water in the lagoon. Member Carroll indicated the selection of the "Preferred Alternative" would be derived after a number of community workshops and further evaluation of the impacts of the final three alternatives. Member Carroll recommends the city's representatives on the Buena Vista Lagoon Joint Powers Committee should be briefed on the impacts associated with the construction of groins. By a 5-0 vote (Campbell/Macklin), Member Carroll was authorized to send the letter to the City Council and meet to discuss the particulars of the proposed impacts with members of the City Council. 3. SHORELINE PRESERVATION COMMITTEE: Member Campbell provided a brief summary of the Shoreline Preservation Committee meeting of December 2, 2004. The key highlights were: a status report on the regional Sand Compatibility and Opportunistic Use Program (SCOUP) by Moffatt & Nichol Engineers, a report by the City of Encinitas regarding their investigation of biological impacts from the Regional Beach Sand Project, and a discussion of possible funding strategies to support future regional sand replenishment activities. The next meeting of the Shoreline Preservation Committee is scheduled for February 5, 2005. 4. PROGRAM/PROJECT UPDATES: Opportunistic Sand Program - Staff member Jantz indicated the Special Use Permit application has been submitted and staff is working to get the project to the Planning Commission in late March or early April. Coastal MOU's and Beach Budgets - No report. Local Lifeguard Program - No report. • TOT Analysis - No report 5. COMMITTEE MEMBER COMMENTS: None 6. PUBLIC COMMENT: None ADJOURNMENT/NEXT MEETING By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 5:25 p.m. The next meeting of the Beach Preservation Committee will be Tuesday, January 11, 2005 at 4:00 p.m. in the City of Carlsbad Faraday Administration Building^oom 173-A (1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, 92008). STEVEN JANTZ Associate Engineer