HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-02-08; Beach Preservation Committee; MinutesMINUTES OF: BEACH PRESERVATION COMMITTEE
DATE OF MEETING: February 8, 2005
CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 4:04 p.m.
Present Members: Bud Carroll, Bruce Macklin, Jon Campbell, Ed Andrews, Dick Erhardt and
Angela Lpckhart
Absent Members: Mike Sullivan
Guests: Mike Howse, Hoffman Planning; Susan Grant, Coast News; Norm Duncan,
Staff: Steve Jantz
Staff distributed a memo from Member Sullivan.
Member Andrews voiced concerns about a statement in the minutes regarding how the goals
are ranked among other goals. After Committee discussion, the statement in the minutes was
not changed.
Member Macklin commented on his statement from last meeting regarding the potential groins
for the Buena Vista Lagoon Restoration Project. Member Macklin recommended the minutes
be revised to more accurately indicate his statement as follows: The Committee should not go
on record recommending against groins.
By proper motion (Macklin/Andrews) the minutes of the January 11, 2005 meeting were
approved as amended by a 6-0 vote.
The Committee considered a proposal from Dr. King to conduct beach economic study.
Member Campbell requested a status of the Committee's budget situation. Staff provided a
history of previous budget expenditures and stated there are adequate funds from the FY
2004/05 budget to cover the cost of the project. Staff further briefed the Committee on the
process of approving the contract through city administration. A meeting was scheduled with
management staff to review the proposal and budget, to gain approval of sole sourcing through
Purchasing, and the process to get the contract approved. Staff recommends a contract be
approved with the original scope and include additional tasks 1, 2 and 3.
Jon Campbell recommends the Committee move forward on the contract expeditiously.
Member Andrews also supports the proposal but would like an opportunity to review the survey
questionnaire. Member Andrews concern is to make sure the survey is applicable to our
coastline. Also, Member Andrews thinks the contract may not cover the costs of the study and
hopes no additional funds are requested. Member Erhardt suggested a meeting with Dr. King
for questions from the Committee. Is there an option for the BPC to get involved in the design
process? After discussion, staff will set a meeting with Dr. King and/or invite him to a future
Committee meeting.
Member Macklin briefed the Committee on a discussion he had with Brian Leslie. Member
Macklin also provided copies of a proposal from Brain Leslie for the installation of laser
counters at 3 access points to the Carlsbad beach. Member Macklin stated it would be
important to have actual counts rather that the estimate within the Dr. King proposal. The
Committee discussed the benefits of actual counts over the estimates. Member Macklin asked
if there is a possibility to include Brian Lesley into the contract with Dr. King. Staff, responding
to the questions, indicated there is not budget available for a contract with Brian Leslie as well
as the issue of capital purchases for the laser counters.
After a motion (Campbell/Andrews), with a 5-1 vote (Macklin) the Committee recommended the
city enter into a contract with Dr. King for the preparation of an economic study of the Carlsbad
beaches in the amount of $27,480. The Committee also requested Brian Leslie be invited to
the March meeting and provide a brief report on his program with Encinitas.
Staff provided a brief summary of past budget requests and outlined a proposed budget for FY
2005/06. The items in the budget include funds for ongoing monitoring programs (both local
and regional), membership in CSBPA and CalCoast, a sum for as-needed consultant services,
and registration for the annual CSPBA conference in Dana Point and the national ASBPA
conference in San Francisco.
Member Macklin proposed increasing the budget to cover costs for a visitor counting program
with Brian Leslie and suggested doubling the estimate for consultant services to $50,000. After
discussion, the Committee expressed concern about requesting an increase in budget based
on current financial situation of city. Staff indicated this is not the only way of requesting funds.
The Committee can propose a program and request funds from the Council at any time of the
year. The budget is to cover normal annual expenses.
By proper motion (Andrews/Carroll), with a 5-1 vote (Macklin) the Committee approved their FY
2005/06 budget and recommended forwarding to the Engineering Department for inclusion in
the annual operating budget.
Member Campbell provided a summary of the Sandag Shoreline Preservation Committee
meeting of February 3, 2005. Highlights were: Presentation of award to Terry Johnson for work
on the Committee, a presentation by John Robertus of the Regional Water Quality Control
Board on the proper requirements to use material from desilt basins for beach nourishment
activities, Beach Replenishment alternative funding strategies, a presentation from Moffatt &
Nichol on their efforts to develop a Sand Compatibility and Opportunistic Use Program
(SCOUP), and a brief legislative update from CalCoast. The next meeting of the Shoreline
Preservation Committee is Thursday, April 7th.
Opportunistic Sand Program - Staff provided a summary of the status of the Opportunistic Sand
Program. Staff indicated the State Parks and Recreation Department brought up an issue
regarding an archeological study identifying a potential impact to a shell layer. Staff is currently
investigating the find and will provide a mitigation measure to ensure minimal impact, if the site
is deemed significant. The consultant is also reviewing operational methods to get the trucks
down the bluff from the existing roadway. Staff will provide updates as the project progresses.
Photo Documentation of beaches - Member Andrews provided a proposal to take photographs
of the beaches for future reference and to be included in future presentations. The estimated
cost for the proposal is $700. After discussion, the Committee voted 5-0 (Macklin/Carroll -
Andrews abstain) to authorize funding the beach photography efforts.
Buena Vista Lagoon - Member Carroll provided a summary of a meeting with Council
members Sigafoose and Packard regarding potential impacts to the beaches as a result of the
construction of groins with the Buena Vista Lagoon Restoration Project. Member Carroll
indicated the representative currently do not support the jetty proposal however they recognize
the city may have little input since the lagoon is owned by the California Department of Fish
and Game. After discussion, the Committee decided not to send a letter of comment and will
follow the issue and revisit if needed.
Short term/Long term goals - Member Campbell distributed the draft re-organization of the
Goals and Objectives Program into a short-term and long-term format. Member Campbell
indicated the goals and objectives should be revised to follow the new format and he welcomes
any comments. The Committee will review the draft document and provide comments at the
next meeting.
Agua Hedionda Lagoon Jetty Extension Project - Staff indicated a draft EIR for a proposal to
extend the northern intake jetty into Agua Hedionda Lagoon was distributed for public
comment. Staff suggested a member of the Committee volunteer to review and provide
comments relative to the project's potential impacts. Member Macklin stated he received a
copy of the draft EIR and will review and provide comments at the next meeting.
Member Carroll indicated he heard the Carlsbad Police Department will be actively patrolling
the beach to enforce the posted rules.
Susan Grant stated she was interested in more information regarding the proposed Economic
Analysis with Dr. King. She is a reporter with the Coast News and wants to write an article.
Staff provided a copy of the proposal and offered to contact her in the next day to answer any
Norm Duncan addressed the Committee and asked: The photos of the beach should be
incorporated into the city's website. He mentioned the website did not highlight the beaches
and the photos would be a good addition. He suggested the Economic Study would be of
interest to the Chamber of Commerce and the Committee may want to talk to that group about
similar interests. He mentioned access to the beach can be a problem and suggested
coordinating with NCTD to investigate the possibility of getting buses to stop at beach parking
lots. Mr. Duncan was also concerned about storm water run-off and the impact to water
By proper motion, the meeting was adjourned at 6:00 p.m. The next meeting of the Beach
Preservation Committee will be Tuesday, March 8, 2005 at 4:00 p.m. in the City of Carlsbad
Faraday Administration Building, Room 173-A (1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, 92008).
Associate Engineer