HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967-10-13; Building Authority; MinutesCITY OF CARlMBo - Jfe Minutes of: ^ Carlsbad Building Au^Writy Date of Meeting: October 13, 1967 Time of Meeting: 10:00 A.M. Place of Meeting: Council Chambers The first meeting of the Carlsbad Building Authority was called to order by Chairman Peterso Members of the Board present were Peterson, Helto and Jose. Also present were City Manager Mamaux and Fritz Stradling, representing the firm of Rutan & Tucker, Attorneys at Law. Mr. Fritz Stradling reviewed the purpose of the Carlsbad Building Authority for the members of the Board members . Adoption of Roberts Rules of Order. The first order of business presented by Mr. Stradling was the adoption of Rules of Order for conducting al" meetings of the Authority. By motion of the Board, Roberts Rules of Order 'were adopted for conducting all meetings of the Carlsbad Building Authority. Resolution #1 , establishing annual and regular meetings of Authority. A resolution was pre- sented, establishing the annual and regular meet- ings of the Carlsbad Building Authority. It was noted that the date for the regular meetings would be established according to the need, and it was agreed that the meetings would be held in the Council Chambers of the City Hall at the hour of 4:00- P.M. After further consideration, by motion of the Governing Board Resolution No. 1 was adopted, establishing the Annual and Regular Meetings of the Authority. Election of Officers. Nominations were submitted for the office of Vice-chairman and Secretary. By common consent of the members E. H. Jose, Jr. was elected Vice-chairman and C. R. Helton was elected Secretary of the Governing Board of the Carlsbad Building Authority. Appointment of Special Counsel. Mr. Stradling pointed out the firm of Rutan and Tucker were employed by t,he City to prepare the Joint Exer- cise of Powers Agreement between the City of Carlsbad and the County of San Diego, creating the Carlsbad Building Authority. A letter was sent to the City Council in regards to their fee as Special Counsel for preparing the Agreement, as well as their fee as Special -Counsel for the Authority. It is necessary that Special Counsel be appointed for the Authority. Upon motion of the Board it was agreed that the firm of Rutan & Tucker be appointed as Special Council for the Governing Board of the Carlsbad Building Authority, in accordance with the terms set forth in. the letter addressed to the City Council dated August 11, 1967. Review of Financing Program, including Calendar of Proceedings. Mr. Stradling reviewed the finan financing program, and presented a calendar of proceedings. It was noted the bids for the City Hall and Police Facilities would be received on October 18, 19'67. The Building Committee would \V\\\\ ' \ v -v \ \ > Member ^^o^\< i. ' , Peterson He! ton Jose Peterson Helton Jose Peterson Helton Jose ing X X X ^<%> X X X X X X X -2-Name of Member review the bids at their meeting scheduled for October 25, 1967,.and make their recommendation to the City Council at an adjourned regular meeting of the City Council to be held on November 7, 1967. Appointment of Financial Consultant. , After re- viewing the financing p proceedings, Mr. Stradl it was necessary for th Financial Consultant to and to handle the sale pointed out the Council rogram and calendar of ing informed the Board e Board to appoint a prepare the Prospectus of the bonds. It was previously employed the dman and Associates tofirm of William L. Fi e1 prepare a feasibility study of the project. By motion of the Board the firm of William L. Fieldman and Associates was employed as Financia' Consultants for the Authority. Employment of Title Company. By proper motion of the Board it was agreed that Title Insurance and Trust Company be -employed to furnish the necessary title insurance policies. Employment of Pointer. Mr. Stradling suggested that Jeffries Banknote Co. be engaged to do the legal printing for the proceedings. By motion of the Board Jeffries Banknote Co. was employed to do the legal printing for the pro- ceedings. App_o_i ntment of Trustee. Mr. Stradling the Board members a~Tr~ustee would have appointed moni es . to act as fiscal agent for i nformed to be al1 bond A letter from National Bank fee as fiscal the Trust Department of the U. S. was presented, setting forth their agent for the Authority. By motion of the Board the U. S. National Bank was appointed Trustee for the Authority. Adjourned meeting scheduled. Due to the fact there would be certain documents that would have to be acted upon by the Authority prior to being presented to the City Council at their meeting scheduled for November 7 , 1967, it was suggested that an adjourned meeting of the Authority be held at 4:00 P.M. on November 7, 1967, in the Council Chambers. By proper motion the meeting was adjourned to November 7, 1967 at 4:00 P.M. Respectfully submitted, V//W^ M¥r g a~Fe t E. Adams Recor/ding Secretary Peterson Helton Jose Peterson Helton Jose x Peterson Helton Jose