HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968-07-09; Building Authority; MinutesMinutes of: Date of Meeting: Time of Meeting: _P_l_a_cje_ of_ Meeti ng : (Special Meeting) Carlsbad Building Authority July 9, 1968 4:00 P.M'. Council Chambers The meeting was called to order at 5:10 P.M. by Vice Chairman Jose. Present besides the Vice Chairman was Board member Helton. Chairman Peter son was present, at 5:15 P.M. Notice of Completion. Mr. Weber, the Architect, informed the Board members they would like to file the Notice of Completion as soon as possible for the City's protection in case of any liens. Therei are some pick-up items yet to be completed, how- ever, the contractor will not receive the final ; payment unti'l these items .have been taken care of By motion of the Board, the Chairman, A. H. Peter son, was authorized to execute the Notice of Completion on behalf of the Carlsbad Bui.lding Authority, and the Secretary instructed to record the same. • Sixth Pro.gress Payment. The Sixth Progress pay- ment to'C. A. Lars en Construction Co. was present- ed for review. By proper motion authorization was given for pay- ment of the Sixth Progress payment to C. ,A. Larsen Construction Co. in the -amount of $33,327. Change Orders. Discussion was given to Change Order #6, which included 12 items, totaling $3,258.24. Mr. Weber reported that one item was still being discussed with the contractor, and the figure could vary somewhat. Jt was'- suggested that the payment of $3,400.00 be authorized and if the items listed exceeded this amount that the matter be brought back before the Board prior to any payment being made. By a unanimous vote authorization was given for the payment of Change Order #6 in the amount of $3,400.00, subject to any differences being brought back to the Board prior to payment. Summary of-Account. ofA Summary of Account from the Trust Department the United States National.Bank was presented, showing the balance on hand as of June 30, 1968 in the amount of $107,975.91. Mr. Weber stated he had discussed the account with Mr. Wilson and the Trust Department and there will be approxi- mately $800.00 earned on a time, certificate that .is due tomorrow, and an additional $1,000.00 earned interest from the savings account, bring- ing the total of funds on hand at $109,775.91. Deducting the current progress payment due, plus the final payment to the contractor and the carpeting, 'there should be a balance of $11,750.0( in the account. There will b-eo some bills coming for the furnishings already ordered, plus miscel- laneous items that are being submitted today.I a im u u b lueiiib unaL are ueiny a u um i u icu o Carpeti ng. The carpeting has been compl the statement for labor and material was ed. eted a'nd was present- Authorization was given for the payment of the carpeting in the amount of $10,824.00 to Boyd's Mara, hen Helton Peterson Jose Helton Peterson !. Jose Helton Peterson Jose Helton Peterson Jose jx xlx xjx Ix xjx IX X X X X L -2- The members of the Authority were informed there was some additional carpeting left over, and the employees in the reception the area carpeted. Boyd's will install the carpeting area would like to have were contacted and they in this area for $175 By motion of the Authority authorization was given Helton for the .i nstal 1 ati on of the carpeting in the recep-Peterson tion area in the amount of $175.00. . Jose Progress Report. Mr. Weber reported on the fol1owi ng i terns: 1. Chairs for the Council Chambers will be delivered in approximately two weeks. 2. The handrails stalled in the next for the stairs day or two. should be i n - 3. There are several small pick-up items to be completed, and Mr. Weber stated he would be at the building site each Monday to see that these items were completed. 4. v Some addi ti ona-1 the buildin-g. furniture will be needed for 5. A bill in the amount 'of $3,404.40 from the City of Carlsbad was presented for miscellaneous items' which were paid out of the General Fund of the City. One item was discussed that included janitorial supplies and the purchase of a vacuum c 1 e a n e'r with $1 ,814.02. attachments, in'the amount of Vice Chairman Jose questi onedtlie bill for the jan- itorial supplies and stated he did not feel the supplies were a permanent fixture and should not be paid from the construction fund. Chairman Peterson stated he did not feel the purchase of the vacuum cleaner was out of order. , Discussion ensued and it was suggested that / $T,.800.00 from the interest' ', earned be transfer- red to the General Fund of the City to reimburse the City for these items. By motion of the Authority authorization was giver for the transfer of $1,800.00 of interest earned monies to the General Fund of the City of Carlsbac A further motion was made authorizing payment to the City of Carlsbad for miscellaneous items in the amount of $1,288.29, disbursed by the City in connection with the construction of the building. Purchase of Building Blocks. .The Building Inspect or informed the members of the Authority there would have to be a retaining wall built along the East side of the Police parking area. The company who furnished the block for the building has some additional block "left oyer which they will sell at a reasonable cost of $688.45. All of the block X S N -^ XX^N N H a m e " j£$l of Helton Peterson •Jose He!ton Peterson Jose x x x x x x x x X X X Xx x x x -3- will not be used for this particular retaining wall, however, from time to time blocks will be needed for. other areas in the complex. Vice Chairman Jose stated he would agree to the purchase of the additional blocks provided they would be used exclusively for the Administration and Poli.ce facilities, and not for the Fire De- partment or other departments not connected with .the complex. By motion of the Board authorization was given fo purchase of additional blocks in the amount of $688.45. Furniture and Equipment. Mr. Baldwin, City Pur- chasing Agent, presented a list of items needed for the new faci.lit-ies, i.e., furniture for the reception area, tabl'es for Engineering Department drafting, tables, filing cabinet for the vault, and a key case. Mr. Baldwin pointed out the key case and filing cabinet for the vault are needed as soonaspossible. By motion of the Board members authorization was given for the purchase of the key case and filing cabinet, and it was agreed -that bids be submitted for the remaining items. Adjournment. By proper S: 40 P.M. .moti on the meeting was adjourned at Respectfully submitted, MARSRET E. ADAMS Rec(pVding Secretary of Helton Peterson Jose PICK UP ITEMS CAHLSBAD CIVIC CENTER JULY 9, 1968 1. Cut flashing at roof to expose scuppers,,, 2. Paint interior of equipment zoom. 3. Install signs, plaques, directory. 40 Patch, wall in police facility, 5. Finish P. A. System at police door. 60 Issue credit on cork. 7. Panel designation and instructions, 8. Electric cover plates. 90 Hand rails to be installed.