HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968-08-12; Building Authority; MinutesCITY OF CARLSBAD ^ Minutes of: • Carlsbad Building Aut^p-ity Date of MeetiW: August 12, 1968 Time of Meeting: 4:30 P.M. , . Place of Meeting: Council Chambers The meeting was called to'order at 4:30 P.M. by Vice Chairman Jose.'" Director Helton was present besides the Vice Chairman. Chairman Peterson was absent;. Also. present was James Weber, Architect. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: - - "' - ' Minutes of the regular meeting held July 9, 1968, were approved as corrected. PAYMENT OF- BILLS: Mr. Weber presented and discussed the following bills: 'Whit Electric Co. A bill in the amount of $148.5 was for additional electrical work that was not-a part of the contract. By proper motion authorization was given for pay- ment of the Whit Electric Co. bill in the amount • of $148.50. Anderson and Robinson. Drains had to be install- ed in the cells of the Police Department and the cost for this- work was $300.00. By proper motion authorization was given for pay- ment in the amount of $300.00 to .Anderson and Robinson". Change Order #7." Change Order #7 was presented and Mr. Weber advised these items had been pre- vously discussed as they were not a part of the contract price, but were additional improvements to the bui 1 di ng . By motion of the Authority Change Order #7 was approved in the. amount of $1,012.61. Hackett Ceiling and Lighting, Inc. A bill was submitted last June by Hackett Ceiling and Light- ing, Inc. in the amount of $300.00. Mr. Weber stated it was his feeling the bill was too high. Some additional work was done in the North wing of the building and they have now submitted a bill in the amount of $400.00. Several discussior have beeri held with the firm concerning this bill, and it was Mr. Weber s recommendation that the sum of $200.00 be paid and he would send a letter accompanying the check informing the company this was all the City would pay. By motion of the Authority authorization was giver 'for payment of $200.00 to Hackett Ceiling and Lighting, Inc., as recommended by Mr. Weber. Change Order #6. Change Order #6 was prpspnt.pri and the Authority was advised by Mr. Weber the items on the Change Order were discussed at the previous meeting.. One of the items included the handrails for the outside stairs, and at the last meeting he was given authorization to negotiate with the contractor. The stairs are going to have to be redone. It was Mr. Weber's recommendation that the contractor's final payment be reduced $1,000.00 until the stairs have been completed to the satisfaction of the City. * \ \ * •> of Vp| Member x^< , -Hel ton Jose Helton Jose Hel ton Jose Hel ton Jose s Hel ton Jose i iiii[ I '•xlY « Yliii i II IIii|iY*1 A| "!\IIx! xjiiII Hxj xj,' 1• i ii I! ii 1,1x ; xj i iII i ii • i ! *; -2- By motion of the Authority Change Order #6 was. approved in the amount of $2,970.44. Final Payment to Contractor. Final payment to C. A. Larsen Construction Co. in the amount of $-41,137.60 was presented. Following discussion ;it was agreed that $40,000.00 be paid until such time as the stairs have /ccftiffPl eted in a satisfac- tory condi ti on. " V- By motion of the Authority authorization was give for payment to C. A. .Larsen Construction Co. in the amount of $40,000.00. Plaque for Police Department. The Chief of Police has requested..that a plaque be placed on the North section of the building designating department. A wood plaque can be made Helton Jose He!ton Jose "Police" at a cost of $71 .93. By proper motion authorization was. given for a wood plaque designating "Police" department in the amount of $71 .93. Miscellaneous Bills. Miscellaneous bills for furniture and' office equipment were presented in the amount of $8,903.78 Helton Jose After consideration by the tion was given for payment amount of $8,903.78. Authority, authoriza- of the. bi 11 s in the Helton Jose Dedication Ceremonies. A request was made that an invitation to the Dedication Ceremonies be extended to Mr. Rush, who installed the Flag Pole for the complex. Adjournment. - • By proper motion the meeting was adjourned at 5:48 P.M. Respectfully submitted, MARGARET E. ADAMS Reco/ding Secretary !x X x x x x