HomeMy WebLinkAbout1971-07-13; Building Authority; MinutesMinutes of: Date of Meetingf Time of Meeting: Place of Meeting: (Adjourned Meeting) Carlsbad Building Authority July 13, 1971 5:00 P.M. Council Chambers The meeting was called to order by Vice Chairman Peterson at 5:05 P.M. Present besides the Vice Chairman was Director Jose. Director Helton was absent; The Vice Chairman announced this meet.ing was called for the purpose of approving the annual audit for fiscal year ending June 30, 1970, and for election.of officers for.fi.scal year 1971-72. •APPROVAL OF MINUTES heldMeetings 1971 were Minutes of the Special January 25, 1971 and February 10, approved as submitted. APPROVAL OF AUDIT: At the meeting held January 25, 1971 the Authority requested a . clarification as to the Interest Fund shown in parenthesis. The Auditor of the Authority reported this was discussed with Mr. Carroll of Carroll & Brantley, Certified Public Accountants who prepared the Audit, and the interest fund had been depleted in the amount of $3,857.00 as of June 30, 1970. Therefore, -the City has been instructed to increas its annual payment from $34,000 per year to $36,000 this next fiscal year to take care of this deficit. Also the'Reserve Fund has earned $.J,8.89 as of June 30, 1970, and this" amount.should"be transferred to.the Interest, F-und, as it is only necessary to carry $20,800 in this fund. A check in the amount of $1,525.44 the City of Carlsbad to be Fund account, -and" with the $;1 ; 88.9 ..00, th'is will take of June 30, 1971. • has been received from placed in~ the Interest transfer of the care of the deficit as By proper motion authorizationwas given to trans- fer the sum of $1,889.00 as of June 30, 1970 from the Reserve Fund to the Interest Fund. Approval was'gi-ven to .the Audit Report as of June 30, 1970, as submitted by Carroll & Brantley. ELECTION OF OFFICERS. It was the concensus of the members present that the election of officers, be deferred until .all the members were present. ANNUAL MEETING: Director Jose requested.that an Agenda be prepared for the annual meeting in November. ADJOURNMENT: By proper motion the meeting was adjourned at 5:32 P.M. to Tuesday, Ju.ly 27, 1971 at 5:00 P Respectfully submitted, M. MARGARET E. ADAMS Recording Secretary Josec:i Peterson Jose Peterson Jose P-e t e r s o n Jose Peterson